

Words — 256 found

1. foot; paw; arm (of an octopus, squid, etc.)esp. 足
  • また
  • あし
  • しびれた
My foot's asleep again!
2. legesp. 脚, 肢
  • ~、
  • イマイチ
  • なんだ
  • ねえ
  • この
  • あし
  • あたり
  • せん
  • とか
  • さぁ
  • なんとかなんない
This drawing is less than great. He needs to do something with the line here at the back of the leg.
3. gait
4. pace
5. lower radical of a kanjiusu. 脚
6. means of transportation; (one's) rideOnly applies to 足
7. money; coinColloquial, See also お足, usu お〜
Wikipedia definition
8. FootThe foot (plural feet) is an anatomical structure found i... Read more
Other forms
脚 【あし】肢 【あし】
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1. wallet; purse; coin purse; billfold; pocketbook
Wikipedia definition
2. WalletA wallet, or billfold, is a small, flat case that is used... Read more
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Noun, Suru verb, Intransitive verb
1. agreement; accord; correspondence; consistency; coincidence; match
  • きょうき凶器
  • のこ残された
  • しもん指紋
  • ようぎしゃ容疑者
  • もの
  • いっち一致
  • する
The fingerprints left on the weapon correspond with the suspect's.
Noun, Suru verb, Intransitive verb
2. union; unity; cooperation
  • いっち一致
  • だんけつ団結
  • して
  • なに何か
  • あたら新しい
  • こと
  • やろう
  • じゃないか
Let's close ranks and do something new.
3. Icchi
Wikipedia definition
4. Agreement (linguistics)In languages, agreement or concord is a form of cross-ref... Read more
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Noun, Na-adjective (keiyodoshi), Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
1. coincidence; chance; accident; fortuityAntonym: 必然
Adverb (fukushi)
2. by chance; unexpectedly; accidentally
3. contingencyPhilosophy
Wikipedia definition
4. Contingency (philosophy)"Contingency" and "contingent" redirect here. For other u... Read more
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1. coin
2. hard currencySee also 軟貨
Wikipedia definition
3. CoinA coin is a piece of hard material that is standardized i... Read more
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1. silver (Ag)
  • ゆうべん雄弁
  • ぎん
  • ちんもく沈黙
  • きん
Speech is silver, silence is golden.
Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
2. silver (color)See also 銀色
3. silver (medal, prize, etc.)
4. silver coinHistorical term
5. silver generalShogi, Abbreviation, See also 銀将
6. bankAbbreviation, See also 銀行
7. moneyArchaic
Wikipedia definition
8. SilverSilver is a metallic chemical element with the chemical s... Read more
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Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Transitive verb
1. to make; to produce; to manufacture; to build; to construct造る usu. for large-scale building, manufacturing, etc.; 創る usu. for creating
  • どこ
  • 行って
  • かれ
  • かなら必ず
  • ともだち友達
  • つく作る
Wherever he may go, he is sure to make friends.
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Transitive verb
2. to prepare (food); to brew (alcohol)
  • たまご
  • 割らず
  • オムレツ
  • つく作れない
You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs.
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Transitive verb
3. to raise; to grow; to cultivate; to trainSee also 野菜を作る
  • あなた
  • さいえん菜園
  • つく作れる
  • こくもつ穀物
  • やさい野菜
  • 食べて
  • せいかつ生活
  • する
  • ほう
  • ずっと
  • やすあ安上がり
It's much cheaper to live on grains and vegetables you can grow in your garden.
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Transitive verb
4. to till
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Transitive verb
5. to draw up (a document); to make out; to prepare; to write
  • ぶんぽうてき文法的に
  • ただ正しい
  • ぶんしょう文章
  • つく作る
  • よう
  • こころ心がける
  • べき
You should try to produce grammatical sentences.
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Transitive verb
6. to create (an artistic work, etc.); to compose
  • ほん
  • つく作れば
  • やす安い
  • はや早い
  • まさに
  • いっきょりょうとく一挙両得
Desktop publishing lets you produce books quickly and cheaply. It's like killing two birds with one stone.
