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Common word JLPT N3 Wanikani level 36 Play audio Show 6 collocations Links
- バカが移る - to catch 'the stupid' (e.g. from talking to stupid people, watching mindless TV, etc.)
- 馬鹿を見る - to feel like an idiot
- 馬鹿にする - to make fun of
- バカにならない - something not insignificant
- 馬鹿の一つ覚え - He that knows little often repeats it
- バカの壁 - phenomenon that perfect reasoning fail if an idiot cannot understand
1. idiot; moron; foolUsually written using kana alone
- こんな
- あれもよう荒れ模様
- の
- ひ日
- に
- がいしゅつ外出
- する
- なんて
- きみ君
- は
- ばか馬鹿
- だ
- よ 。
2. stupid; foolish; dull; absurd; ridiculousUsually written using kana alone
- なんという
- ばか馬鹿な
- こと
- だろう 。
3. trivial; insignificant; disappointingUsually written using kana alone
4. malfunctioning; defective; losing sensationUsually written using kana alone
5. incredibly; unusually; exceptionallyUsually written using kana alone, Slang
6. fervent enthusiast; nut; person singularly obsessed with somethingUsually written using kana alone, Slang, usu. in compounds
7. Mactra chinensis (species of trough shell)Abbreviation, Usually written using kana alone, See also 馬鹿貝
莫迦 【ばか】、バカ
馬鹿: Ateji (phonetic) reading. 莫迦: Ateji (phonetic) reading, Rarely-used kanji form.
1. tedious; boring; dull; uninteresting; tiresome; monotonous
2. to feel bored; to get bored (with); to get tired (of)
1. slowocc. written as 鈍い
- かのじょ彼女
- は
- はし走る
- の
- が
- おそ遅い 。
2. lateocc. written as 晩い
- ジム
- の
- ちち父
- は
- いつも
- きたく帰宅
- が
- おそ遅い 。
3. too lateusu. as もう〜 or もはや〜; occ. written as 晩い
1. spare time; free time; leisure
- しごと仕事
- は
- らく楽
- で 、
- ひま暇
- が
- たくさん
- あります 。
2. time (it takes to do something); time required
- しごと仕事
- が
- いそが忙しくて 、
- きみ君
- に
- てがみ手紙
- を
- か書く
- ひま
- が
- なかった 。
3. time off; leave; vacation; holiday
4. dismissal; firing; severance; divorce
5. free; not busy; unoccupied; idle
- わたし私
- は
- ひま暇な
- じかん時間
- に
- し詩
- を
- か書きます 。
6. slow (business); slack; dull
7. to be free; to be not busy; to be available; to be doing nothingColloquial
閑 【ひま】、ヒマ
閑: Rarely-used kanji form.
- この
- さむ寒
- さ
- には
- もう
- た耐えられない 。
2. uninteresting (esp. joke); lame; dull; weak; corny
寒い 【さぶい】
1. dark; gloomy; murky
- あたり
- が
- もう
- くら暗く
- なっている
- こと
- に
- き気がついた 。
2. depressed; dispirited; down in the dumps; dark (mood)
3. dark (in colour); dull
4. ill-boding; dark (e.g. past); suspicious
5. unlikely (to succeed); hopeless; unpromising
昏い 【くらい】、冥い 【くらい】、闇い 【くらい】
1. dull; uninteresting; boring; tediousUsually written using kana alone
- あの
- あたら新しい
- えいが映画
- は 、
- つまらんかった 。
2. insignificant; unimportant; trifling; trivial; worthlessUsually written using kana alone
- あの
- おとこ男
- は
- よく
- つまらぬ
- こと
- で
- だれ誰にでも
- いんねん因縁をつける 。
3. absurd; foolish; silly; stupidUsually written using kana alone
4. useless; pointless; disappointingUsually written using kana alone
詰まらない 【つまらない】
1. exactly; just; precisely; really; truly; surely; certainly; without doubtUsually written using kana alone
- で
- ほん本
- を
- つく作れば 、
- やす安い
- し
- はや早い
- し 、
- まさに
- いっきょりょうとく一挙両得
- だ 。
2. right (when); just (as)Usually written using kana alone
- あなた
- の
- でんわ電話
- が
- な鳴った
- とき
- まさに
- で出かけよう
- とする
- ところ
- だった 。
3. just (about to); on the point of; on the verge of; on the brink ofUsually written using kana alone, also written as 将に
4. really (ought to); certainly (should); naturallyUsually written using kana alone, as まさに...べき; also written as 当に
1. to groan; to moan
- なにやら
- うな唸り
- ながら 、
- ほとばしる
- パッション
- を
- キャンバス
- に
- ぶつけている !
