Words — 154 found
1. to hear
- いちばん一番
- の
- チャンネル
- で
- えいご英語
- が 、7
- ばん番
- の
- チャンネル
- で
- は
- にほんご日本語
- が
- お
- き聞き
- になれます 。
2. to listen (e.g. to music)esp. 聴く
- おんがく音楽
- が
- す好き
- で 、
- まいにち毎日
- き聴いています 。
3. to ask; to enquire; to query聴く is used in legal and official contexts
4. to hear about; to hear of; to learn of
5. to follow (advice, order, etc.); to obey; to listen to; to comply with
6. to hear (e.g. a plea); to grant (a request); to accept (e.g. an argument); to give consideration to
8. to taste (alcohol); to tryalso 利く
聴く 【きく】
1. right?; isn't it?; doesn't it?; don't you?; don't you think?at sentence end; used as a request for confirmation or agreement
2. hey; say; listen; look; come on
- ねぇ 、
- おねがお願い 。
3. you know; you see; I must say; I should thinkat sentence end; used to express one's thoughts or feelings
4. will you?; pleaseat sentence end; used to make an informal request
5. so, ...; well, ...; you see, ...; you understand?at the end of a non-final clause; used to draw the listener's attention to something
6. I'm not sure if ...; I have my doubts about whether ...at sentence end after the question marker か
1. don'tOnly applies to な, prohibitive; used with dictionary form verb
- ほんまつ本末
- を
- てんとう転倒
- する
- な 。
2. doOnly applies to な, imperative (from なさい); used with -masu stem of verb
- あっち
- へ
- い行き
- な 、
- ぼうや 。
3. hey; listen; look; sayused to get someone's attention or press one's point
- なあ 、トム、
- 悩みごと
- なんか
- わす忘れ
- ちゃって 。
4. now, ...; well, ...; I tell you!; you knowwhen seeking confirmation, for emphasis, etc.; used at sentence end
- わたし私
- は
- ぎゅうにゅう牛乳
- が
- の飲み
- たい
- な 。
5. wow; oohused to express admiration, emotionality, etc.; used at sentence end
6. right?; isn't it?; doesn't it?; don't you?; don't you think?Kansai dialect, used as a request for confirmation or agreement; used at sentence end
- いい
- ゆ湯
- だ
- なあ 。
1. to listen attentively to; to be absorbed in (listening to)
聴き入る 【ききいる】、聞入る 【ききいる】、聴入る 【ききいる】
1. to listen repeatedly; to listen again
2. to ask a question in return
3. to ask again; to ask for a repeated explanation
訊き返す 【ききかえす】、きき返す 【ききかえす】
1. to pick up
- かのじょ彼女
- は
- ガラス
- の
- かびん花瓶
- を
- とりあ取り上げた 。
2. to adopt (a proposal); to take up (a topic); to accept; to listen tosometimes written as 採り上げる
- この
- ブログ
- は
- じょうほう情報インフラ
- を
- ちゅうしん中心
- とした
- トピック
- を
- とりあ取り上げています 。
3. to take issue with; to make a problem of; to bring up (as a point of criticism)
4. to report (news); to cover; to feature
- ぜん全
- しんぶん新聞
- が
- その
- じけん事件
- を
- おお大きく
- とりあ取り上げた 。
5. to take away; to confiscate; to deprive (someone) of; to revoke; to disqualify; to cancel
- むこうみ向こう見ずな
- うんてん運転
- の
- ため為
- かれ彼
- は
- めんきょ免許
- を
- とりあ取り上げられた 。
6. to deliver (a baby)
7. to collect (taxes)
1. to put in; to let in; to take in; to bring in; to insert; to install (e.g. software); to set (a jewel, etc.); to ink in (e.g. tattoo)
- それ
- は
- ひきだ引き出し
- に
- い入れて
- おきました 。
2. to admit; to accept; to employ; to hire
- りゅうがくせい留学生
- も
- い入れる
- の
- かしら 。
3. to accept; to comply; to grant; to adopt (a policy, etc.); to take (advice, etc.); to listen to; to pay attention toesp. 容れる
4. to include
5. to pay (one's rent, etc.)
6. to cast (a vote)
- あなた
- は 、
- わたし私
- に
- コーヒー
- を
- いれて
- もらい
- たい
- ですか 。
8. to turn on (a switch, etc.)
