

Words — 19852 found

1. river; streamOnly applies to かわ
  • この
  • かわ
  • あの
  • かわ
  • さんばい3倍
  • なが長い
This river is three times longer than that one.
2. River; the ... riversuffix used with the names of rivers
  • かわ
  • 阿賀野
  • かわ
  • どちら
  • なが長い
  • ですか
Which is longer, the Shinano River or the Agano River?
3. Gawa
Wikipedia definition
4. RiverA river is a natural watercourse, usually freshwater, flo... Read more
Other forms
川 【がわ】河 【かわ】河 【がわ】
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1. room; chamber
  • へや部屋
  • はい入った
Mayuko entered the room.
2. apartment; flat; pad
  • わたし私の
  • へや部屋
  • かい
  • あります
My apartment is on the fourth floor.
3. stableSumo, Abbreviation, See also 相撲部屋
Wikipedia definition
4. RoomA room is any distinguishable space within a structure. U... Read more
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Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
1. to raise; to elevateSee also 手を挙げる
  • しつもん質問
  • あれば
  • みぎて右手
  • 挙げて
  • くだ下さい
If you have a question, please raise your right hand.
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
2. to do up (one's hair)See also 髪を上げる
  • かみ
  • 上げた
  • ほう
  • わたし
  • 好き
I also prefer it with the hair worn up.
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
3. to fly (a kite, etc.); to launch (fireworks, etc.); to surface (a submarine, etc.)
  • はなび花火
  • しほうはっぽう四方八方
  • あげられた
The fireworks were set off on all sides.
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
4. to land (a boat)
  • かれ彼ら
  • その
  • ふね
  • きし
  • あげた
They drew the boat on the beach.
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
5. to deep-fryOnly applies to 揚げる
  • この
  • とりにく鶏肉
  • よく
  • あげ揚げられている
This chicken is fried well.
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
6. to show someone (into a room)
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
7. to givePolite (teineigo) language, Usually written using kana alone, Only applies to 上げる
  • あなた
  • とき時には
  • いもうと妹さん
  • こづかい
  • あげます
Do you sometimes give your sister money?
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
8. to send someone (away)
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
9. to enrol (one's child in school); to enroll
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
10. to increase (price, quality, status, etc.); to develop (talent, skill); to improve
  • その
  • みせ
  • ねだん値段
  • ぜんぶ全部
  • 上げた
The store raised all the prices.
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
11. to make (a loud sound); to raise (one's voice)See also 声を上げる
  • かれ
  • ひめい悲鳴
  • あげて
  • 逃げて
  • 行った
He cried out and ran away.
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
12. to earn (something desirable)
  • かれ
  • りっぱ立派な
  • せいせき成績
  • 上げた
He got wonderful results.
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
13. to praise
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
14. to give (an example, etc.); to citeusu. 挙げる
  • きしゃ記者
  • れい
  • ひと1つ
  • あげて
  • くださいます
Reporter: Can you give me an example?
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
15. to summon up (all of one's energy, etc.)usu. 挙げる
  • ぜんりょく全力
  • あげて
  • たたかえ
Fight with all your might.
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
16. to arrestOnly applies to 挙げる
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
17. to nominateOnly applies to 挙げる
  • わたし
  • かんがえ考えられる
  • こうほしゃ候補者
  • として
  • ポール
  • 挙げた
I put Paul's name forward as a possible candidate.
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
18. to summon (for geishas, etc.)Usually written using kana alone, Only applies to 揚げる
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
19. to offer up (incense, a prayer, etc.) to the gods (or Buddha, etc.)Only applies to 上げる
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
20. to bear (a child)
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
21. to conduct (a ceremony, esp. a wedding)usu. 挙げる
  • わたし
  • せんげつ先月
  • けっこんしき結婚式
  • 挙げました
I held a wedding ceremony last month.
Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb
22. (of the tide) to come in
Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb, Transitive verb
23. to vomit
Auxiliary verb, Ichidan verb
24. to do for (the sake of someone else)Usually written using kana alone, Polite (teineigo) language, after the -te form of a verb
  • ときかた解き方
  • おし教えて
  • あげる
I will show you how to solve it.
Suffix, Ichidan verb
25. to complete ...See also 作り上げる, after the -masu stem of a verb
Suffix, Ichidan verb
26. to humbly do ...Humble (kenjougo) language, See also 申し上げる, after the -masu stem of a humble verb to increase the level of humility
Wikipedia definition
27. Deep fryingDeep frying is a cooking method in which food is submerge... Read more
Other forms
挙げる 【あげる】揚げる 【あげる】
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1. language; dialectSee also 言語
  • ことば言葉
  • いちめん一面
  • でんたつ伝達
  • しようとする
  • いし意志
  • である
  • かれ
  • 言う
"One aspect of language is an intent to communicate," he says.
2. word; phrase; expression; term
  • ことば言葉
  • 出て
  • こなかった
Words failed me.
3. speech; (manner of) speaking; (use of) language
  • らんぼう乱暴な
  • ことば言葉
  • つか使って
  • いけない
Don't be rough in speech.
4. words; remark; statement; comment
5. learning to speak; language acquisition
Wikipedia definition
6. Ci (poetry)Ci is a kind of lyric Classical Chinese poetry using a se... Read more
Other forms
詞 【ことば】辞 【ことば】言葉 【けとば】
詞: Rarely-used kanji form. 辞: Rarely-used kanji form. けとば: Out-dated or obsolete kana usage.
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Common word JLPT N5 Wanikani level 2 Play audio Show 64 collocations Links
1. eye; eyeball
  • かのじょ彼女
  • きれいな
  • している
She has beautiful eyes.
2. eyesight; sight; visionSee also 目が見える
  • みみ
  • くち
  • ふじゆう不自由
  • だった
Helen Keller was blind, deaf and mute.
3. look; stare; gaze; glance
  • かれ
  • すうはい崇拝
  • かのじょ彼女
  • なが眺めた
He regarded her with worship in his eyes.
4. notice; attention; observation; eyes (of the world, public, etc.)
5. an experience
6. viewpoint
7. discrimination; discernment; judgement; eye (e.g. for quality)
8. (an) appearance
9. chance (of success); possibility (of a good result)See also 目がない
10. spacing (between crossed strands of a net, mesh, etc.); opening; stitch; texture; weaveSee also 編み目
11. grain (of wood, paper)
12. eye (of a storm, needle, etc.)
13. intersection (on a go board); square (on a chessboard)
14. dot (on a dice); pip; rolled number
15. graduation; division (of a scale)
16. tooth (of a saw, comb, etc.)
17. ordinal number suffix
  • ふた2つ
  • かど
  • みぎ
  • 曲がり
  • なさい
Turn right at the second corner.
18. somewhat; -ishUsually written using kana alone, See also 大きめ, after adjective stem
19. point (e.g. of change)See also 変わり目, See also 折れ目, after -masu stem of verb
Wikipedia definition
20. EyeEyes are organs that detect light and convert it into ele... Read more
Other forms
眼 【め】
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Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Intransitive verb
1. to run
  • あの
  • はし走ってる
  • しょうねん少年
  • ごらんなさい
Look at that boy running.
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Intransitive verb
2. to run (of a vehicle); to drive; to travel; to move; to sail
  • この
  • れっしゃ列車
  • とうきょう東京
  • おおさか大阪
  • あいだ
  • はし走ります
This train runs between Tokyo and Osaka.
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Intransitive verb
3. to rush (to); to dash; to race
  • かれ
  • バス
  • めざ目指して
  • けんめい懸命に
  • はし走った
He made a dash for the bus.
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Intransitive verb
4. to retreat; to flee; to defect (to)
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Intransitive verb
5. to run away; to abscond; to elopeocc. 奔る
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Intransitive verb
6. to flash (of lightning); to streak; to shoot (through; e.g. of pain); to run (through); to flare; to flit (e.g. across one's face); to spread quickly (of news, shock, etc.)