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Transitive verb
7. to coin (a phrase); to organize; to organise; to establish; to found
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Transitive verb
8. to have (a child)
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Transitive verb
9. to make up (one's face, etc.)
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Transitive verb
10. to fabricate (an excuse, etc.)
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Transitive verb
11. to give a (false) appearance; to feign (a smile, etc.); to put on a show of emotion
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Transitive verb
12. to form (a line, etc.)
  • れいがい例外
  • つく作る
  • べきではない
  • おも思います
I insist that exceptions not be made.
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Transitive verb
13. to set (a record)
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Transitive verb
14. to commit (a sin, etc.)
Other forms
造る 【つくる】創る 【つくる】
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1. gold (Au)
Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no', Noun
2. golden; prosperous; excellent; superb
3. money (esp. ōban coin); cashSee also 大判
Wikipedia definition
4. GoldGold is a chemical element with the symbol Au and an atom... Read more
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1. surfaceAntonym:
2. face (i.e. the visible side of an object)
  • この
  • かみ
  • どちら
  • おもて
  • みわ見分けがつかない
I cannot tell which is the right side of this paper.
3. front (of a building, etc.); obverse side (i.e. "head") of a coin
  • わたし
  • その
  • もんだい問題
  • わかっていない
  • うら
  • おもて
  • くべつ区別
  • ついていない
I don't understand the problem; I could make neither head nor tail of it.
4. outside; exterior
  • いったい一体
  • なに
  • こんばん今晩
  • おもて
  • あんな
  • ひどい
  • おとをたて音をたてている
  • けんとう見当もつきません
I don't know what kind of creature is making such a terrible noise outside tonight.
5. appearance
6. public
  • ないめん内面
  • けってん欠点
  • かなら必ず
  • おもて
  • あらわ現れる
An inner defect never fails to express itself outwardly.
7. first half (of an inning); top (of an inning)Baseball, Antonym: 裏 うら
8. cover (for tatami mats, etc.)
9. foregroundComputing
10. Omotesenke school of tea ceremonyAbbreviation, See also 表千家
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1. money; currency; coin
Wikipedia definition
2. MoneyMoney is any object or record that is generally accepted ... Read more
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1. ball; sphere; globe; orb
2. bead (of sweat, dew, etc.); drop; droplet
  • かれ彼の
  • ひたい
  • には
  • たま
  • ような
  • あせ
  • 浮かんでいた
There were beads of sweat on his forehead.
3. ball (in sports)esp. 球
4. pile (of noodles, etc.)
5. bulletesp. 弾; also written as 弾丸
  • たま
  • かれ彼の
  • ほお
  • かすめた
The bullet grazed his cheek.
6. bulb (i.e. a light bulb)esp. 球
7. lens (of glasses, etc.)
8. bead (of an abacus)esp. 玉, 珠
9. ball (i.e. a testicle)Slang, Abbreviation, See also 金玉 きんたま, esp. 玉
10. gem; jewel (esp. spherical; sometimes used figuratively); pearlesp. 玉, 珠; also written as 璧
  • かんなん艱難
  • なんじ
  • たま
Adversity makes a man wise, not rich.
11. female entertainer (e.g. a geisha)
12. person (when commenting on their nature); characterDerogatory
  • こいつ
  • そんな
  • たま
  • じゃない
  • こと
  • なんて
  • とうのむかしとうの昔
  • 解っていた
  • から
That's because, you see, I've known he isn't that sort of person from a long time back.
13. item, funds or person used as part of a plot
Noun, Noun, used as a suffix
14. eggOnly applies to 玉, See also 玉子
Noun, used as a suffix, Counter
15. okonomiyakiFood, cooking, Only applies to 玉, See also お好み焼き
Noun, used as a suffix
16. coinusu. だま
  • ニッケル
  • セント
  • たま
  • です
A nickel is a five-cent coin.
Noun, used as a suffix
17. precious; beautiful; excellent
Other forms
球 【たま】珠 【たま】弾 【たま】
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1. cloth; fabric; material; textile
  • この
  • ぬの
  • 裂け
  • やすい
This cloth tears easily.
