

Words — 2352 found

1. app; applicationComputing, Abbreviation, See also アプリケーションソフト
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Common word JLPT N5 Wanikani level 2 Play audio Show 64 collocations Links
1. eye; eyeball
  • かのじょ彼女
  • きれいな
  • している
She has beautiful eyes.
2. eyesight; sight; visionSee also 目が見える
  • みみ
  • くち
  • ふじゆう不自由
  • だった
Helen Keller was blind, deaf and mute.
3. look; stare; gaze; glance
  • かれ
  • すうはい崇拝
  • かのじょ彼女
  • なが眺めた
He regarded her with worship in his eyes.
4. notice; attention; observation; eyes (of the world, public, etc.)
5. an experience
6. viewpoint
7. discrimination; discernment; judgement; eye (e.g. for quality)
8. (an) appearance
9. chance (of success); possibility (of a good result)See also 目がない
10. spacing (between crossed strands of a net, mesh, etc.); opening; stitch; texture; weaveSee also 編み目
11. grain (of wood, paper)
12. eye (of a storm, needle, etc.)
13. intersection (on a go board); square (on a chessboard)
14. dot (on a dice); pip; rolled number
15. graduation; division (of a scale)
16. tooth (of a saw, comb, etc.)
17. ordinal number suffix
  • ふた2つ
  • かど
  • みぎ
  • 曲がり
  • なさい
Turn right at the second corner.
18. somewhat; -ishUsually written using kana alone, See also 大きめ, after adjective stem
19. point (e.g. of change)See also 変わり目, See also 折れ目, after -masu stem of verb
Wikipedia definition
20. EyeEyes are organs that detect light and convert it into ele... Read more
Other forms
眼 【め】
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1. colour; color; hue; tint; tinge; shade
  • その
  • いろ
  • かのじょ彼女の
  • かみのけ髪の毛
  • よく
  • 合った
The color went beautifully with her hair.
2. complexion; skin colour; skin color
3. look (on one's face); expression
  • まんぞく満足
  • いろ
  • かれ彼の
  • かお
  • 浮かんだ
A look of contentment appeared on his face.
4. appearance; air; feeling
5. personality; character
6. tone (of one's voice, etc.); tune; sound; ring
7. love; lust; sensuality; love affairSee also 色仕掛け
8. lover; paramour
9. beauty; sexiness; physical appeal
10. kind; type; varietyalso written 種
Wikipedia definition
11. ColorColor or colour is the visual perceptual property corresp... Read more
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Noun, Adverb (fukushi)
1. extent; degree; measureUsually written using kana alone
  • ほど
  • じょうず上手に
  • ピアノ
  • ひける
  • よい
  • のだ
I wish I could play the piano as well as Susie.
2. limit; boundsUsually written using kana alone
  • ほど
  • もんだい問題
  • いけん意見
  • いっち一致
  • みている
Some 20 issues have been agreed on.
3. (span of) timeUsually written using kana alone
  • さん
  • いつ
  • 来た
  • 」「10
  • ふん
  • ほど
  • まえ
"When did Mr Ogawa arrive?" "Ten minutes ago."
4. (a) distanceUsually written using kana alone
  • ここ
  • から
  • キロ
  • ほど
  • かわかみ川上
  • むら
  • ひと1つ
  • ある
There is a village about three kilometers up the river from here.
5. the state of; the status of; the condition ofUsually written using kana alone, as 〜のほど
6. about; around; approximately; or soUsually written using kana alone
7. as much as ...; to the extent of ...; like ...Usually written using kana alone
8. the more ... the more ...Usually written using kana alone, oft. as 〜ば...ほど
  • しんりがく心理学
  • べんきょう勉強
  • すれ
  • する
  • ほど
  • おもしろ面白い
  • おも思えて
  • きた
  • んだ
The more I studied psychology, the more interesting it seemed to me.
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1. tool; implement; instrument; utensil; apparatus; device
2. means
3. furnitureSee also 家具 かぐ
Wikipedia definition
4. ToolA tool is any item that can be used to achieve a goal, es... Read more
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1. moustache; mustache; beard; whiskers; sideburnsUsually written using kana alone, See also 口髭, See also 顎鬚, See also 頬髯, in careful usage 髭 for moustache, 鬚 for beard, 髯 for (cheek) whiskers
2. whiskers (on a cat, etc.); feelers (on an insect, etc.); (chin) tuftUsually written using kana alone
3. shadow (on a candlestick chart)Finance, Usually written using kana alone, usu. ヒゲ
Wikipedia definition
4. BeardA beard is the collection of hair that grows on the chin,... Read more
Other forms
鬚 【ひげ】髯 【ひげ】ヒゲ
鬚: Rarely-used kanji form. 髯: Rarely-used kanji form.
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Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
1. understanding; comprehension; appreciation
Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
2. sympathy
Wikipedia definition
3. UnderstandingUnderstanding is a psychological process related to an ab... Read more
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1. machine; mechanism
  • ぼく
  • きょう今日
  • この
  • きかい機械
  • しけん試験
  • する
  • つもり
  • です
I am going to put this machine to the test today.
2. instrument; appliance; apparatusoften 器械
  • けつあつけい血圧計
  • たいせつ大切な
  • けんさ検査
  • きかい器械
  • です
The sphygmomanometer is an important diagnostic instrument.
Wikipedia definition
3. MachineA machine is a tool consisting of one or more parts that ... Read more
Other forms
器械 【きかい】
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Noun, Suru verb, Intransitive verb
1. exercise; physical training; workout; sports; athletics
  • その
  • うんどう運動
  • して
  • わかがえ若返った
The exercise took years off me.
Noun, Suru verb, Intransitive verb
2. appeal; campaign; drive; crusade; movement; lobbying
  • けんじつ堅実な
  • くさのね草の根
  • レベル
  • うんどう運動
  • きず築き
  • あげる
  • こと
  • しゅうちゅう集中
  • なければならない
We must focus on building a solid grass-roots movement.
Noun, Suru verb, Intransitive verb