  • ふる震え
  • せすじ背筋
  • はし走った
A shiver ran down my spine.
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Intransitive verb
7. to go (e.g. bad, to extremes); to become; to turn; to take to (e.g. crime); to get carried away by (e.g. one's emotions); to get involved in; to get wrapped up inas 〜に走る; occ. 趨る
  • 耐えられない
  • あっぱく圧迫
  • から
  • のが逃れる
  • ために
  • じさつ自殺
  • はし走る
  • こども子供たち
  • いる
Some children resort to suicide in order to escape from unbearable pressure.
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Intransitive verb
8. to run (through; of a road, street, etc.); to extend (e.g. of a mountain range); to stretch; to lie
  • みち
  • くねくねと
  • はたけ
  • なか
  • はし走っていた
The road wound through the fields.
Wikipedia definition
9. RunningRunning is a means of terrestrial locomotion allowing hum... Read more
Other forms
奔る 【はしる】疾る 【はしる】趨る 【はしる】
奔る: Rarely-used kanji form. 疾る: Rarely-used kanji form. 趨る: Rarely-used kanji form.
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1. road; path; street; lane; passage
  • みち
  • きゅうしゃめん急斜面
  • ジグザグ
  • のぼっていた
The path zigzagged up the steep slope.
2. route; way
  • じんせい人生
  • おも重い
  • せお背負って
  • とお遠い
  • みち
  • 行く
  • ような
  • もの
One's life is like going far with a burden on one's back.
3. distance; journey
4. road (e.g. to victory); course
5. way (of living, proper conduct, etc.); moral principles
6. teachings (esp. Confucian or Buddhist); dogma
7. field (e.g. of medicine); subject; speciality
8. means; way; method
Wikipedia definition
9. DiameterIn geometry, a diameter of a circle is any straight line ... Read more
Other forms
途 【みち】路 【みち】径 【みち】
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Noun, Counter
1. mountain; hill
  • わたし
  • もり
  • なか
  • はい入って
  • やま
  • かけあ駆け上がった
  • こと
  • こうかい後悔
  • していない
  • おとうと
  • こた答えた
"I do not regret having gone into the forest and up the mountain," replied the younger brother.
Noun, Counter
2. mine
Noun, Counter
3. (mountain) forest
  • それ
  • おかねお金
  • やま
  • かきあつかき集める
  • ために
  • もち用いられた
It was used for raking together heaps of money.
Noun, Counter
4. heap; pile; stack; mountain
5. protruding or high part of an object; crown (of a hat); thread (of a screw); tread (of a tire)
6. climax; peak; critical point
  • うまく
  • あの
  • せんせい先生
  • やま
  • 当てた
  • わね
You've sure got the teacher's number.
7. guess; speculation; gamble
8. (criminal) case; crimeSlang, Usually written using kana alone, police and crime reporter jargon; usu. written as ヤマ
9. mountain climbing; mountaineering
10. festival float (esp. one mounted with a decorative halberd)See also 山鉾
11. deck (from which players draw cards); draw pile; stockCard games, See also 山札
12. wall; wall tileMahjong
Noun, used as a prefix
13. wildbefore the name of a plant or animal
Wikipedia definition
14. MountainError: image is invalid or non-existent A mountain is a l... Read more
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1. foot; paw; arm (of an octopus, squid, etc.)esp. 足
  • また
  • あし
  • しびれた
My foot's asleep again!
2. legesp. 脚, 肢
  • ~、
  • イマイチ
  • なんだ
  • ねえ
  • この
  • あし
  • あたり
  • せん
  • とか
  • さぁ
  • なんとかなんない
This drawing is less than great. He needs to do something with the line here at the back of the leg.