2. bujian (spade-shaped bronze coin of ancient China)Historical term, Only applies to ふ, See also 布銭
Other forms
布 【ふ】
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Godan verb with 'ku' ending, Transitive verb
1. to wind; to coil; to roll; to wear (e.g. turban, scarf)
Godan verb with 'ku' ending, Transitive verb
2. to envelope; to shroudusu. 巻かれる
Godan verb with 'ku' ending, Transitive verb
3. to outflank; to skirt
Godan verb with 'ku' ending, Transitive verb
4. to link (verse)See also 付合 つけあい
Godan verb with 'ku' ending, Intransitive verb
5. to move ahead (three hours, etc.); to move up
Other forms
捲く 【まく】
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1. counter for thin, flat objects (e.g. sheets of paper, plates, coins)
2. counter for portions of gyōza or soba
3. counter for ranksSumo
4. counter for wrestlers of a particular rankSumo
5. counter for fields or rice paddies
6. counter for palanquin bearers
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1. small change; coins
  • わたし
  • こぜに小銭
  • もちあ持ち合わせ
  • ない
I have no small change on me.
2. small sum of money
  • かれ
  • しゅうしん就寝
  • まえ
  • ポケット
  • から
  • こぜに小銭
  • とりだ取り出して
  • テーブル
  • うえ
  • どさっと
  • 置く
Before retiring he usually dumps the chicken feed from all his pockets onto the table.
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1. hair style; coiffure; hairdo
Wikipedia definition
2. HairstyleA hairstyle, hairdo, or haircut refers to the styling of ... Read more
Other forms
髪形 【かみがた】
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1. gold coin
Wikipedia definition
2. Gold coinA gold coin is a coin made mostly or entirely of gold. Go... Read more
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1. whirlpool; maelstrom; vortex; eddy; swirl
2. spiral (shape, pattern)
Wikipedia definition
3. SpiralIn mathematics, a spiral is a curve which emanates from a... Read more
Other forms
渦巻 【うずまき】
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1. gold (metal)
  • かがや輝く
  • もの
  • すべて
  • きん
  • とはかぎとは限らない
All that glitters is not gold.
2. gold (color)See also 金色
  • きねんひ記念碑
  • いちばん一番
  • うえ
  • 禎子
  • あたま
  • うえ
  • きん
  • つる
  • かざしている
On top of the statue, Sadako is holding a golden crane over her head.
3. gold (medal); first place (prize)
  • にほん日本
  • シンクロ
  • かい
  • ひがん悲願
  • である
  • きん
  • には
  • あといっぽあと一歩
  • とど届かなかった
The 'gold' yearned for by the Japanese synchronized swimming world was not quite reached.
Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
4. something of great value; something golden (e.g. silence)
5. money; gold coin
6. sum (of money)written before an amount of money
7. FridayAbbreviation, See also 金曜
  • わたし
  • げつ
  • すい
  • きん
  • いちにち一日
  • おきに
  • しごと仕事
  • します
I work every other day: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Noun, Counter
8. karat (measure of purity of gold); carat
9. metal (fourth phase of Wu Xing)See also 五行
10. Jin dynasty (of China; 1115-1234); Chin dynasty; Jurchen dynastyHistorical term
11. gold generalShogi, Abbreviation, See also 金将
12. testiclesAbbreviation, Colloquial, See also 金玉
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Kanji — 19 found

6 strokes. JLPT N3. Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 3.
both, old Japanese coin, counter for carriages (e.g., in a train), two
Kun: てる ふたつ
On: リョウ
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14 strokes. JLPT N1. Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 6.
coin, .01 yen, money
Kun: ぜに すき
On: セン ゼン
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9 strokes. JLPT N2. Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 6.
scroll, volume, book, part, roll up, wind up, tie, coil, counter for texts (or book scrolls)
Kun: ま.く まき ま.き
On: カン ケン
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12 strokes. JLPT N2. Jōyō kanji, taught in junior high.
entwine, coil around, get caught in
On: ラク
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Names — 11 found

コイクがわ 【コイク川】
1. Rio Coig
Unclassified name
1. Coignet
1. Coimbatore (India)
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