Common word JLPT N3 Wanikani level 11 Play audio Show 11 collocations Links
- 命を懸ける - to put one's life on the line
- 命を張る - to put one's life on the line
- 命を保つ - to preserve life
- 命を奉じる - to obey orders
- 命を惜しむ - to hold one's life dear
- 命を捧げる - to give one's life (e.g. in battle)
- 命を捨てる - to give one's life
- 命を縮める - to shorten one's life
- 命を落とす - to lose one's life
- 命にかかわる - to be a matter of life or death
- 命の洗濯 - casting off the drudgery of everyday life and doing as one pleases
2. lifetime; lifespan
3. most important thing; foundation; core
4. paired tattoos of the "life" kanji on the upper arms of a man and woman (indicating unwavering love)Archaic
5. fate; destiny; karmaArchaic
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