

Words — 397 found

Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
1. forbidding mentioning (something to others); imposing silence (on); ordering (someone) to keep quiet; muzzling (someone); gagging; hushing up
2. hush moneyAbbreviation, See also 口止め料
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Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
1. to cover (with something)Usually written using kana alone
  • かれ
  • くるま
  • カバー
  • かぶ被せた
He put a cover over his car.
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
2. to put on (e.g. someone's head)Usually written using kana alone
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
3. to pour liquid (on something); to dash liquid (over something)Usually written using kana alone
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
4. to plate (something) with metal; to cover (with a dental crown)Usually written using kana alone
  • あたら新しい
  • クラウン
  • かぶせる
  • ひつよう必要
  • あります
You have to have a new crown.
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
5. to add (e.g. music to a video); to include (into something)Usually written using kana alone
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
6. to speak (over someone else)Usually written using kana alone
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
7. to put the blame (on someone); to place the responsibility (on someone)Usually written using kana alone
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Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Transitive verb
1. to make a cynical remark (about); to make a sarcastic remark (about); to satirize; to mock
  • ねぼう寝坊
  • して仕事に遅刻したら、課長に「
  • じゅうやくしゅっきん重役出勤
  • おつかお疲れさま
  • 」と
  • じょうだんま冗談交じり
  • ひにく皮肉られて
  • しまった。
When I overslept and was late for work, the section chief jokingly made a sarcastic remark saying, "Good job for arriving at work like an executive!”
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Godan verb with 'su' ending, Intransitive verb
1. to object; to protest; to complain
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Intransitive verb
2. to speak; to sayDated term
3. hello!; is anyone home?; may I come in?Archaic
Other forms
もの申す 【ものもうす】
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Godan verb with 'ku' ending, Transitive verb
1. to curse (at someone); to call someone names; to speak bitterly
Other forms
毒突く 【どくづく】
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Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb
1. to speak jokingly; to speak teasingly; to joke around; to speak nonsenseColloquial, See also チャラチャラ
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Suru verb - included, Transitive verb
1. to taste; to eat; to drink
  • この
  • 3日間
  • なに何も
  • くち口にしていない
I have eaten nothing for the past three days.
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Suru verb - included, Transitive verb
2. to speak (of); to put into words; to refer (to); to say
  • そういう
  • こと
  • くち口にする
Don't talk about such a thing.
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たん 啖呵
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Godan verb with 'ru' ending
1. to speak sharply (e.g. during a heated discussion or argument)
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Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
1. to speak frankly; to put things bluntlyColloquial
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)
1. speak of the devilProverb, See also 噂をすれば影が射す
  • うわさをすればかげ噂をすれば影
  • 、キャシー
  • 来た
Speak of the devil, here comes Kathy.
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Godan verb with 'u' ending
1. to speak with restraint; to understate; to downplay; to put it mildly; to say the least
Other forms
控え目に言う 【ひかえめにいう】
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1. mother; mom; mum; maHonorific or respectful (sonkeigo) language, See also 母さん
2. wifeHonorific or respectful (sonkeigo) language
3. you (of an elderly person older than the speaker); she; herFamiliar language
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1. this; this oneUsually written using kana alone, See also それ, See also あれ, See also どれ, indicating an item near the speaker, the action of the speaker, or the current topic
  • これ
  • おもしろ面白い
  • ほん
This is an interesting book.
2. this personUsually written using kana alone, usu. indicating someone in one's in-group
  • これ
  • あに
  • です
  • かっこいい
  • です
This is my brother. Handsome, isn't he?
3. now; this point (in time)Usually written using kana alone, as これから, これまで, etc.
  • わたし
  • これ
  • から
  • えいご英語
  • いっしょうけんめい一生懸命
  • べんきょう勉強します
I will study English hard from now on.
4. hereDated term, Usually written using kana alone
Adverb (fukushi)
5. used to stress the subject of a sentenceFormal or literary term, Usually written using kana alone
6. I; meArchaic
Other forms
是 【これ】是れ 【これ】之 【これ】之れ 【これ】維 【これ】惟 【これ】此 【これ】
此れ: Rarely-used kanji form. 是: Rarely-used kanji form. 是れ: Rarely-used kanji form. 之: Rarely-used kanji form. 之れ: Rarely-used kanji form. 維: Rarely-used kanji form. 惟: Rarely-used kanji form. 此: Irregular okurigana usage, Rarely-used kanji form.
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1. this way; this directionUsually written using kana alone, See also そちら, See also あちら, See also どちら, direction close to the speaker or towards the speaker
  • こちら
  • やってくる
  • しょうねん少年
  • その
  • いぬ
  • ごらんなさい
Look at the boy and his dog that are coming this way.
2. hereUsually written using kana alone, place close to the speaker or where the speaker is
  • しお
  • こちら
  • 取って
  • もらえます
Could you pass me the salt, please?
3. this (one)Usually written using kana alone, something physically close to the speaker
  • こちら
  • ほう
  • あちら
  • より
  • ねだん値段
  • たか高い
This costs more than that.
4. I; me; we; usUsually written using kana alone
  • こちら
  • アヤ、
  • こちら
  • アヤ、
  • おうとう応答
  • おねがお願いします
This is Aya, this is Aya. Please respond.
