Words — 1122 found
1. illness (usu. excluding minor ailments, e.g. common cold); disease; sickness
2. bad habit; bad behaviour; weakness; failing
3. crazy; insane; disturbed; sick in the headColloquial
1. box; case; chest; package; pack; crate
- その
- とって取っ手
- を
- みぎ右
- に
- ねじる
- と
- はこ箱
- は
- あ開きます 。
2. car (of a train, etc.)
3. shamisen case; shamisen
6. receptacle for human waste; feces (faeces)Archaic
7. counter for boxes (or boxed objects)
函 【はこ】、匣 【はこ】、筥 【はこ】、筐 【はこ】、凾 【はこ】、ハコ
函: Rarely-used kanji form. 匣: Rarely-used kanji form. 筥: Rarely-used kanji form. 筐: Rarely-used kanji form. 凾: Rarely-used kanji form.
1. miso; fermented condiment usu. made from soybeansFood, cooking
2. innards (from crabs, shrimps, etc.) resembling miso
3. key point; main point; good part (of something)Usually written using kana alone, usu. as ミソ
- この
- でんしじしょ電子辞書
- は
- けいたい携帯
- しやすい
- ところ
- が
- みそ味噌
- です 。
5. tryUsually written using kana alone, Slang, Jocular, humorous term, See also 見る, imperative; after the -te form of a verb; pun on 見ろ
1. collision; crash; impact; running into
- くるま車
- が
- トラック
- に
- しょうとつ衝突
- した 。
2. clash; skirmish; conflict; discord; quarrel; brush
- にちべい日米
- の
- りがい利害
- が
- この
- てん点
- で
- しょうとつ衝突
- した 。
- りりく離陸
- の
- さい際
- は 、
- シートベルト
- を
- し締め
- なくてはならない 。
2. to wear (necktie, belt); to put on
5. to economize; to economise; to cut down on
6. to salt; to marinate; to pickle; to make sushi adding a mixture of vinegar and salt
7. to kill (fish, poultry, etc.)
8. to strongly press (someone); to crack down on; to keep under strict controlColloquial, oft. as シメる
- め目
- に
- すな砂
- が
- はい入りました 。
2. to join (a club, company, etc.); to enter (a university, the army, etc.); to enroll (in); to go into (e.g. politics); to get into
- かれ彼
- は
- だいがく大学
- へ
- すす進まず
- じつぎょうかい実業界
- に
- はい入った 。
3. to be contained (in); to be included (in); to be inside (e.g. a box); to come under (a heading); to belong (in a category)
- はこ箱
- の
- なか中
- には
- りんご
- が 6
- こ個
- は入っている 。
4. to (be able to) fit (in a container, building, etc.); to be (able to be) held; to be (able to be) accommodated
- この
- きゅうじょう球場
- は 5
- ばんにん万人
- はい入る 。
5. to be introduced; to be brought in; to be installed
6. to be received; to be obtained
- かれ彼
- は
- げっしゅう月収 2000
- ドル
- の
- かね金
- が
- はい入る 。
7. to be scored (of points); to be won (of votes)
- わが
- チーム
- は
- さいしゅうかい最終回
- で 5
- てん点
- はい入った 。
8. to turn on; to start functioning; to start working
9. to enter (a month, season, etc.); to reach (e.g. a climax); to get to (e.g. the main topic); to enter into (e.g. negotiations); to start (doing); to begin
- つゆ梅雨
- に
- はい入った 。
10. to form (of a crack, fissure, etc.); to develop
11. to be put in (of effort, spirit, feeling, etc.); to be applied (e.g. of strength)
12. to be ready (of tea, coffee, etc.); to be made
13. to enter the body (of alcohol); to become drunk
這入る 【はいる】
這入る: Rarely-used kanji form.
1. narrow; confined; small; cramped
- この
- へや部屋
- は
- わたし私たち
- にとって
- せま狭
- すぎる 。
2. limited; narrow-minded; confining
- かのじょ彼女
- は
- せま狭い
- はんい範囲
- で
- しか
- もの物
- が
- み見えない 。
1. to fall; to drop; to come down; to crash; to collapse; to cave in; to give way
- おじいちゃん
- が
- かいだん階段
- から
- お落ちて
- おおけが大怪我
- を
- したんだ 。
2. to set (of the sun or moon); to sink; to dip; to go down
- やま山
- の
- む向こう
- に
- ひ日
- が
- お落ちた 。
3. to decrease (of popularity, quality, speed, sales, etc.); to fall; to drop; to go down; to decline; to deteriorate; to abate (of wind)
- こんげつ今月
- は
- うりあ売上
- が
- お落ちた 。
4. to be inferior (to); to be not as good (as); to fall short (of)
5. to come off (of dirt, paint, makeup, etc.); to come out (of a stain); to fade (of colour); to be removed (of an illness, possessing spirit, etc.)