3. gait
4. pace
5. lower radical of a kanjiusu. 脚
6. means of transportation; (one's) rideOnly applies to 足
7. money; coinColloquial, See also お足, usu お〜
Wikipedia definition
8. FootThe foot (plural feet) is an anatomical structure found i... Read more
Other forms
脚 【あし】肢 【あし】
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Noun, Suru verb, Intransitive verb
1. walk; stroll
Wikipedia definition
2. StrollingStrolling is walking along or through at a leisurely pace... Read more
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Common word JLPT N5 Wanikani level 1 Play audio Show 46 collocations Links
1. mouth
  • いす椅子
  • よこ横たわる
  • わたし
  • しかえいせいし歯科衛生士
  • じょせい女性
  • はい
  • くち
  • 開けて
  • ください
  • 言った
  • のです
The woman dental hygienist said to me, lying down in the chair, "Right, please open your mouth."
2. opening; hole; gap; orifice
  • わたし私たち
  • そのまま
  • どうくつ洞窟
  • くち
  • ボート
  • つっこ突っ込んで
  • 行きました
We plunged into the cave opening on our boat and continued on.
3. mouth (of a bottle); spout; nozzle; mouthpiece
  • びん
  • くち
  • まで
  • いっぱい
  • はい入れて
  • くうき空気
  • 入らない
  • ようにし
  • なさい
Fill the bottle to the top so as to exclude all air.
4. gate; door; entrance; exit
5. speaking; speech; talk (i.e. gossip)See also 口を利く
  • あのひとあの人
  • くち
  • はら
  • はんたい反対
He says one thing and means another.
6. taste; palateSee also 口に合う
7. mouth (to feed)
  • がいまい外米
  • ぼそぼそ
  • していて
  • にほんじん日本人
  • くち
  • には
  • 合わない
Foreign rice is hard and tasteless, and doesn't appeal to the Japanese palate.
8. opening (i.e. vacancy); available positionSee also 働き口
9. invitation; summonsSee also 口がかかる
  • あの
  • しごと仕事の
  • くち
  • まだ
  • ある
The job offer still stands.
10. kind; sort; type
11. opening (i.e. beginning)
Suffix, Counter
12. counter for mouthfuls, shares (of money), stove burners, and swords
Wikipedia definition
13. MouthThe mouth is the first portion of the alimentary canal th... Read more
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1. chair; seat; stool; bench
  • ちょっと
  • いす椅子
  • ずらして
  • くれない
Could you move the chair a bit?
2. post; position; seat; office
  • かれ
  • かなら必ず
  • だいとうりょう大統領
  • いす椅子
  • つく
  • じんぶつ人物
He is a natural to win the Presidency.
Wikipedia definition
3. ChairA chair is a raised surface used to sit on, commonly for ... Read more
Other forms
倚子 【いす】イス
倚子: Rarely-used kanji form.
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1. classroom; lecture room
  • きょうしつ教室
  • せいと生徒
  • いっぱい
  • だった
The classroom was full of pupils.
2. department (in a university)
  • きょうしつ教室
  • つか使って
  • よい
  • ですか
May we use the language lab?
3. class; lessons; course
  • エアロビクス
  • きょうしつ教室
  • いちにち一日
  • にゅうがく入学
  • したい
  • のです
I'd like to try out the aerobics class for a day.
4. school (for a particular discipline); teaching establishmentSee also 音楽教室
Wikipedia definition
5. ClassroomA classroom is a room in which teaching or learning activ... Read more
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1. stamp (postage); merchandise certificate
Wikipedia definition
2. Postage stamp1. Image 2. Perforations 3. Denomination 4. Country name]... Read more
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Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
1. white
  • ひき
  • いぬ
  • 飼っている
  • いっぴき1匹
  • しろ
  • もう
  • いっぴき1匹
  • くろ
I have two dogs. One is white and the other black.