- ずいぶん
- あつ暑い
- です
- ね 。
- クーラー
- を
- いれ
- ましょう
- か 。
9. to send (a fax); to call
容れる 【いれる】、函れる 【いれる】
容れる: Rarely-used kanji form. 函れる: Rarely-used kanji form.
1. to prick up one's ears and listen; to listen attentively
1. to turn a deaf ear to; to not listen to; to not get the message
聞く耳をもたない 【きくみみをもたない】
1. that; theUsually written using kana alone, See also この, See also あの, See also どの, something or someone distant from the speaker, close to the listener; actions of the listener, or ideas expressed or understood by the listener
- まいにち毎日 、
- ほうかご放課後
- に
- わたし私
- は
- その
- ほんや本屋
- で
- かのじょ彼女
- を
- ま待った 。
2. part (as in "part two")Usually written using kana alone, preceding a number
3. um ...; er ...; uh ...Only applies to その
其の: Rarely-used kanji form.
1. that; itUsually written using kana alone, See also これ, See also あれ, See also どれ, indicating an item or person near the listener, the action of the listener, or something on their mind
- まんいち万一
- それ
- が
- お起これば 、
- きみ君
- は
- どうしますか 。
2. then; that point (in time); that timeUsually written using kana alone
- それ
- が
- 高1
- の
- とき時
- だ
- から 17
- ねん年
- が
- た経ちました 。
3. thereArchaic, indicating a place near the listener
4. youArchaic
其れ: Rarely-used kanji form.
1. there; over there; that place; yonder; you-know-whereUsually written using kana alone, See also どこ, See also ここ, See also そこ, place physically distant from both speaker and listener
- あそこ
- から
- ひとかげ人影
- が
- み見えた 。
2. genitals; private parts; nether regionsColloquial, Usually written using kana alone, Euphemistic, Only applies to あそこ, Only applies to あすこ, Only applies to アソコ
- せんせい先生 、
- アソコ
- が
- かゆいんです 。
3. that far; that much; that pointUsually written using kana alone, See also あれほど, something psychologically distant from both speaker and listener
彼処 【あすこ】、彼処 【かしこ】、彼処 【あしこ】、彼処 【あこ】、彼所 【あそこ】、彼所 【あすこ】、彼所 【かしこ】、彼所 【あしこ】、彼所 【あこ】、アソコ
彼処: Rarely-used kanji form. 彼処: Rarely-used kanji form. 彼処: Rarely-used kanji form. あしこ: Out-dated or obsolete kana usage. 彼処: Rarely-used kanji form. あこ: Out-dated or obsolete kana usage. 彼処: Rarely-used kanji form. 彼所: Rarely-used kanji form. 彼所: Rarely-used kanji form. 彼所: Rarely-used kanji form. あしこ: Out-dated or obsolete kana usage. 彼所: Rarely-used kanji form. あこ: Out-dated or obsolete kana usage. 彼所: Rarely-used kanji form.
1. that way; that directionUsually written using kana alone, See also こちら, See also あちら, See also どちら, direction distant from the speaker, close to the listener
- そちら
- は セントラル
- じどうしゃがっこう自動車学校
- ではない
- んです
- か 。
2. thereUsually written using kana alone, place distant from the speaker, close to the listener
- そっち
- の
- せいかつ生活
- は
- どう
- だい ?
3. that (one)Usually written using kana alone, something close to the listener
- これ
- と
- そちら
- と
- の
- ちが違い
- は
- なに何
- だい 。
4. you; your family; your companyUsually written using kana alone, そちら is polite
- そちら
- の
- じょうけん条件
- を
- うけい受け入れましょう 。
5. that personUsually written using kana alone, someone close to the listener
其方 【そっち】、其方 【そなた】、其方 【そち】
其方: Rarely-used kanji form. 其方: Rarely-used kanji form. 其方: Rarely-used kanji form. 其方: Rarely-used kanji form.
1. there (place relatively near listener)Usually written using kana alone, See also どこ, See also ここ, See also あそこ
- いちじかん1時間
- いない以内
- に
- そこ
- に
- つ着く
- でしょう 。
2. there (place just mentioned); that placeUsually written using kana alone
3. then (of some incident just spoken of); that (of point just raised)Usually written using kana alone
4. youArchaic
其所 【そこ】
其処: Rarely-used kanji form. 其所: Rarely-used kanji form.