

Words — 181 found

1. environment; surroundings; circumstances
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1. matter; thing; affair; circumstance
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1. background; scenery; backdrop; setting
2. background (of an incident, situation, etc.); circumstances; context
3. backing; support (from behind the scenes)
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1. condition; state
  • とけい時計
  • ぐあい具合
  • わる悪い
Something is the matter with my watch.
2. health; state (of health)
  • かれ
  • この
  • すうねんかん数年間
  • ずっと
  • からだ身体
  • ぐあい具合
  • 良くない
He has not been in good health for some years.
3. way; manner
4. circumstance; luck
5. face; dignity; decency; propriety
Other forms
具合 【ぐわい】工合 【ぐあい】工合 【ぐわい】
工合: Rarely-used kanji form. 工合: Rarely-used kanji form.
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1. details (of an incident, event, etc.); whole story; course of events; facts; circumstances; particulars
Other forms
顚末 【てんまつ】
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1. state (of mind); mental state; emotional condition
2. field (of activity)
3. one's lot; circumstance; situation in life
4. place; region; area; landorig. meaning
  • えが描いて
  • きた小説家が、今度の作品ではむしろ大人たちの内面を掘り下げて
  • えが描いて
  • おり、この作品で彼女は新境地を開いたと評価された。
The novelist, who had previously portrayed the youth of her generation with a fresh sensibility, received acclaim for breaking new ground in her latest work which delved into the inner souls of adults.
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1. circumference; girthSee also 回り まわり
2. surroundings; neighbourhood; neighborhood; vicinity
  • まわ周り
  • みわた見渡し
  • なさい
Look about you.
3. people surrounding oneself; surrounding circumstances
  • かれ
  • おお多く
  • てん
  • まわ周り
  • ひと
  • ちが違う
He is different from the people around him.
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1. area; vicinity; region
2. side; edgeMathematics
  • せいほうけい正方形
  • には
  • よっ四つ
  • へん
  • ある
A square has four sides.
3. circumstances
Wikipedia definition
4. Edge (geometry)In geometry, an edge is a line segment joining two adjace... Read more
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1. accident; incident; trouble
2. circumstances; reasons
Wikipedia definition
3. Accidentlines]]An accident or mishap is an unforeseen and unplann... Read more
Other forms
事故 【ことゆえ】
ことゆえ: Out-dated or obsolete kana usage.
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1. economy; economics
2. finance; (one's) finances; financial circumstances
3. being economical; economy; thrift
Wikipedia definition
4. EconomyAn economy consists of the economic systems of a country ... Read more
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1. talk; speech; chat; conversationOnly applies to 話, Only applies to 話し
  • ひと
  • はなし
  • 水を差さないで
  • くれ
Don't throw a wet blanket over our conversation.
2. topic; subject
  • かれ
  • ふゆかい不愉快な
  • はなし
  • じかん時間
  • した
He dwelt on an unpleasant subject for two hours.
3. discussions; negotiation; argumentOnly applies to 話, Only applies to 話し
  • じかん時間
  • ぎろん議論
  • した
  • われわれ我々
  • はなし
  • まとまらなかった
After three hours of discussion we got nowhere.
4. rumor; talk; hearsay
  • きび厳しい
  • ふゆ
  • になる
  • という
  • はなし
  • です
They say we are going to have a severe winter.
5. tale; story; fable
  • わたし
  • アンソニー
  • きょう
  • すばらしい
  • はなし
  • むちゅう夢中
  • になっていました
I was lost in Sir Anthony's wonderful story.
6. circumstances; particulars
  • はなし
  • 聞かせて
  • くれ
I want a full report though.
Other forms
話し 【はなし】咄 【はなし】噺 【はなし】
話し: Irregular okurigana usage. 咄: Rarely-used kanji form. 噺: Rarely-used kanji form.
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Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Intransitive verb
1. to be troubled; to have difficulty; to be in a fix; to be at a loss; to be stumped; to be embarrassed
  • こま困ったら
  • わたし
  • たす助け
  • もと求め
  • なさい
Turn to me for help if you are in difficulty.
