

Words — 122 found

Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
1. washing; laundry
2. relaxation; rejuvenation; melting away (of worries, fatigue, etc.)See also 命の洗濯
Wikipedia definition
3. LaundryLaundry is the washing of clothing and linens, the place ... Read more
Other forms
洗濯 【せんだく】
せんだく: Out-dated or obsolete kana usage.
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Godan verb with 'bu' ending, Transitive verb, Intransitive verb
1. to be delighted; to be glad; to be pleased; to rejoice
  • かれ彼ら
  • 良い
  • 知らせ
  • 聞いて
  • よろこ喜んだ
They were delighted at the good news.
Godan verb with 'bu' ending, Transitive verb
2. to congratulate
Godan verb with 'bu' ending, Transitive verb
3. to welcome (a proposal, advice, etc.); to take kindly to
Godan verb with 'bu' ending, Intransitive verb
4. to do with pleasure; to do gladly; to be happy (to do)See also 喜んで, as よろこんで...
  • よろこ喜んで
  • しつもん質問
  • こた答えましょう
I'll be happy to answer your question.
Other forms
悦ぶ 【よろこぶ】歓ぶ 【よろこぶ】慶ぶ 【よろこぶ】
悦ぶ: Rarely-used kanji form. 歓ぶ: Rarely-used kanji form. 慶ぶ: Rarely-used kanji form.
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Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
1. to drop; to lose; to let fall; to shed (light); to cast (one's gaze); to pour in (liquid); to leave behind
  • かれ
  • かびん花瓶
  • 落とした
He dropped a vase.
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
2. to clean off (dirt, makeup, paint, etc.); to remove (e.g. stains or facial hair); to lose; to spend money at a certain place; to omit; to leave out; to secretly let escape
  • シャツ
  • 脱いで
  • それ
  • ピアノ
  • よごれ
  • 落としました
Tony took off his shirt and cleaned the piano with it.
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
3. to lose (a match); to reject (an applicant); to fail (a course); to defeat (in an election)
  • さくねん昨年
  • かれ
  • きまつ期末
  • かもく科目
  • 落とした
Last year, he failed two of his final examinations.
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
4. to lower (e.g. shoulders or voice); to lessen (e.g. production or body weight); to worsen (quality); to reduce (e.g. rank or popularity); to speak badly of; to make light of; to fall into straitened circumstances
  • ほっそい
  • みち
  • ほとんど
  • スピード
  • 落とさず
  • はしりこ走りこんだ
  • 。「
  • ちかみち近道
  • なんです
  • 」「
  • って
  • ここ
  • あぜ道~~~っ
  • !」
We sped into the narrow track, hardly dropping any speed. "It's a short cut!" "Oi! It's a footpath!!"
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
5. to fall into (e.g. a dilemma or sin); to make one's own; to have one's bid accepted; to force surrender; to take (e.g. an enemy camp or castle); to forcefully convince; to press for a confession; to deal with
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
6. to download; to copy from a computer to another mediumComputing
  • にほんご日本語
  • ソフト
  • 落とす
  • コツ
  • いい
  • サイト
  • ありません
Are there any knacks, or good sites, for downloading Japanese software?
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
7. to make someone swoon (judo)Martial arts
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
8. to finish a story (e.g. with the punch line)
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
9. to finish (a period, e.g. of fasting)
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
10. to win over; to seduce; to conquer (unwillingness)Colloquial
Other forms
落す 【おとす】
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1. joy; delight; rapture; pleasure; gratification; rejoicing; congratulations; felicitations
Other forms
歓び 【よろこび】慶び 【よろこび】悦び 【よろこび】
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Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Transitive verb
1. to refuse; to reject; to dismiss; to turn down; to decline
  • かのじょ彼女
  • かれ彼の
  • アドバイス
  • ことわ断り
  • そう
  • なぜなら
  • かのじょ彼女
  • かれ
  • 好き
  • ではない
  • から
She is likely to refuse to follow his advice, because she does not like him.
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Transitive verb
2. to inform; to give notice; to tell in advance
  • あらかじ予め
  • ことわ断ります
  • きょう今日
  • ブログ
  • おもしろ面白くない
  • よ~
Just to warn you in advance, today's blog is no fun.
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Transitive verb
3. to ask leave; to excuse oneself (from)
  • かれ
  • ことわ断りなく
  • わたし私の
  • へや部屋
  • はい入って
  • きた
He entered my room without permission.
Other forms
断わる 【ことわる】
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Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
1. to drain; to pour; to run; to let flow; to flush; to shed (blood, tears); to spill
  • あんな
  • おそ恐ろしい
  • おとこ
  • ために
  • なが流す
  • なみだ
  • ない
I cannot shed a tear for that horrible man.
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
2. to float (e.g. logs down a river); to set adrift
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
3. to wash away; to carry away; to sweep away
  • たくさん
  • いえ
  • こうずい洪水
  • なが流された
A lot of houses were washed away by the flood.
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
4. to broadcast; to play (e.g. music over a loudspeaker); to send (electricity through a wire)
  • かれ
  • ゆうがた夕方
  • ニュース
  • その
  • さつじん殺人
  • さいばん裁判
  • さいしょ最初
  • なが流す
  • こと
  • 決めた
He decided to put the murder trial first in the evening news.
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
5. to circulate (a rumour, information, etc.); to spread; to distribute
  • しんぶん新聞
  • たいしゅう大衆
  • じょうほう情報
  • なが流す
Newspapers distribute information to the public.
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Intransitive verb
6. to cruise (of a taxi); to stroll around (in search of customers, an audience, etc.); to go from place to place
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
7. to cancel (a plan, meeting, etc.); to call off; to reject (e.g. a bill)
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
8. to forfeit (a pawn)
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Intransitive verb
9. to do leisurely (e.g. running, swimming); to do with ease; to do effortlessly
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
10. to exile; to banish
  • ナポレオン
  • セントヘレナ
  • とう
  • なが流された
Napoleon was exiled to St. Helena.
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
11. to hit (the ball) to the opposite fieldBaseball
Suffix, Godan verb with 'su' ending
12. to do inattentively; to do without concentrating; to put little effort into doingafter the -masu stem of a verb
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
13. to cause a miscarriage; to abort
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Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Transitive verb
1. to wave; to shake; to swing
  • わたし
