Words — 40 found
Common word JLPT N5 Wanikani level 4 Wanikani level 45 Play audio Show 22 collocations Links
- 脚がある - to have legs
- 足がすくむ - to freeze (from fear)
- 足が付く - to be traced
- 足がつる - to have one's leg cramp
- 足が出る - to exceed the budget
- 足が向く - to head towards
- 足が早い - to be fast at walking and running
- 足が途絶える - there being suddenly no visitors (customers)
- 足が遅い - to be slow-footed
- 足が遠のく - to visit less often
- 足が重い - one's legs being leaden (through tiredness, etc.)
- 足をすくう - to trip someone up
- 足を伸ばす - to (relax and) stretch one's legs out
- 足をひきずる - to limp
- 足を引っ張る - to hold back others from achieving success
- 足を崩す - to sit cross-legged
- 足を洗う - to quit (a shady business)
- 足を滑らす - to lose one's footing
- 足を滑らせる - to lose one's footing
- 脚を組む - to cross one's legs
- 足を速める - to quicken one's pace (steps)
- 足を運ぶ - to go
1. foot; paw; arm (of an octopus, squid, etc.)esp. 足
- また
- あし足
- が
- しびれた 。
2. legesp. 脚, 肢
- ん ~、
- イマイチ
- なんだ
- よ
- ねえ 。
- この
- あし脚
- の
- あたり
- の
- せん線
- とか
- さぁ 。
- なんとかなんない
- の ?
3. gait
4. pace
5. lower radical of a kanjiusu. 脚
6. means of transportation; (one's) rideOnly applies to 足
脚 【あし】、肢 【あし】
1. dramatization (e.g. of a novel); dramatisation; adaptation (for the stage or screen)
- この
- げき劇
- は
- しょうせつ小説
- から
- きゃくしょく脚色
- した
- もの
- です 。
2. embellishment (of the facts); exaggeration; dramatization; embroidery
1. counter for chairs or seats
1. to hold back (someone) from achieving success; to stand in the way of; to sabotageIdiomatic expression
1. Japanese stilt grass (Microstegium vimineum)Usually written using kana alone
1. beriberi; severe thiamine deficiencyMedicine
1. foot technique (in judo, sumo wrestling, etc.); footworkMartial arts
足業 【あしわざ】
足業: Rarely-used kanji form.