Words — 5484 found
1. fruit; nut
- おとこのこ男の子
- たち
- が 、
- わたし私の
- かきのき柿の木
- になっている
- じゅく熟した
- み実
- を
- ぜんぶ全部
- もちさ持ち去って
- しまった 。
2. seed
3. (in broth) pieces of meat, vegetable, etc.
4. content; substance
子 【み】
子: Rarely-used kanji form.
1. not yet; un-
Common word JLPT N3 Wanikani level 8 Play audio Show 41 collocations Links
- 身が入る - to make one's best effort
- 身が細る - to lose weight
- 身をかがめる - to stoop
- 身をかわす - to dodge
- 身をひそめる - to hide oneself
- 身をもって - with one's own body
- 身をやつす - to be enthralled by
- 身をよじる - to twist
- 身を乗り出す - to bend oneself forward (esp. in curiosity or excitement)
- 身を任せる - to give oneself to (esp. of a woman to a man)
- 身を伏せる - to lie face-down
- 身を修める - to order one's life
- 身を入れる - to exert oneself
- 身を削る - to undergo great hardships
- 身を厭う - to take good care of oneself
- 身を固める - to settle down
- 身を委ねる - to yield oneself to (something)
- 身を護る - to defend oneself
- 身を寄せる - to live under another's roof
- 身を寄せ合う - to go into a huddle
- 身を引く - to resign
- 身を投げる - to throw oneself (e.g. off a cliff, etc.)
- 身を投じる - to throw oneself (into an activity)
- 身を持ち崩す - to ruin oneself
- 身を捨てる - to throw away one's life
- 身を清める - to cleanse oneself
- 身を焦がす - to burn with love
- 身を焼く - to burn (with jealousy, desire, etc.)
- 身を立てる - to make a success in life
- 身を置く - to put oneself in
- 身を翻す - to turn aside adroitly
- 身を落とす - to descend
- 身を誤る - to err
- 身を起こす - to get up (e.g. from bed)
- 身を隠す - to hide oneself
- 身にしみる - to sink deeply into one's mind
- 身につく - to master (e.g. a skill)
- 身につける - to learn
- 身に余る - to be undeserved
- 身の処し方 - what action to take
- 身の振り方 - one's future course
1. one's body; one's person
2. oneself; one's appearance
3. one's place (in society, etc.); one's position
4. main part; meat (as opposed to bone, skin, etc.); wood (as opposed to bark); blade (as opposed to its handle); container (as opposed to its lid)
1. the Snake (sixth sign of the Chinese zodiac); the Serpent
3. south-southeastObsolete term
4. fourth month of the lunar calendarObsolete term
巳 【し】
Common word JLPT N5 Wanikani level 2 Play audio Show 14 collocations Links
- 水をあける - to open up a big lead (over one's opponent)
- 水を掛ける - to sprinkle water on (something)
- 水をさす - to pour water (into)
- 水をやる - to water (a plant, a flower etc.)
- 水を向ける - taking a stab at arousing someone's interest
- 水を引く - to draw water (e.g. from a river)
- 水を満たす - to fill (a glass) with water
- 水を飛ばす - to splash water
- 水と油 - incompatible
- 水に流す - to forgive and forget
- 水の泡 - coming to nothing
- 水の道 - water way
- 春の水 - lakes and torrents of spring (overflowing with water)
- 水道の水 - tap water
2. fluid (esp. in an animal tissue); liquid
3. flood; floodwaters
1. sea; ocean; waters
海 【み】、海 【わた】、海 【わだ】
み: Out-dated or obsolete kana usage. わた: Out-dated or obsolete kana usage. わだ: Out-dated or obsolete kana usage.
1. three; 3参 is used in legal documents
三 【み】、3 【さん】、3 【み】、参 【さん】、参 【み】、參 【さん】、參 【み】、弎 【さん】、弎 【み】
參: Out-dated kanji or kanji usage. 參: Out-dated kanji or kanji usage. 弎: Out-dated kanji or kanji usage. 弎: Out-dated kanji or kanji usage.
