Common word JLPT N5 Wanikani level 8 Play audio Show 13 collocations Links
- 道が窮まる - to come to a dead end
- 道を付ける - to make a road
- 道を切り開く - to open a path
- 道を失う - to lose one's way
- 道を急ぐ - to hurry on one's way
- 道を探る - to seek a path
- 道を訊く - to ask the way
- 道を遮る - to block the way
- 道を阻む - to obstruct one's way
- 道に迷う - to lose one's way
- 径の大きい - of large diameter
- 道を空ける - to make way for
- 水の道 - water way
1. road; path; street; lane; passage
- みち道
- は
- きゅうしゃめん急斜面
- を
- ジグザグ
- に
- のぼっていた 。
2. route; way
- じんせい人生
- は
- おも重い
- に荷
- を
- せお背負って
- とお遠い
- みち道
- を
- い行く
- ような
- もの
- だ 。
3. distance; journey
4. road (e.g. to victory); course
5. way (of living, proper conduct, etc.); moral principles
6. teachings (esp. Confucian or Buddhist); dogma
7. field (e.g. of medicine); subject; speciality
8. means; way; method
9. DiameterIn geometry, a diameter of a circle is any straight line segment that passes through the center of the circle and whose endpoints are on the circle. The diameters are the longest chords of the circle. The word "diameter" derives from Greek διάμετρος (diametros), "diagonal of a circle", from δια- (dia-), "across, through" + μέτρον (metron), "a measure"). In more modern usage, the length of a diameter is also called the diameter.
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途 【みち】、路 【みち】、径 【みち】
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