5. this personUsually written using kana alone, Only applies to こちら, someone physically close to the speaker and of equal or higher status
  • 叔母さん
  • こちら
  • トム
  • きみ
  • です
Aunt, this is Tom.
Other forms
此方 【こっち】此方 【こち】
此方: Rarely-used kanji form. 此方: Rarely-used kanji form. こち: Out-dated or obsolete kana usage. 此方: Rarely-used kanji form.
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1. there; over there; that place; yonder; you-know-whereUsually written using kana alone, See also どこ, See also ここ, See also そこ, place physically distant from both speaker and listener
  • あそこ
  • から
  • ひとかげ人影
  • 見えた
A form appeared from over there.
2. genitals; private parts; nether regionsColloquial, Usually written using kana alone, Euphemistic, Only applies to あそこ, Only applies to あすこ, Only applies to アソコ
  • せんせい先生
  • アソコ
  • かゆいんです
Doctor, I've got an itch in my crotch.
3. that far; that much; that pointUsually written using kana alone, See also あれほど, something psychologically distant from both speaker and listener
Other forms
彼処 【あすこ】彼処 【かしこ】彼処 【あしこ】彼処 【あこ】彼所 【あそこ】彼所 【あすこ】彼所 【かしこ】彼所 【あしこ】彼所 【あこ】アソコ
彼処: Rarely-used kanji form. 彼処: Rarely-used kanji form. 彼処: Rarely-used kanji form. あしこ: Out-dated or obsolete kana usage. 彼処: Rarely-used kanji form. あこ: Out-dated or obsolete kana usage. 彼処: Rarely-used kanji form. 彼所: Rarely-used kanji form. 彼所: Rarely-used kanji form. 彼所: Rarely-used kanji form. あしこ: Out-dated or obsolete kana usage. 彼所: Rarely-used kanji form. あこ: Out-dated or obsolete kana usage. 彼所: Rarely-used kanji form.
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1. that way; that directionUsually written using kana alone, See also こちら, See also あちら, See also どちら, direction distant from the speaker, close to the listener
  • そちら
  • セントラル
  • じどうしゃがっこう自動車学校
  • ではない
  • んです
Isn't this Central Driving School?
2. thereUsually written using kana alone, place distant from the speaker, close to the listener
  • そっち
  • せいかつ生活
  • どう
  • だい
How are things for you up there?
3. that (one)Usually written using kana alone, something close to the listener
  • これ
  • そちら
  • ちが違い
  • なに
  • だい
What is the difference between this and that?
4. you; your family; your companyUsually written using kana alone, そちら is polite
  • そちら
  • じょうけん条件
  • うけい受け入れましょう
We will accept your conditions.
5. that personUsually written using kana alone, someone close to the listener
Other forms
其方 【そっち】其方 【そなた】其方 【そち】
其方: Rarely-used kanji form. 其方: Rarely-used kanji form. 其方: Rarely-used kanji form. 其方: Rarely-used kanji form.
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Adverb (fukushi)
1. in this way; like this; so; thusUsually written using kana alone, See also そう, See also ああ, See also どう, used for something or someone close to the speaker, including the speaker himself, or for the opinions of the speaker
  • ちが違い
  • こう
  • つまり
  • かれ
  • ほう
  • きみ
  • より
  • よく
  • はたら働く
  • のだ
The difference is this: he works harder than you.
Adverb (fukushi)
2. this (much); soUsually written using kana alone
3. uh; er; mm; wellUsually written using kana alone, interjection used as a verbal pause
斯う: Rarely-used kanji form.
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1. thing; matterUsually written using kana alone
2. incident; occurrence; event; something serious; trouble; crisisUsually written using kana alone
3. circumstances; situation; state of affairsUsually written using kana alone
4. work; business; affairUsually written using kana alone
5. after an inflectable word, creates a noun phrase indicating something the speaker does not feel close toUsually written using kana alone
Noun, used as a suffix
6. nominalizing suffixUsually written using kana alone, See also 事 ごと
  • かれ
  • いあ居空き
  • として
  • 知られ
  • にっちゅう日中
  • でも
  • いえ
  • しのびこ忍び込んで
  • きちょうひん貴重品
  • ぬす盗む
  • こと
  • ひょうばん評判
  • となっていた
He was known as a burglar of houses where occupants are present and had a reputation for sneaking in and stealing valuables even during the day.
Noun, used as a suffix
7. pretending to ...; playing make-believe ...Usually written using kana alone, See also 事 ごと
8. alias; also known as; otherwise known as; orUsually written using kana alone, as AことB (A = alias, B = real name)
9. necessity; needUsually written using kana alone, as 〜ことはない
10. you should ...; I advise that you ...; it's important to ...Usually written using kana alone, as 〜ことだ
Other forms
縡 【こと】
縡: Out-dated kanji or kanji usage.
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Adverb (fukushi)
1. anyway; anyhow; at any rate; in any case; at least; justUsually written using kana alone
Adverb (fukushi)
2. setting aside ...; regardless of ...Usually written using kana alone, as ...は〜 or ...なら〜
Adverb (fukushi)
3. really; truly; certainly; definitely; undeniablyUsually written using kana alone, Colloquial
兎に角: Ateji (phonetic) reading.
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