Words — 2560 found
1. new; neo-
- しん新
- サービス
- の
- りょうきん料金
- せってい設定
- は
- マーケティング
- ぶ部
- が
- おこな行う 。
2. newness; novelty
4. Xin dynasty (of China; 9-23 CE); Hsin dynastyHistorical term
1. honesty; sincerity; fidelity
2. trust; reliance; confidence
3. (religious) faith; devotion
4. counter for received messages
Common word Show 45 collocations Links
- 心が躍る - to be thrilled
- 心がこもる - to be thoughtful (of a gift, etc.)
- 心が引かれる - to feel the call of ...
- 心が乱れる - to lose one's composure
- 心が動く - to take a fancy to something
- 心が和む - to feel relaxed
- 心が広い - generous
- 心が弾む - to be excited
- 心が清まる - to feel purified
- 心が狭い - narrow-minded
- 心が疲れる - to be mentally fatigued
- 心が通う - to understand each other well
- 心が通じる - to relate to
- 心を込める - to do wholeheartedly
- 心を入れる - to put one's heart into
- 心を入れ替える - to turn over a new leaf
- 心を動かす - to impress
- 心を向ける - to turn one's thoughts to
- 心を奪う - to be thoroughly attracted by
- 心を寄せる - to take to
- 心を引かれる - to be attracted (by)
- 心を打つ - to touch (a person's) heart
- 心を捉える - to impress
- 心を決める - to resolve to do
- 心を煩わす - to worry oneself over
- 心を用いる - to be attentive to
- 心を疲らす - to fatigue one's mind
- 心を痛める - to be grieved at heart
- 心を砕く - to rack one's brains
- 心を許す - to trust
- 心を配る - to give attention
- 心にかなう - to be pleased with
- 心に刻む - to etch into one's mind
- 心に掛かる - to weigh on one's mind
- 心に描く - to imagine
- 心に残る - to stay in one's heart
- 心に浮かぶ - to cross one's mind
- 心に留める - to bear in mind
- 心に秘める - to keep to oneself
- 心のぶつかり合い - clash of minds (between friends)
- 心の中 - one's mind
- 心の奥底 - innermost depths of one's heart
- 心の広い - generous
- 心の底 - bottom of one's heart
- 心をつかむ - to win over
2. bottom of one's heart; core (of one's character); nature
6. friendArchaic, Children's language
1. Qing dynasty (of China; 1644-1912); Ch'ing dynasty; Manchu dynastyHistorical term
2. Shin
1. zhen (one of the trigrams of the I Ching: thunder, east)
1. warning; admonitionRare term
1. foretelling; prophecyRare term
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