
  • jreibun/647/2
    • ながねん長年
    • ペーパードライバーだったので、運転するのは
    • こわ怖かった
    • が、子どもの
    • おくりむか送り迎え
    • のためにしかたなく運転しているうちに
    • じょうず上手に
    • なった。「習うより慣れよ」とはいみじくも言ったものだ。
    For many years, even though I had a driver’s license, I hardly ever drove, so I was afraid to drive when I had to transport my children to and from school. Initially, I was reluctant to drive. However, I soon became better at it. Now, the virtue of the proverb, “Experience is the best teacher,” deeply resonates with me. Jreibun
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