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Intransitive verb
2. to be bothered; to be inconvenienced; to be annoyed
  • そうおん騒音
  • こまっている
The noise bothers me.
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Intransitive verb
3. to be badly off; to be hard up; to be in straitened circumstances
  • ぼく
  • しばしば
  • おかねお金
  • こま困る
I am often in difficulties.
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Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
1. to drop; to lose; to let fall; to shed (light); to cast (one's gaze); to pour in (liquid); to leave behind
  • かれ
  • かびん花瓶
  • 落とした
He dropped a vase.
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
2. to clean off (dirt, makeup, paint, etc.); to remove (e.g. stains or facial hair); to lose; to spend money at a certain place; to omit; to leave out; to secretly let escape
  • シャツ
  • 脱いで
  • それ
  • ピアノ
  • よごれ
  • 落としました
Tony took off his shirt and cleaned the piano with it.
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
3. to lose (a match); to reject (an applicant); to fail (a course); to defeat (in an election)
  • さくねん昨年
  • かれ
  • きまつ期末
  • かもく科目
  • 落とした
Last year, he failed two of his final examinations.
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
4. to lower (e.g. shoulders or voice); to lessen (e.g. production or body weight); to worsen (quality); to reduce (e.g. rank or popularity); to speak badly of; to make light of; to fall into straitened circumstances
  • ほっそい
  • みち
  • ほとんど
  • スピード
  • 落とさず
  • はしりこ走りこんだ
  • 。「
  • ちかみち近道
  • なんです
  • 」「
  • って
  • ここ
  • あぜ道~~~っ
  • !」
We sped into the narrow track, hardly dropping any speed. "It's a short cut!" "Oi! It's a footpath!!"
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
5. to fall into (e.g. a dilemma or sin); to make one's own; to have one's bid accepted; to force surrender; to take (e.g. an enemy camp or castle); to forcefully convince; to press for a confession; to deal with
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
6. to download; to copy from a computer to another mediumComputing
  • にほんご日本語
  • ソフト
  • 落とす
  • コツ
  • いい
  • サイト
  • ありません
Are there any knacks, or good sites, for downloading Japanese software?
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
7. to make someone swoon (judo)Martial arts
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
8. to finish a story (e.g. with the punch line)
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
9. to finish (a period, e.g. of fasting)
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
10. to win over; to seduce; to conquer (unwillingness)Colloquial
Other forms
落す 【おとす】
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1. opposite side; bottom; other side; side hidden from view; undersurface; reverse sideAntonym: 表 おもて
  • くつ
  • うら
  • ガム
  • こびりつい
  • ちゃった
There's gum stuck to the bottom of my shoe.
2. rear; back; behind
  • いえ
  • うら
  • ひろ広い
  • にわ
  • あった
There was a large garden behind the house.
3. lining; inside
  • ふこう不幸
  • うら
  • には
  • さいわ幸い
  • あり
Every cloud has a silver lining.
4. in the shadows; behind the scenes; offstage; behind (someone's) back
  • うら
  • から
  • てをまわ手を回して
  • くれる
He can pull strings for you.
5. more (to something than meets the eye); hidden side (e.g. of one's personality); unknown circumstances; different side
6. proofSee also 裏付け
7. opposite (of a prediction, common sense, etc.); contrarySee also 裏をかく
8. inverse (of a hypothesis, etc.)
9. bottom (of an inning); last half (of an inning)Baseball, Antonym: 表 おもて
  • いま
  • なんかい何回
  • うら
  • ですか
This is the bottom of what inning?
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1. circumstances; condition; convenience
Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
2. arranging; managing
Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
3. lending money; raising money
Adverb (fukushi)
4. in all; in total; all told
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Godan verb with 'u' ending, Transitive verb
1. to pick up; to gather
  • ゆか
  • から
  • ペン
  • ひろ拾って
  • くだ下さい
Please pick up the pen from the floor.
Godan verb with 'u' ending, Transitive verb
2. to find (and pick up; something someone has dropped)
  • この
  • さいふ財布
  • どこ
  • ひろ拾った
  • のです
Where did you find this wallet?