2. to roar; to howl; to growl
- その
- いぬ犬
- は
- ちい小さな
- おとこのこ男の子
- に
- む向かって
- うな唸った 。
3. to hum (engine, wind, etc.); to buzz; to whiz; to sough; to make a low, dull sound
4. to ooh and aah (in admiration)
5. to sing in a strong, low voice (esp. traditional chant or recitation)
6. to be about to burst; to overflow
呻る 【うなる】
呻る: Rarely-used kanji form.
1. dull (e.g. a knife); blunt
2. thickheaded; obtuse; stupid
3. dull (sound, color, etc.); dim (light)
4. slow; sluggish; inert; lethargic
5. insensitive; dull (e.g. reflexes); unperceptive; unfeeling
1. to become muddy; to become cloudy; to become turbid; to become impure (of a liquid or gas)
- かわ川
- は
- どろ泥
- で
- にご濁っていた 。
2. to become dull (of a sound, color, etc.); to become indistinct; to become fuzzy; to become hoarse
3. to become impure (of one's heart, a society, etc.); to be corrupted; to be polluted
4. to become voiced (of a consonant); to be pronounced as a voiced sound
1. sluggish; languid; listless; heavy (heart, legs, etc.); dullUsually written using kana alone
2. bothersome; tiresome; pain-in-the-assUsually written using kana alone, Slang
怠い 【たるい】、懈い 【だるい】、懈い 【たるい】、ダルい
たるい: Out-dated or obsolete kana usage. 懈い: Rarely-used kanji form. たるい: Out-dated or obsolete kana usage. 懈い: Rarely-used kanji form.
1. to be crushed; to be squashed; to be smashed; to be destroyed; to be broken; to collapse
- ゆき雪
- の
- おも重
- さ
- で
- いえ家
- が
- つぶれた 。
2. to go bankrupt; to go under; to fail; to collapse
3. to be ruined (of a plan); to be cancelled; to collapse (e.g. of a project); to fall through; to blow up
- ちち父
- が
- な亡くなって
- わたし私の
- りゅうがく留学
- けいかく計画
- は
- かんぜん完全
- に
- つぶれた 。
4. to be lost (of one's voice, eyesight, sense of smell, etc.); to cease functioning
5. to be taken up (of one's time); to be lost; to be wasted
6. to be missed (of a chance); to be lost
7. to be lost (of face, composure, etc.); to broken down (e.g. of one's courage); to be broken (of one's heart)
8. to be worn down (of a pen nib, saw teeth, etc.); to wear away; to become dull
1. deserted (esp. store, market, town, streets); quiet; still; hushed; empty
2. inactive (business, trade, etc.); slack; flat; off-season; quiet; dull
3. idle; free; unoccupied
1. inactive; slow; sluggish; slack; low tone; undertone; dullness; (market) weakness
1. to stagnateUsually written using kana alone
2. to settle (at the bottom); to deposit; to be sedimentedUsually written using kana alone
3. to become sluggish; to become dull; to become staleUsually written using kana alone
4. to be delayed; to hesitate; to falter; to stammer; to stumbleUsually written using kana alone
澱む 【よどむ】
1. wearisome; insipid; dull; irksome; wretched; vain
味気ない 【あじきない】
味気ない: Ateji (phonetic) reading. 味気ない: Ateji (phonetic) reading.