- この
- インキ
- の
- し染み
- は
- あら洗って
- も
- お落ちない 。
6. to disappear (of excess fat); to become thinner; to become leaner
7. to be left out; to be omitted; to be missing
- わたし私の
- なまえ名前
- が
- めいぼ名簿
- から
- お落ちています 。
8. to fail (an exam); to lose (a contest, election, etc.); to be unsuccessful
- べんきょう勉強しない
- と
- しけん試験
- に
- お落ちる
- よ 。
9. to decline (of morals, character, etc.); to become vulgar (e.g. of a conversation); to stoop (to); to sink (so low)also written as 堕ちる
- ぼく僕
- に
- うそ嘘をつく
- とは
- かれ彼
- も
- お落ちた
- もん
- だ 。
10. to be ruined; to go under; to fall (into hell)also written as 堕ちる
- おまえお前
- の
- たましい魂
- は
- じごく地獄
- に
- お墜ちる
- のだ 。
- かのじょ彼女
- は
- かれ彼
- を
- ひとめ一目
- み見て
- こい恋
- に
- お落ちた 。
12. to fall (into someone's hands); to be accepted (of a bid); to be won (of a tender); to be honoured (of a bill)
- その
- とし都市
- は
- てき敵
- の
- て手
- に
- お落ちた 。
13. to fall into (a trap); to fall for (a trick)
14. to give in
15. to confess; to own up
16. to come to (a conclusion, topic, etc.); to arrive at (in the end)
17. to leave (a city, castle, etc.); to (be defeated and) flee
19. to fall (to the enemy); to be defeated
20. to come in (of money)
21. to fall (upon; of light, a shadow, one's gaze, etc.)
22. to pass out (in judo); to fall unconscious
23. to go down (of a website, server, etc.); to crashComputing
- サーバー
- が
- お落ちていた 。
24. to log out (of an online game, chat room, etc.); to drop out; to leave; to go offlineSlang
25. to move to deeper water (of a fish in cold weather)
26. to die (of an animal)
墜ちる 【おちる】、落る 【おちる】
落る: Irregular okurigana usage.
1. destruction; disruption
- その
- たいふう台風
- は
- おお多く
- の
- いえ家
- を
- はかい破壊
- した 。
2. (application) crashComputing
1. to bite
- つめ爪
- を
- か噛む
- の
- は
- よし
- なさい 。
2. to chew; to gnaw; to masticate
- か噛む
- と
- いた痛い
- ですか 。
3. to fumble one's words (esp. during a play, broadcast, etc.); to falter with one's words; to stutter; to stammer
4. to crash against (e.g. of waves); to break onto (shore)
5. to engage (of cogs, zippers, etc.); to mesh; to fit together
7. to convince; to persuadeArchaic, used by Edo period prostitutes
咬む 【かむ】、嚙む 【かむ】、嚼む 【かむ】
嚙む: Rarely-used kanji form. 嚼む: Rarely-used kanji form.
1. to break; to be smashed
2. to split; to crack; to fissure; to be torn
3. to be divided (opinion, vote, etc.); to split (e.g. of a party)
4. to come to light; to become clear; to be identified; to be revealed
5. to become distorted (of sound); to clip
6. to be divisible (without a remainder)
7. to drop below a minimum
破れる 【われる】
1. wound; injury; cut; gash; bruise; scratch; scrape; scar
- かいすい海水
- が
- きず傷
- に
- しみて
- いた痛い
- よ 。
2. chip; crack; scratch; nick
- かれ彼の
- ひたい額
- の
- きず傷
- は
- めだ目立つ 。
- ここ
- に
- きず傷
- が
- ある
- ので
- やす安く
- して
- ください 。
4. stain (on one's reputation); disgrace; dishonor; dishonour
- クリス
- は
- とても
- むなしく
- おも思い 、
- たちなお立ち直れない
- ほどに 、
- こころ心
- に
- おお大きな
- きず傷
- を
- う受けました 。
疵 【きず】、瑕 【きず】、創 【きず】、キズ
1. by all means; at any cost; no matter what; at any rate; surelyUsually written using kana alone
- かのじょ彼女
- は
- どうしても
- じぶん自分
- の
- おもいどお思い通り
- に
- しようとする 。
2. whether (one is) willing or not; willingly or unwillingly; willy-nillyUsually written using kana alone
3. on no account; by no meansUsually written using kana alone, with. neg. verb
- ざんねん残念
- ですが 、
- あなた
- の
- なまえ名前
- を
- どうしても
- おぼ覚えられない 。
4. in the end; in the long run; after all; eventuallyUsually written using kana alone
- その
- けいかく計画
- を
- せいこう成功
- させる
- ために
- は
- きみ君の
- えんじょ援助
- が
- どうしても
- ひつよう必要
- だ 。
如何しても: Rarely-used kanji form.
1. to break; to snap; to be cut; to split; to crack
- ふたり二人
- の
- こども子供
- は
- つな綱
- が
- き切れる
- まで
- ひっぱ引っ張り
- あった 。
2. to be injured
3. to wear out; to be worn out
4. to break; to burst; to collapse
5. to wear off; to stop working; to go dead
6. to expire (time limit, etc.); to run out; to become due
7. to run out (of stock, etc.); to be exhausted; to be used up; to be sold out; to be out of
- ガソリン
- が
- きれ切れかかっている 。
8. to be broken off (e.g. of a relationship); to break up; to have severed ties; to be cut off; to be disconnected
9. to cut well; to be sharp
- この
- はさみ
- は
- よ良く
- き切れない 。
10. to be sharp-minded; to be keen; to be shrewd; to be quick-witted; to be able
11. to be short of; to drop under (a certain figure); to beat (e.g. a record time)
- 100
- メートル 、10
- びょう秒
- き切れる ?
12. to dry off
13. to curve; to veer
14. to shuffle (cards)
15. to get angry; to snap; to blow one's top; to lose one's temper; to flipColloquial, See also キレる
- あいつ
- は 、
- とうとう
- き切れた 。
16. to be able to do completelyUsually written using kana alone, after the -masu stem of a verb
- この
- こおり氷
- は
- うす薄
- すぎて
- きみ君の
- からだ体
- を
- ささ支え
- きれない
- だろう 。