Godan verb with 'u' ending, Transitive verb
3. to select; to choose; to pick out
Godan verb with 'u' ending, Transitive verb
4. to get (unexpectedly); to hit upon (luck, an opportunity, etc.); to snatch (an unexpected victory); to pull off
Godan verb with 'u' ending, Transitive verb
5. to pick up (someone; in a car, etc.)
  • ホテル
  • まえ
  • わたし
  • くるま
  • ひろ拾って
  • ください
Please pick me up by car in front of the hotel.
Godan verb with 'u' ending, Transitive verb
6. to flag down (a taxi); to hail
  • にほん日本
  • ひるま昼間
  • でも
  • よる
  • でも
  • タクシー
  • ひろ拾う
  • ことができる
In Japan you can always catch a cab, day or night.
Godan verb with 'u' ending, Transitive verb
7. to pick up (a signal, sound, interference, etc.)
Godan verb with 'u' ending, Transitive verb
8. to (just manage to) return (the ball); to return (a difficult shot)
Godan verb with 'u' ending, Transitive verb
9. to take on (someone in adverse circumstances); to employ; to give a job; to take in
Godan verb with 'u' ending, Transitive verb
10. to walk; to go on foot
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1. thing; matterUsually written using kana alone
2. incident; occurrence; event; something serious; trouble; crisisUsually written using kana alone
3. circumstances; situation; state of affairsUsually written using kana alone
4. work; business; affairUsually written using kana alone
5. after an inflectable word, creates a noun phrase indicating something the speaker does not feel close toUsually written using kana alone
Noun, used as a suffix
6. nominalizing suffixUsually written using kana alone, See also 事 ごと
  • かれ
  • いあ居空き
  • として
  • 知られ
  • にっちゅう日中
  • でも
  • いえ
  • しのびこ忍び込んで
  • きちょうひん貴重品
  • ぬす盗む
  • こと
  • ひょうばん評判
  • となっていた
He was known as a burglar of houses where occupants are present and had a reputation for sneaking in and stealing valuables even during the day.
Noun, used as a suffix
7. pretending to ...; playing make-believe ...Usually written using kana alone, See also 事 ごと
8. alias; also known as; otherwise known as; orUsually written using kana alone, as AことB (A = alias, B = real name)
9. necessity; needUsually written using kana alone, as 〜ことはない
10. you should ...; I advise that you ...; it's important to ...Usually written using kana alone, as 〜ことだ
Other forms
縡 【こと】
縡: Out-dated kanji or kanji usage.
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1. depending onafter a noun
  • しごと仕事の
  • せいこう成功
  • あなた方
  • どりょく努力
  • しだい次第
  • です
Our success in this work depends on your efforts.
2. as soon as; immediately after; uponafter a noun or the -masu stem of a verb
  • くうこう空港
  • 着き
  • しだい次第
  • でんわ電話
  • します
I'll phone you as soon as I get to the airport.
3. as (e.g. "as one is told", "as one wishes"); whatever (e.g. "whatever is at hand")after the -masu stem of a verb
4. order; program; programme; precedence
5. circumstances; course of events; state of things
  • こういう
  • しだい次第
This is how it stands.
6. reason
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Kanji — 4 found

11 strokes. JLPT N3. Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 5.
feelings, emotion, passion, sympathy, circumstances, facts
Kun: なさ.け
On: ジョウ セイ
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7 strokes. JLPT N3. Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 5.
status quo, conditions, circumstances, form, appearance
On: ジョウ
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9 strokes. JLPT N1. Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 5.
happenstance, especially, intentionally, reason, cause, circumstances, the late, therefore, consequently
Kun: ゆえ ふる.い もと
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11 strokes. JLPT N1. Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 6.
translate, reason, circumstance, case
Kun: わけ
On: ヤク
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Sentences — 5 found

  • jreibun/2486/3
    • ひと
    • によって違うかもしれないが、「自分の愛する
    • ひと人たち
    • が幸せであるのを見るとき」というのは、多くの
    • ひと
    • に共通するのではないだろうか。
    Although the circumstances involved when people feel happy may differ widely, one circumstance that commonly evokes a feeling of happiness in many people might be seeing their loved ones happy. Jreibun
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