
  • jreibun/9938/2
    • かいこつうち解雇通知
    • を受けた私は、こうなったらもうどうでもいいと
    • やぶ破れかぶれ
    • になり、自分も
    • かたん加担
    • してきた会社の
    • ふせい不正
    • あら洗いざらい
    • 新聞記者に
    • ばくろ暴露
    • した。
    I had been given a dissmisal notice and became reckless. Now that things had come to this pass, I no longer cared what happened to me. So, I revealed every detail of the company’s wrongs, in which I had played a part, to the newspaper reporter. Jreibun
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