2. innocence; innocent person
3. blank space
4. white stoneGo (game)
5. white dragon tileMahjong, See also 白 はく
6. skewered grilled pig intestineFood, cooking
Wikipedia definition
7. WhiteWhite is a color, the perception of which is evoked by li... Read more
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Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
1. black
  • ひき
  • いぬ
  • 飼っている
  • いっぴき1匹
  • しろ
  • もう
  • いっぴき1匹
  • くろ
I have two dogs. One is white and the other black.
2. black stoneGo (game)
3. guilt; guilty person
Wikipedia definition
4. BlackBlack is the color of objects that do not emit or reflect... Read more
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1. socks; sock; stockings; stocking
Wikipedia definition
2. SockA sock is an item of clothing worn on the feet. The foot ... Read more
Other forms
沓下 【くつした】
沓下: Rarely-used kanji form.
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1. police box; koban; small neighborhood police station
  • 向こう
  • こうばん交番
  • 聞いて
  • ください
Ask at the police station over there.
2. alternation
Noun or verb acting prenominally
3. alternating (current, stress, etc.)Physics
Wikipedia definition
4. KōbanA kōban is a small neighborhood police station found in J... Read more
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1. head
  • あたま
  • はな
  • さしています
Alice has a flower in her hair.
2. hair (on one's head)
  • わたし
  • 、ケン
  • つきあ付き合ってる
  • かれ
  • って
  • かっこカッコ良くて
  • やさ優しくて
  • あたま
  • いい
  • おまけに
  • どくしん独身
I'm going with Ken. He is cool, gentle and smart. What's more, he is single!
3. mind; brains; intellectOnly applies to あたま
4. leader; chief; boss; captain
5. top; tip
6. beginning; start
  • トム
  • せんしゅう先週
  • あたま
  • くるま
  • ぬす盗まれた
Tom had his car stolen early last week.
7. head; personOnly applies to あたま, See also 頭数
8. down payment; depositAbbreviation, Only applies to あたま, See also 頭金
9. top structural component of a kanjiOnly applies to かしら
10. pairMahjong, Colloquial, Only applies to あたま, See also 雀頭 ジャントー
Wikipedia definition
11. NeckThe neck is the part of the body, on many terrestrial or ... Read more
Other forms
頭 【かしら】
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1. (hard) candy; toffeeFood, cooking
2. rice-sugar; sugar made from the starch of rice, potatoes, etc.Food, cooking
3. amber; yellowish-brownAbbreviation, See also 飴色
Wikipedia definition
4. YeotYeot is a variety of hangwa, or Korean traditional confec... Read more
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Kanji — 830 found

2 strokes. JLPT N4. Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 1.
power, strength, strong, strain, bear up, exert
Kun: ちから
On: リョク リキ リイ
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5 strokes. JLPT N4. Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 1.
stand up, rise, set up, erect
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8 strokes. JLPT N5. Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 1.
study, learning, science
Kun: まな.ぶ
On: ガク
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9 strokes. JLPT N3. Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 3.
inter-, mutual, together, each other, minister of state, councillor, aspect, phase, physiognomy
Kun: あい-
On: ソウ ショウ
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Sentences — 15 found

  • jreibun/9845/3
    • びょうどう平等
    • は現在
    • ちゅうもく注目
    • されている問題の
    • ひと一つ
    • で、
    • にせんじゅうごねん2015年
    • に国連サミットで採択された「持続可能な開発目標
    • エスディージーズSDGs
    • (Sustainable Development Goals)」の
    • なか
    • にも
    • もりこ盛り込まれて
    • いる。
    Gender equality is one of the issues currently receiving attention and is included in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted at the UN Summit in 2015. Jreibun
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Names — 9819 found

エスティーマイクロエレクトロニクス 【STマイクロエレクトロニクス】
1. ST Microelectronics
Full name
1. Francis of Assisi; Saint Francis of Assisi; St. Francis of Assisi; Saint Francis; St. Francis; Giovanni di Bernardone
Full name
1. Ignatius of Loyola; Saint Ignatius of Loyola; St. Ignatius of Loyola; Loyola
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