

Words — 801 found

Noun, Noun, used as a suffix
1. earth; ground; land; soil
Noun, Noun, used as a suffix
2. place
  • どっち
  • さいしゅうてき最終的な
  • あんそく安息
  • となる
  • だろう
Which one will be our final resting place?
Noun, Noun, used as a suffix
3. territory
  • これらの
  • くにぐに国々
  • ヨーロッパ
  • ぶんめい文明
  • はっしょう発祥
  • である
European civilization had its birth in these lands.
Noun, Noun, used as a suffix
4. bottom (of a package, book, etc.)See also 天地無用
Noun, Noun, used as a suffix
5. earth (one of the five elements)See also 五大, See also 土 ど
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1. ground; land; earth; soil
  • あめ
  • 降って
  • かた固まる
Adversity strengthens the foundations.
2. the region in question; the local area
3. skin
4. texture; fabric; material; weave
  • かのじょ彼女の
  • ドレス
  • あお青い
  • しろ
  • みずたまもよう水玉模様
  • ある
Her dress has white spots on a blue background.
5. base; background
6. one's true nature
7. narrative (i.e. descriptive part of a story)
8. real life; actuality
9. captured territoryGo (game)
10. noh chorusSee also 地謡
11. accompaniment music (in Japanese dance)
12. basic phrase (in Japanese music; usu. repetitive)
13. base part (of multiple shamisens)
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1. map; atlas; chart; plan
Wikipedia definition
2. MapA map is a visual representation of an area—a symbolic de... Read more
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1. subway; metro; underground (railway)Abbreviation, See also 地下鉄道
Wikipedia definition
2. Rapid transitA rapid transit, underground, subway, elevated railway, m... Read more
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1. earthquake
Wikipedia definition
2. EarthquakeAn earthquake (also known as a quake, tremor or temblor) ... Read more
Other forms
地震 【ない】地震 【なえ】地震 【じぶるい】
ない: Out-dated or obsolete kana usage. なえ: Out-dated or obsolete kana usage. じぶるい: Out-dated or obsolete kana usage.
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1. Earth; the globe
Wikipedia definition
2. EarthEarth (or the Earth) is the third planet from the Sun, an... Read more
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1. area; region; district; locality
Wikipedia definition
2. RegionThis article is about the geographic sense of the term. F... Read more
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Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
1. underground; below the groundAntonym: 地上
  • そして
  • おすい汚水
  • なが流す
  • ために
  • ちか地下
  • げすいどう下水道
  • 持っていた
The house has pipes under the ground to carry dirty water away.
2. world of the dead; the grave
Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no', Noun
3. underground (activities, movement, etc.); secret; illegal; in hiding
  • かれ
  • ちか地下
  • かつどう活動
  • うたが疑いをかけられた
He was suspected of underground action.
Wikipedia definition
4. Subterranea (geography)Subterranea refers to underground structures, both natura... Read more
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1. horizon (related to land)See also 水平線
Wikipedia definition
2. HorizonThe horizon (or skyline) is the apparent line that separa... Read more
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1. hell realm; NarakaBuddhism
2. HellChristianity
  • まおう魔王
  • 言った
  • 。「
  • おれ
  • 負ける
  • わっきゃねー
  • しんぱん審判
  • みんな
  • じごく地獄
  • いる
  • のだ
  • 」。
"How can I lose?" answered Satan. "All the umpires are down here in Hell."
3. hell; misery; nightmare; inferno
  • そこ
  • このよこの世の
  • じごく地獄
  • となった
The place became a hell on earth.
4. place where a volcano or hot springs constantly spew smoke or steam
5. Jigoku
Wikipedia definition
6. HellIn many religious traditions, hell is a place of sufferin... Read more
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1. terrain; geographical features; topography
Wikipedia definition
2. LandformA landform in the earth sciences and geology sub-fields, ... Read more
Other forms
地形 【じぎょう】
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1. landowner; landlord; landlady
Wikipedia definition
2. LandlordA landlord is the owner of a house, apartment, condominiu... Read more
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1. district; region; area; locality
  • かれ
  • ことし今年
  • なつ
  • とうほく東北
  • ちほう地方
  • りょこう旅行
  • した
He traveled through the Tohoku district this summer.
2. the country; countryside; the provinces; rural areaSee also 中央
  • その
  • ちほう地方
  • だいきぼ大規模に
  • かいはつ開発
  • される
  • だろう
It seems the rural area will be developed on a large scale.
3. civilian societyObsolete term, Imperial Japanese Army jargon
4. Jikata
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1. (social) position; status; standing
  • こうきゅうしゃ高級車
  • ちい地位
  • しょうちょう象徴
  • である
An expensive car is a status symbol.
2. position (in a company, organization, etc.); post; rank
  • かれ
  • かいしゃ会社
  • たか高い
  • ちい地位
  • あります
He holds a high position at the company.
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1. district; area; zone; quarter; section; region
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1. spot; point; place; position
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Na-adjective (keiyodoshi), Noun
1. plain; simple; subdued; soberAntonym: 派手
  • ぼく
  • てき的に
  • もっと
  • じみ地味
  • ってか
  • しぶ渋い
  • ふく
  • 欲しい
  • んです
  • けど
For my tastes, I'd prefer plainer, or rather, more tasteful clothing.
Na-adjective (keiyodoshi), Noun
2. reserved (behaviour, attitude, etc.); modest; quiet; unobtrusive
  • かのじょ彼女
  • じみ地味
  • いろ
  • この好む
She favors quiet colors.
Adverb (fukushi)
3. quite; a (little) bitColloquial, as 地味に
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Kanji — 1 found

6 strokes. JLPT N4. Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 2.
ground, earth
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Sentences — 1924 found

  • jreibun/617/1
    • きんねん近年
    • せかいじゅう世界中
    • の異常気象に地球温暖化が影響していることは
    • いな否めない
    It is undeniable that global warming has contributed to the abnormal weather conditions around the world in recent years. Jreibun
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Names — 574 found

こおち 【地】
Family or surname
1. Koochi
しょうち 【地】
Family or surname
1. Shouchi
ち 【地】
Family or surname
1. Chi
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