Words — 38 found
1. to be involved (in); to get involved (in); to concern oneself (with); to take part (in); to interfere (in)
- しんぶん新聞
- によれば 、
- かれ彼
- は
- その
- いんぼう陰謀
- に
- かか関わっていた 。
2. to relate to (a matter); to pertain to; to concern; to have to do with
- その
- こきゃく顧客
- の
- くじょう苦情
- は
- びみょう微妙な
- もんだい問題
- に
- かか関わる
- もの
- だった 。
3. to (seriously) affect; to concern; to have a serious bearing (on)
- これ
- は
- わがこう我が校
- の
- めいよ名誉
- に
- かかわる
- もんだい問題
- だ 。
4. to stick (to); to adhere (to); to be particular (about)Only applies to 拘る
係わる 【かかわる】、拘る 【かかわる】
1. in spite of; despite; althoughUsually written using kana alone
2. nonetheless; nevertheless; but; (and) yetUsually written using kana alone
にも拘らず 【にもかかわらず】
1. to be obsessive (about); to be overly concerned (with); to fuss (over); to worry too much (about); to be picky (about); to be hung up (on); to stick toUsually written using kana alone
- とのがた殿方
- が
- こま細かい
- こと
- に
- こだわる
- もの
- ではありません 。
2. to be particular (about); to pay special attention (to); to be fastidious (about); to insist (on); to be uncompromisingUsually written using kana alone, positive nuance
3. to get stuck; to be obstructedDated term, Usually written using kana alone
拘わる 【こだわる】
1. in spite of; despite; althoughUsually written using kana alone, usu. as 〜にも
- かねも金持ち
- に
- かかわらず
- かのじょ彼女
- は
- しあわ幸せ
- でない 。
2. regardless of; irrespective ofUsually written using kana alone, as 〜に
- せいう晴雨
- に
- かかわらず 、
- かいかいしき開会式
- は 9
- じ時
- に
- はじ始まる
- よてい予定
- です 。
関らず 【かかわらず】、拘らず 【かかわらず】、拘わらず 【かかわらず】、係わらず 【かかわらず】
係わらず: Rarely-used kanji form.
1. adhering to; being a stickler for; being particular about; worrying too much about
1. nonetheless; nevertheless; but; (and) yetUsually written using kana alone
- わたし私
- は
- つか疲れていた
- が 、
- それにもかかわらず
- ねむ眠れなかった 。
それにも拘わらず 【それにもかかわらず】
1. to be mixed up with; to have a connection with (a troublesome matter)Usually written using kana alone
2. to be a stickler about; to be finicky about (some triviality)Usually written using kana alone
- あした明日
- は
- えいご英語
- の
- テスト
- だろう 、
- だったら
- こんばん今晩
- は
- すうがく数学
- の
- しゅくだい宿題
- に
- かかずらわっちゃ
- だめ
- だ 。
3. to take part (in some work); to hang about; to bother (someone)Usually written using kana alone
拘らう 【かかずらう】、係う 【かかずらう】
係う: Rarely-used kanji form.
1. obsession; fixation; hangup; determination; fastidiousness; pickiness about (trait, style, etc.)Usually written using kana alone
- こだわり
- は
- お
- きゃく客
- に
- つた伝わって
- こそ
- いみ意味をなす 。
2. complaining; criticizingUsually written using kana alone
3. speciality (e.g. of a restaurant)Usually written using kana alone
1. proportional representation electoral system (in which party votes are cast, and candidates from each party are elected based on an ordered list available to the public)