3. motion; movementAntonym: 静止
  • ぶつりがく物理学
  • ぶっしつ物質
  • うんどう運動
  • エネルギー
  • かがく科学
  • である
  • ていぎ定義
  • する
  • ことができる
Physics can be defined as the science of matter, motion, and energy.
Wikipedia definition
4. Movement
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Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
1. valuation; appraisal; evaluation; assessment; estimation; rating; judging
  • あなた
  • どのように
  • して
  • がくせい学生
  • ひょうか評価
  • します
How do you assess your students?
Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
2. appreciation; recognition; acknowledgement; rating highly; praising
  • ははおや母親
  • ひょうか評価
  • して
  • もらえない
  • こと
  • よくある
Mothers are often not appreciated.
Wikipedia definition
3. Assessment
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Noun, Na-adjective (keiyodoshi)
1. anxiety; uneasiness; worry; apprehension; fear; insecurity; suspense
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2. AnxietyAnxiety is a psychological and physiological state charac... Read more
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Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
1. arrest; apprehension; capture
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2. ArrestAn arrest is the act of depriving a person of his or her ... Read more
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1. facial expression; countenance
2. look; appearance; expression (vocal, etc.)
Wikipedia definition
3. Facial expressionA facial expression is one or more motions or positions o... Read more
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1. appetite (for food)
Wikipedia definition
2. AppetiteAppetite is the desire to eat food, felt as hunger. Appet... Read more
Other forms
食慾 【しょくよく】
食慾: Rarely-used kanji form.
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Noun, Suru verb, Intransitive verb
1. clapping hands; applause
2. clapping one's hands in prayer (at a shrine)See also 柏手
Wikipedia definition
3. ApplauseApplause (Latin applaudere, to strike upon, clap) is prim... Read more
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Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
1. practical use; application; making good use of; putting to good use; capitalizing on
  • せいじか政治家
  • として
  • かれ
  • えんぎ演技
  • うま
  • めいっぱい目一杯
  • かつよう活用している
As a politician, he makes utmost use of his acting ability.
Noun, Suru verb, Intransitive verb
2. conjugation; inflectionGrammar
  • えいご英語
  • がくしゅう学習
  • する
  • うえ
  • ふかけつ不可欠な
  • ふきそくどうし不規則動詞
  • かつよう活用
Conjugation of irregular verbs - essential for those learning English.
Wikipedia definition
3. Grammatical conjugationIn linguistics, conjugation is the creation of derived fo... Read more
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Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb
1. to be able to do; to be possible; to be permitted (to do)Usually written using kana alone
  • もうしわけ申し訳ない
  • けど
  • ながい長居
  • できない
  • んです
I'm sorry, I can't stay long.
Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb
2. to be good at; to do well; to be proficient (in); to be capableUsually written using kana alone
  • ろんぶん論文
  • できました
  • 」「
  • いや
  • ざんねん残念
  • です
  • まだ
  • 書き
  • 終えていません
"Is the essay ready?" "No, I'm sorry. I haven't finished writing it yet."
Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb
3. to come into existence; to form; to appear; to come up (of a matter); to be born; to make (a friend); to get (a girlfriend, free time, etc.)Usually written using kana alone
  • あの
  • サッカーボール
  • ほんもの本物
  • かわ
  • できている
That football is made of genuine leather.
Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb
4. to be made; to be built; to be constructed; to be formed; to be established; to be set upUsually written using kana alone
  • トイレ
  • 借り
  • できます
May I use your toilet?
Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb
5. to be finished; to be completed; to be done; to be readyUsually written using kana alone
  • あの
  • ふたり二人
  • どうも
  • できている
  • らしい
They seem to be in love with each other.
Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb
6. to grow (of a crop); to be producedUsually written using kana alone
  • オレンジ
  • あたた暖かい
  • くに
  • でき出来る
Oranges grow in warm countries.
Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb
7. to be mature and well-balanced; to be of fine characterUsually written using kana alone
Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb
8. to be by nature; to be born ...Usually written using kana alone, as できている
Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb
9. to become (sexually) involved (with); to become intimate (with); to take up (with someone)Usually written using kana alone, Colloquial, usu. as できている
Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb
10. to get pregnantUsually written using kana alone, Colloquial
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Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Transitive verb
1. to know; to be aware (of); to be conscious (of); to learn (of); to find out; to discover
  • あなた
  • 1990
  • ねん
  • から
  • かのじょ彼女
  • 知っているの
  • ですか
Have you known her since 1990?
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Transitive verb
2. to sense; to feel; to notice; to realize
  • わたし
  • じぶん自分
  • かん感じた
  • こと
  • 言える
  • ひつよう必要
  • である
  • こと
  • 知った
I find it necessary to be able to say what I feel.
