
  • jreibun/4498/2
    • じゅもくい樹木医
    • は自然の
    • じゅもく樹木
    • んねんきねんぶつ天然記念物
    • じゅもく樹木
    • じんじゃ神社
    • ごしんぼくご神木
    • など、
    • じゅもくいっぱん樹木一般
    • ほぜん保全
    • や病気の
    • ちりょう治療
    • おこな行う
    Arborists take care of the preservation of trees in general, including natural trees, trees designated as natural monuments, and sacred trees at Shinto shrines, as well as treat their diseases. Jreibun
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