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Common word JLPT N5 Wanikani level 2 Play audio Show 61 collocations Links
- 手が空く - to be free
- 手が掛かる - to take a lot of dealing with
- 手がすべる - to have one's hands slip (and drop something)
- 手がない - not having enough workers
- 手が上がる - to improve one's skill (esp. at calligraphy or drinking larger amounts of alcohol)
- 手が出る - to jab
- 手が切れる - to break off with (e.g. one's lover)
- 手が利く - to be able
- 手が塞がる - to be busy
- 手が届く - to be able to reach
- 手が悪い - being dealt a bad hand (in mahjong, card games, etc.)
- 手が早い - to be a quick worker
- 手が込む - to be intricate
- 手が足りない - short of hands
- 手が離れる - to become independent
- 手を挙げる - to raise one's hand or hands
- 手を下す - to do oneself
- 手をこまねく - to fold one's arms
- 手をつかえる - to place both hands on the ground (to express respect, apology or to present a request)
- 手を突く - to place both hands on the ground (to express respect, apology or to present a request)
- 手をつける - to set one's hand to
- 手を繋ぐ - to join hands (with)
- 手を引く - to withdraw from (a deal)
- 手を回す - to make the necessary preparations in secret
- 手を借りる - to accept help
- 手を出す - to turn one's hand to
- 手を切る - to cut off (a relationship)
- 手を加える - to perform some process
- 手を取る - to take someone's hand
- 手を叩く - to clap
- 手を変える - to resort to other means
- 手を尽くす - to try all possible means
- 手を差し伸べる - to lend a hand
- 手を延べる - to extend one's arm
- 手を打つ - to take measures (in face of events being anticipated)
- 手を抜く - to ease up (on an opponent)
- 手を振る - to wave one's hand
- 手を掛ける - to lay hands on
- 手を染める - to have a hand (in)
- 手を汚す - to dirty one's hands
- 手を焼く - not know what to do with
- 手を煩わす - to cause a person trouble
- 手を煩わせる - to cause a person trouble
- 手を透かす - to make oneself available
- 手を組む - to join hands together
- 手を結ぶ - to join hands
- 手を貸す - to lend a hand
- 手を離れる - to become independent
- 手に掛かる - to fall into someone's hands
- 手にする - to hold (in one's hand)
- 手に入る - to obtain
- 手に乗る - to be fooled by something
- 手に余る - to be beyond one's capacities
- 手に入れる - to obtain
- 手に取る - to take in one's hand
- 手に手に - each (carrying)
- 手に落ちる - to fall into (someone's) hands
- 手のかかる - troublesome
- 手の腹 - palm (of one's hand)
- 手を入れる - to correct
- 女の手 - feminine handwriting
- こちら
- に
- きた来る
- ように
- て手
- で
- あいず合図
- した 。
3. handle
- ここ
- に
- て手
- の
- ない
- ナベ
- が
- ある 。
4. hand; worker; help
5. trouble; care; effort
6. means; way; trick; move; technique; workmanship
- いい
- て手
- を
- おも思いついた 。
7. hand; handwriting
8. kind; type; sort
- ほん本
- は
- げんざい現在
- だれ誰
- の
- て手
- にも
- はい入る 。
11. hand (of cards)
- いい
- て手
- が
- くば配られた 。
13. move (in go, shogi, etc.)
14. Te
1. to steal
2. to plagiarize; to steal (a technique, idea, etc.); to watch and learn
3. to do stealthilyoft. as 目を盗んで
4. to do during scant timeusu. as 暇を盗んで
5. to steal a baseBaseball
偸む 【ぬすむ】
偸む: Rarely-used kanji form.
1. way; method; means; resource; remedy
2. (technical) specification
- しよう仕様 、
- かかく価格
- は
- へんこう変更
- する
- ことがあります 。
3. Specification (technical standard)A specification (often abbreviated as spec) is an explici... Read more
仕樣 【しよう】
仕樣: Out-dated kanji or kanji usage.
1. more or less; though not quite satisfactorily; after a fashion; pretty much; roughly; so far as it goes; technically
2. tentatively; for the time being
3. just in case
- かこもん過去問
- が
- もし
- ある
- ならば
- いちおう一応
- めをとお目を通す
- ほうがいい
- と
- おも思います 。
4. once
5. Ichiou
一往 【いちおう】
1. to take in; to gather in
- せんたくもの洗濯物
- を
- なか中
- へ
- とりい取り入れて
- くだ下さい 。
2. to adopt (e.g. an idea); to accept (e.g. advice); to introduce (e.g. technology); to borrow (e.g. a word)also written as 採り入れる
- わたし私達
- は
- いつも
- かれ彼の
- ちゅうこく忠告
- を
- とりい取り入れる
- と
- いう
- わけではない 。
3. to harvest; to reap; to gather inocc. written as 穫り入れる
1. correspondence (to); equivalence
- その
- にほんご日本語
- に
- たいおう対応
- する
- えいご英語
- は
- ない 。
2. suitability; coordination; matching; being appropriate (for)
- われわれ
- は
- きょういく教育の
- ほうほう方法
- を
- じだい時代
- に
- たいおう対応
- し
- なければならない 。
3. dealing with; coping with; handling; response; reception; reaction
- わたし私
- は
- てきい敵意
- を
- もった
- までも 、
- ひ冷ややかな
- たいおう対応
- を
- う受けた 。
4. compatibility (with technology, software, etc.); capability; support (for)
- Windows95
- たいおう対応
- の
- ゲーム
- を
- うご動かし
- たい
- のです 。
1. work (e.g. of art); piece; production
- この
- え絵
- は モネ
- の
- さく作
- と
- されている 。
2. harvest; crop; yield; cultivation; tillage
3. technique
1. technique; art; skill; move
技 【ぎ】、伎 【わざ】、伎 【ぎ】
伎: Irregular kanji usage. 伎: Irregular kanji usage.
2. (abbr) Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; MEXT
1. art; technique; skill
2. means; way
3. stratagem; artifice; trick; trap
4. magic; sorcery