1. winnow; winnowing basket; winnowing fan
2. Mi
1. looking; viewing
2. (please) try (to)Colloquial, Usually written using kana alone, See also 見る, after the -te form of a verb; irreg. imperative conj. of 見る
1. -ness (as in "sweetness"); -th (as in "warmth"); a touch of; a tinge ofUsually written using kana alone, after an adjective stem; nominalizing suffix indicating a quality or feeling; also written with the ateji 味
2. placeUsually written using kana alone, after an adjective stem; nominalizing suffix
3. alternating between ... and ...; sometimes ... and sometimes ...Poetical term, Usually written using kana alone, as ...み...み; after the -masu stems of verbs with opposite meanings or after the -masu stem and -zu form of the same verb
1. augustHonorific or respectful (sonkeigo) language
2. beautiful
深 【み】、美 【み】
深: Ateji (phonetic) reading. 美: Ateji (phonetic) reading.
1. (sense of) taste
2. counter for kinds of food, drink or medicine
1. mi (3rd note of a major scale in movable-do solfège); meMusic, From Italian
2. E (note in the fixed-do system)Music
Common word JLPT N5 Wanikani level 8 Play audio Show 13 collocations Links
- 道が窮まる - to come to a dead end
- 道を付ける - to make a road
- 道を切り開く - to open a path
- 道を失う - to lose one's way
- 道を急ぐ - to hurry on one's way
- 道を探る - to seek a path
- 道を訊く - to ask the way
- 道を遮る - to block the way
- 道を阻む - to obstruct one's way
- 道に迷う - to lose one's way
- 径の大きい - of large diameter
- 道を空ける - to make way for
- 水の道 - water way
1. road; path; street; lane; passage
- みち道
- は
- きゅうしゃめん急斜面
- を
- ジグザグ
- に
- のぼっていた 。
2. route; way
- じんせい人生
- は
- おも重い
- に荷
- を
- せお背負って
- とお遠い
- みち道
- を
- い行く
- ような
- もの
- だ 。
3. distance; journey
4. road (e.g. to victory); course
5. way (of living, proper conduct, etc.); moral principles
6. teachings (esp. Confucian or Buddhist); dogma
7. field (e.g. of medicine); subject; speciality
8. means; way; method
途 【みち】、路 【みち】、径 【みち】
Common word JLPT N5 Wanikani level 4 Play audio Show 15 collocations Links
- 耳が痛い - being painfully-true (e.g. reprimand)
- 耳が遠い - poor hearing
- 耳が早い - being quick-eared
- 耳がダンボ - pricking up one's ears and listening
- 耳が利く - to have a sharp ear
- 耳が肥える - to have an ear for music
- 耳を傾ける - to lend an ear
- 耳を澄ます - to listen carefully
- 耳を塞ぐ - to stop (plug) one's ears
- 耳を疑う - to not believe one's ears
- 耳を貸す - to lend an ear to
- 耳にする - to hear
- 耳に入る - to hear of
- 耳の遠い - hard of hearing
- 針の耳 - eye of a needle
1. ear
- わたし私
- は
- じゅわき受話器
- を
- みみ耳
- に
- あ当てた 。
2. hearing
- みみ耳
- の
- ふじゆう不自由な
- ひと人
- は
- しゅわ手話
- で
- かいわ会話
- が
- で出きる 。
3. ear (for music, etc.)
- かれ彼等
- には
- おんがく音楽
- を
- き聴く
- みみ耳
- が
- ない 。
4. edge; crust; heel (of bread or cheese); selvedge (of woven fabric); selvage
5. ear (of a pot, jug, etc.); handle
1. green
- あなた
- は
- みどり緑
- と
- あお青
- を
- みわ見分ける
- ことができます
- か 。
2. greenery; verdure
- とうきょう東京 ミッドタウン
- は
- みどり緑
- が
- いっぱい !
翠 【みどり】、綠 【みどり】
翠: Rarely-used kanji form. 綠: Rarely-used kanji form.
1. miso; fermented condiment usu. made from soybeansFood, cooking
2. innards (from crabs, shrimps, etc.) resembling miso
3. key point; main point; good part (of something)Usually written using kana alone, usu. as ミソ
- この
- でんしじしょ電子辞書
- は
- けいたい携帯
- しやすい
- ところ
- が
- みそ味噌
- です 。
5. tryUsually written using kana alone, Slang, Jocular, humorous term, See also 見る, imperative; after the -te form of a verb; pun on 見ろ