Words — 152 found
1. salt; common salt; table salt; sodium chloride
- この
- スープ
- は
- しお塩
- が
- すこ少し
- た足りない 。
2. hardship; toil; trouble
3. saltinessFood, cooking
4. cold; unwelcoming; indifferentColloquial
1. lie; fib; falsehood; untruth
- かれ彼
- が
- い言った
- こと
- が
- うそ嘘
- である
- こと
- が
- わ解った 。
2. mistake; error
- えっ
- うそ嘘
- でしょ 。
3. unwise move; bad decision
4. no way!; unbelievable!; really?!Colloquial
噓 【うそ】、ウソ
2. present brought by a visitor
3. something unpleasant that one is given (e.g. an illness while on vacation); unwelcome gift; disserviceusu. お土産
1. disliking; not wanting; unwilling (to do); reluctant
- かれ彼の
- はなしかた話し方
- が
- いや嫌
- なの 。
2. unpleasant; disagreeable; nasty; horrible; disgusting; undesirable; unwelcome
- この
- たまご卵
- は
- いや嫌な
- にお匂いがする 。
3. no!; quit it!; stop!Usually written using kana alone
嫌 【や】、厭 【いや】、厭 【や】、イヤ
厭: Rarely-used kanji form. 厭: Rarely-used kanji form.
1. to open (a door, etc.); to unwrap (e.g. parcel, package); to unlockOnly applies to 開ける
- あなた
- の
- てがみ手紙
- を
- まちが間違って
- あけて
- しまって
- すいませんでした 。
2. to open (for business, etc.)Only applies to 開ける
3. to empty; to remove; to make space; to make roomesp. 空ける
- さいふ財布
- の
- なかみ中身
- を
- この
- ふくろ袋
- に
- あ空け
- なさい 。
4. to move out; to clear outesp. 空ける
5. to be away from (e.g. one's house); to leave (temporarily)esp. 空ける
6. to dawn; to grow lightesp. 明ける
7. to end (of a period, season)esp. 明ける
8. to begin (of the New Year)esp. 明ける
9. to leave (one's schedule) open; to make time (for)esp. 明ける
- つぎ次の
- どようび土曜日
- の
- ごご午後
- は
- 空けて
- おいて
- ください 。
10. to make (a hole); to open up (a hole)
空ける 【あける】、明ける 【あける】
1. bad(-tasting); unpalatable; unsavoury; unsavory; awful; terrible; unpleasantUsually written using kana alone
- すき腹
- に
- まずい
- もの
- なし 。
- かれ彼の
- ひっせき筆跡
- は
- たいへん大変
- まずい 。
- なにがなんだか
- わからない 。
3. ugly; unattractive; homely; plainUsually written using kana alone
4. awkward; problematic; troublesome; unfavorable; unfavourable; unwiseUsually written using kana alone, See also 気不味い
- あ !
- まずい !
- ガソリン
- が
- き切れて
- きた 。
まずい: Gikun (meaning as reading) or jukujikun (special kanji reading).
1. to drop; to lose; to let fall; to shed (light); to cast (one's gaze); to pour in (liquid); to leave behind
- かれ彼
- は
- かびん花瓶
- を
- お落とした 。
2. to clean off (dirt, makeup, paint, etc.); to remove (e.g. stains or facial hair); to lose; to spend money at a certain place; to omit; to leave out; to secretly let escape
- トニー
- は
- シャツ
- を
- ぬ脱いで 、
- それ
- で
- ピアノ
- の
- よごれ
- を
- お落としました 。
3. to lose (a match); to reject (an applicant); to fail (a course); to defeat (in an election)
- さくねん昨年
- かれ彼
- は
- きまつ期末
- の 2
- かもく科目
- を
- お落とした 。
4. to lower (e.g. shoulders or voice); to lessen (e.g. production or body weight); to worsen (quality); to reduce (e.g. rank or popularity); to speak badly of; to make light of; to fall into straitened circumstances
- ほっそい
- みち道
- に
- ほとんど
- スピード
- を
- お落とさず 、
- はしりこ走りこんだ 。「
- ちかみち近道
- なんです
- よ 」「
- って
- ここ 、
- あぜ道~~~っ !」
5. to fall into (e.g. a dilemma or sin); to make one's own; to have one's bid accepted; to force surrender; to take (e.g. an enemy camp or castle); to forcefully convince; to press for a confession; to deal with
6. to download; to copy from a computer to another mediumComputing
- にほんご日本語
- の
- ソフト
- を
- お落とす
- コツ ・
- いい
- サイト
- ありません
- か ?