  • あたま
  • すうかい数回
  • 振った
I shook my head a few times.
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Transitive verb
2. to sprinkle; to throw (dice)
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Transitive verb
3. to cast (actor); to allocate (work)
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Transitive verb
4. to turn down (someone); to reject; to jilt; to dump
  • ちゃん
  • さっき
  • 完膚無きまで
  • 振っ
  • ちゃおう
  • とした
  • でしょ
You were about to dump her flat out, weren't you?
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Transitive verb
5. to abandon; to give up; to ruin
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Transitive verb
6. to add kana indicating a reading of a wordSee also 振り仮名
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Transitive verb
7. to slightly change headings; to change directions
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Transitive verb
8. to extract by broiling; to prepare an infusion of; to decoct
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Transitive verb
9. to carry with great vigor (e.g. a portable shrine)
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Transitive verb
10. to bring up a topic; to lead to a topic
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Transitive verb
11. to replace; to substitute
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Transitive verb
12. to set up a joke for someone else
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Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Transitive verb
1. to kickorig. ichidan verb
  • けって
  • ドア
  • 開ける
Don't kick the door open.
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Transitive verb
2. to refuse; to reject
  • かれ
  • わたし私たち
  • ようきゅう要求
  • きっぱりと
  • けった
He rejected our demand flatly.
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Transitive verb
3. to stamp (on the ground); to firmly press one's feet (against something)
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Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
1. refusal; rejection; denial; vetoAntonym: 承諾
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Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
1. exclusion; removal; elimination; clearing away; getting rid of
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Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
1. rejection; negation; voting down
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Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
1. refusal; rejection
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1. (transplant) rejectionMedicine
2. strong reaction (against)
  • しん信じていた
  • かどうか
  • ともかく
  • ちょうじょうてき超常的な
  • わだい話題
  • きょぜつはんのう拒絶反応
  • ある
  • ということはない
  • ようだ
I don't know whether she believed me or not but in any case it seems she doesn't automatically dismiss talk of the supernatural.
Wikipedia definition
3. Transplant rejectionTransplant rejection occurs when transplanted tissue is r... Read more
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Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
1. to refuse; to reject; to turn down; to dismiss
  • かれ彼の
  • けいかく計画
  • しりぞ退けられた
His plan was discarded.
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
2. to repel; to repulse; to drive away; to beat off; to defeat
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
3. to make (someone) leave; to send away; to turn away
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
4. to force (someone) to leave their post; to oust; to remove; to expel
Other forms
斥ける 【しりぞける】却ける 【しりぞける】
却ける: Rarely-used kanji form.
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Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
1. to kick away; to kick off; to kick hard
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
2. to refuse curtly; to reject outright
Other forms
蹴とばす 【けとばす】
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Noun, Suru verb, Intransitive verb
1. failing to be elected; election defeat; losing an electionAntonym: 当選
  • かれ
  • わたし私たち
  • よそうにはん予想に反して
  • らくせん落選
  • した
He failed to get elected contrary to our expectation.
Noun, Suru verb, Intransitive verb
2. not being accepted (for a prize, exhibition, etc.); rejection; failing to win a prizeAntonym: 入選
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Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Transitive verb
1. to shake off; to shake free from
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Transitive verb
2. to swing completely (bat, club, etc.); to take a full swing
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Transitive verb
3. to break off from (pursuer); to pull away
  • しゅうじん囚人
  • れんこう連行
  • していた
  • かんしゅ看守
  • ふりき振り切って
  • だっそう脱走
  • した
The prisoner broke away from the guards who were holding him.
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Transitive verb
4. to reject (request); to ignore
Other forms
振切る 【ふりきる】
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1. notice; notification; warning
  • かのじょ彼女
  • なん何の
  • ことわ断り
  • なしに
  • わたし私の
  • くるま
  • うんてん運転
  • した
She drove my car without so much as asking.
2. permission; consent
3. rejection; refusal; nonacceptance; declination; declining
4. excuse; plea
Other forms
断わり 【ことわり】
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Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
1. rejection; expulsion; boycott; ostracism
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Godan verb with 'mu' ending, Transitive verb
1. to refuse; to reject; to decline
Godan verb with 'mu' ending, Transitive verb
2. to prevent (from doing); to deny (e.g. access); to block
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Kanji — 21 found

9 strokes. JLPT N3. Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 6.
retreat, withdraw, retire, resign, repel, expel, reject
On: タイ
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15 strokes. JLPT N1. Jōyō kanji, taught in junior high.
remove, withdraw, disarm, dismantle, reject, exclude
On: テツ
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8 strokes. JLPT N1. Jōyō kanji, taught in junior high.
repel, refuse, reject, decline
Kun: こば.む
On: キョ
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13 strokes. JLPT N1. Jōyō kanji, taught in junior high.
abandon, throw away, discard, resign, reject, sacrifice
Kun: す.てる
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Names — 10 found

Place, Given name, gender not specified
1. Rei; Lai; Lay; Lei; Leigh; Ley; Rae; Raye; Reay; Rej; Wray; Rey (Iran)
れじーなけんと 【簡彗珍】
Unclassified name
1. Reji-nakento
Female given name
1. Rejina
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