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Transitive verb
3. to understand; to comprehend; to grasp; to appreciate
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Transitive verb
4. to remember; to be familiar with; to be acquainted with
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Transitive verb
5. to experience; to go through; to know (e.g. hardship)
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Transitive verb
6. to get acquainted with (a person); to get to know
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Transitive verb
7. to have to do with; to be concerned with; to be one's concern; to be one's responsibilityusu. with neg. sentence
Other forms
識る 【しる】
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Godan verb with 'u' ending, Transitive verb
1. to buy; to purchase
  • くるま
  • 買う
  • ために
  • ちょきん貯金
  • している
I'm saving money for a car.
Godan verb with 'u' ending, Transitive verb
2. to value (highly); to think highly of; to have a high opinion of; to appreciate; to recognize
  • かれ彼の
  • スキーヤー
  • として
  • ゆうしゅう優秀
  • せい
  • じゅうぶん十分に
  • 買っています
We fully appreciate his excellence as a skier.
Godan verb with 'u' ending, Transitive verb
3. to incur (someone's anger, displeasure, etc.); to elicit (e.g. sneers); to invite (e.g. scorn); to evoke; to arouse; to win (someone's favour)
  • かれ
  • 絶えず
  • ぶじょく侮辱
  • した
  • ので
  • わたし私の
  • いか怒り
  • かった
His constant insults aroused my anger.
Godan verb with 'u' ending, Transitive verb
4. to accept; to take on; to take up
Godan verb with 'u' ending, Transitive verb
5. to pay for (a prostitute, geisha, etc.)
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Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb
1. to leave; to exit; to go out; to come out; to get outAntonym: 入る はいる
Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb
2. to leave (on a journey); to depart; to start out; to set out
Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb
3. to move forward
Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb
4. to come to; to get to; to lead to; to reach
Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb
5. to appear; to come out; to emerge; to surface; to come forth; to turn up; to be found; to be detected; to be discovered; to be exposed; to show; to be exhibited; to be on display
  • わたし私の
  • いえ
  • おばけ
  • 出た
  • ほんとう本当
It's true that a ghost appeared at my house.
Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb
6. to appear (in print); to be published; to be announced; to be issued; to be listed; to come out
Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb
7. to attend; to participate; to take part; to enter (an event); to play in; to perform
Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb
8. to be stated; to be expressed; to come up; to be brought up; to be raised
Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb
9. to sell
Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb
10. to exceed; to go over
Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb
11. to stick out; to protrude
Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb
12. to break out; to occur; to start; to originate
Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb
13. to be produced
Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb
14. to come from; to be derived from
Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb
15. to be given; to get; to receive; to be offered; to be provided; to be presented; to be submitted; to be handed in; to be turned in; to be paid
Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb
16. to answer (phone, door, etc.); to get
  • でんわ電話
  • には
  • 出なかった
  • から
  • メール
  • して
  • おきました
He didn't answer the phone, so I left him an email.
Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb
17. to assume (an attitude); to act; to behave
Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb
18. to pick up (speed, etc.); to gain
Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb
19. to flow (e.g. tears); to run; to bleed
Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb
20. to graduate
  • アメリカ
  • がくせい学生
  • なか
  • には
  • くろう苦労
  • して
  • はたら働き
  • ながら
  • だいがく大学
  • 出る
  • もの
  • おお多い
Many American students work their way through the university.
Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb
21. to ejaculate; to cumVulgar expression or word
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Kanji — 70 found

6 strokes. JLPT N3. Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 2.
hit, right, appropriate, himself
On: トウ
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7 strokes. JLPT N3. Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 3.
decide, fix, agree upon, appoint
On: ケツ
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9 strokes. JLPT N3. Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 4.
promise, approximately, shrink
On: ヤク
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6 strokes. JLPT N3. Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 3.
yonder, facing, beyond, confront, defy, tend toward, approach
On: コウ
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Sentences — 9 found

  • jreibun/3638/1
    • まいあさ毎朝
    • 最新のニュースをチェックしている。
    I use a news app to check the latest news every morning. Jreibun
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Names — 66 found

あっぱ 【厚波】
1. Appa
あっぱは 【阿波川】
1. Appaha
あっぱり 【遖】
Family or surname
1. Appari
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