7. to make someone swoon (judo)Martial arts
8. to finish a story (e.g. with the punch line)
9. to finish (a period, e.g. of fasting)
10. to win over; to seduce; to conquer (unwillingness)Colloquial
落す 【おとす】
1. local specialty or souvenir bought as a gift while travellingPolite (teineigo) language, See also 土産
2. present brought by a visitorPolite (teineigo) language
3. something unpleasant that one is given (e.g. an illness while on vacation); unwelcome gift; disservicePolite (teineigo) language
Common word JLPT N3 Wanikani level 11 Play audio Show 11 collocations Links
- 命を懸ける - to put one's life on the line
- 命を張る - to put one's life on the line
- 命を保つ - to preserve life
- 命を奉じる - to obey orders
- 命を惜しむ - to hold one's life dear
- 命を捧げる - to give one's life (e.g. in battle)
- 命を捨てる - to give one's life
- 命を縮める - to shorten one's life
- 命を落とす - to lose one's life
- 命にかかわる - to be a matter of life or death
- 命の洗濯 - casting off the drudgery of everyday life and doing as one pleases
2. lifetime; lifespan
3. most important thing; foundation; core
4. paired tattoos of the "life" kanji on the upper arms of a man and woman (indicating unwavering love)Archaic
5. fate; destiny; karmaArchaic
1. by all means; at any cost; no matter what; at any rate; surelyUsually written using kana alone
- かのじょ彼女
- は
- どうしても
- じぶん自分
- の
- おもいどお思い通り
- に
- しようとする 。
2. whether (one is) willing or not; willingly or unwillingly; willy-nillyUsually written using kana alone
3. on no account; by no meansUsually written using kana alone, with. neg. verb
- ざんねん残念
- ですが 、
- あなた
- の
- なまえ名前
- を
- どうしても
- おぼ覚えられない 。
4. in the end; in the long run; after all; eventuallyUsually written using kana alone
- その
- けいかく計画
- を
- せいこう成功
- させる
- ために
- は
- きみ君の
- えんじょ援助
- が
- どうしても
- ひつよう必要
- だ 。
如何しても: Rarely-used kanji form.
1. to untie; to unfasten; to unwrap; to undo; to unbind; to unpack
2. to unsew; to unstitch
3. to solve; to work out; to answer
- この
- いし医師
- は
- ガン
- の
- おお多く
- の
- ふかかい不可解な
- てん点
- を
- と解こう
- と
- どりょく努力
- している 。
4. to dispel (misunderstanding, etc.); to clear up; to remove (suspicion); to appease
- かれ彼
- は
- じゅうせき重責
- を
- と解かれた 。
5. to dissolve (a contract); to cancel; to remove (a prohibition); to lift (a ban); to raise (a siege)
6. to release (from duty); to relieve; to dismiss
7. to comb (out); to card; to untangle (hair)Usually written using kana alone, See also とかす, also written as 梳く
- かのじょ彼女
- は
- かみ髪
- を
- くし
- で
- といて
- リボン
- で
- むす結んだ 。
1. to spread; to extend; to expand; to enlarge; to widen; to broaden
2. to unfold; to open; to unroll; to unwrapocc. written 展げる
3. to scatter about; to spread around
4. to make flourish; to cause to prosper
拡げる 【ひろげる】
1. extra; more; too much; too many; excessive; superfluous; spare; surplus
- よけい余計な
- どりょく努力
- の
- けっか結果 、
- かれ彼の
- けつあつ血圧
- は
- つうじょう通常
- いじょう以上
- に
- あ上がった 。
2. unnecessary; needless; uncalled-for; unwanted; uninvited
- こんな
- よけい余計な
- きのう機能
- なんで
- つけた
- ん
- だろう 。
3. all the more; even more
- そうすると
- よけい
- きず傷
- を
- とがめる
- よ 。
1. unfair; unjust; wrongful; improper; unreasonable; unwarranted; unjustified; undeserved; undue
2. Futou
1. wasteful; a wasteUsually written using kana alone
2. too good; more than one deserves; unworthy ofUsually written using kana alone
3. impious; profane; sacrilegiousUsually written using kana alone
勿体無い 【もったいない】、物体ない 【もったいない】、物体無い 【もったいない】
1. to spare; to grudge; to be sparing (with); to be frugal; to be stingy
- ほとんど
- べんとう弁当
- を
- た食べる
- ひま
- も
- お惜しんで
- べんきょう勉強した 。
2. to regret; to lament
3. to be reluctant (to do); to be unwilling
- かれ彼の
- し死
- は
- お惜しんで
- も
- あま余り
- ある
- もの
- だ 。
4. to value; to prize; to hold dear
5. to love; to cherishArchaic, oft. written as 愛しむ
1. to undo; to untie; to unfasten; to unlace; to unravel; to loosen; to unpackUsually written using kana alone
1. going straight (to); going direct; going without stopping
2. unwavering action; decisive action
3. upright conduct
1. to be bulky; to be unwieldy; to grow voluminousUsually written using kana alone
かさ張る 【かさばる】