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Words — 433 found

1. scholarship; stipend; bursary; grant-in-aid
  • かれ
  • その
  • しょうがくきん奨学金
  • おうぼ応募
  • した
He applied for the scholarship.
2. student loan
Wikipedia definition
3. ScholarshipA scholarship is an award of financial aid for a student ... Read more
Other forms
奨学金 【しょうがっきん】
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1. finance; financing; credit transacting; loaning of money; circulation of money
Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
2. monetary; financial; credit
Wikipedia definition
3. FinanceFinance is the study of how investors allocate their asse... Read more
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1. national language
  • かれ
  • こくご国語
  • 好き
  • とくい得意
He likes Japanese, and he's good at it.
2. Japanese language (esp. as a school subject in Japan)See also 国語科
  • だいに第二
  • いくつかの
  • クリオール
  • それじたいそれ自体
  • どくりつ独立
  • した
  • こくご国語
  • となる
  • かもしれない
Secondly, some of the Creoles may become independent "national languages" in their own right.
3. one's native language; mother tongue
4. native Japanese words (as opposed to loanwords and Chinese-derived words)
Wikipedia definition
5. National languageA national language is a language which has some connecti... Read more
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Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
1. to borrow
  • この
  • ほん
  • 借りして
  • よろしい
  • ですか
May I borrow this book?
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
2. to rent; to hire
  • へや部屋
  • ある
  • アパート
  • 借り
  • たい
  • のです
I want to rent an apartment with two rooms.
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
3. to make use of (another's help, wisdom, etc.); to obtain; to receive
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
4. to use (for another purpose); to put to a different use
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Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
1. to attach; to join; to connect; to add; to append; to affix; to stick; to glue; to fasten; to sew on; to apply (ointment); to put againstUsually written using kana alone
  • おまえ
  • うわぎ上着
  • わたし私の
  • かんじょう勘定
  • つけて
  • おきなさい
Put your coat on my account.
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
2. to furnish (a house with)Usually written using kana alone
  • じたく自宅
  • かいちく改築
  • する
  • さい
  • この
  • へや部屋
  • だけ
  • ぼうおんせつび防音設備
  • うちかぎ内鍵
  • 付けたんだ
When my home had an extension built I only had this room fitted with soundproofing and an internal lock.
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
3. to wear; to put onUsually written using kana alone
  • よろい
  • つけている
  • ひと
  • ころ転ぶ
  • おお大きな
  • おと
  • する
He who wears armor falls with a big crash!
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
4. to keep a diary; to make an entryUsually written using kana alone
  • かのじょ彼女
  • むかし
  • 日記を付けていた
  • いま
  • つけていない
She used to keep a diary, but she no longer does.
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
5. to appraise; to set (a price)Usually written using kana alone
  • あの
  • みせ
  • しょうひん商品
  • ねさ値下げ
  • して
  • ねだん値段
  • つけてある
They mark down goods at that shop.
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
6. to allot; to budget; to assignUsually written using kana alone
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
7. to bring alongsideUsually written using kana alone
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
8. to place (under guard or doctor)Usually written using kana alone
  • けいかん警官
  • その
  • おとこ
  • つけた
The policeman followed him.
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
9. to follow (someone); to shadow; to tail; to stalkUsually written using kana alone
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
10. to load; to give (courage to)Usually written using kana alone
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
11. to keep (an eye on)Usually written using kana alone
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
12. to establish (relations or understanding)Usually written using kana alone
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
13. to turn on (a light)Usually written using kana alone, See also 点ける
  • テレビ
  • つけた
  • とたんに
  • ヒューズ
  • とんだ
No sooner had Tom turned on the TV than the fuse blew.
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
14. to produce flowers (of a plant); to produce fruitUsually written using kana alone
  • わたし私の
  • すこ少し
  • はな
  • つけた
  • ならなかった
My tree had a few blossoms but no fruit.
Suffix, Ichidan verb
15. to do intensely; to do fiercely; to do stronglyUsually written using kana alone, See also 怒鳴りつける, after -masu stem of verb
Suffix, Ichidan verb
16. to be used to (doing); to be accustomed toUsually written using kana alone, after -masu stem of verb
Other forms
着ける 【つける】附ける 【つける】
附ける: Rarely-used kanji form.
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Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
1. to lend; to loan
  • かばん
  • ひつよう必要
  • です
  • 貸して
  • ください
I need a bag. Will you lend me one?
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
2. to rent out; to hire out
  • なつ
  • あいだ
  • かれ彼ら
  • いえ
  • ひと
  • 貸した
They rented their house for the summer.
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
3. to hand (over); to giveColloquial
Other forms
藉す 【かす】
藉す: Rarely-used kanji form.
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1. interest (on a deposit, loan, etc.)See also 利息
Wikipedia definition
2. InterestInterest is a fee paid by a borrower of assets to the own... Read more
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Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
1. financing; loan
Wikipedia definition
2. LoanA loan is a type of debt. Like all debt instruments, a lo... Read more
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Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
1. debt; loan; liabilities; borrowing money
2. number of games under the .500 markBaseball, Colloquial
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Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
1. to place on (something)
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
2. to give (someone) a ride; to give a lift; to pick up; to help on boardesp. 乗せる
  • くるま
  • 乗せて
  • ください
Give me a lift in your car.
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
3. to load (luggage); to carry; to take on boardesp. 載せる
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
4. to send out (on the airwaves, etc.)
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
5. to deceive; to take for a ride
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
6. to (sing) along with (musical accompaniment)
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
7. to let (someone) take part
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
8. to excite (someone)
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
9. to publish (an article); to run (an ad)Only applies to 載せる
Other forms
載せる 【のせる】
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Godan verb with 'u' ending, Transitive verb
1. to hate; to dislike; to loathe
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Godan verb with 'mu' ending, Transitive verb
1. to pile up; to stack
  • なが流し
  • よこ
  • おさらお皿
  • 積んで
  • おいて
  • くだされば
  • あと後で
  • わたし
  • あら洗います
If you stack the dishes up by the sink, I'll do them later.
Godan verb with 'mu' ending, Transitive verb
2. to load (car, ship, etc.); to pack
  • その
  • ふね
  • ぶき武器
  • いっぱいに
  • 積んでいた
The ship was stowed with arms.
Godan verb with 'mu' ending, Transitive verb
3. to acquire; to accumulate
  • かれ
  • はばひろ幅広い
  • けいけん経験
  • 積んでいる
  • ひと
He is a man of wide experience.
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Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
1. recruitment; invitation; selection; advertisement; taking applications
Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
2. raising (funds, donations, etc.); collection; subscription; solicitation
Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
3. flotation (of shares, loans, etc.)
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Noun, Suru verb
1. lending; loaning
Other forms
貸し出し 【かしだし】貸出し 【かしだし】
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Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Intransitive verb
1. to be placed on; to be set on; to be piled on; to be loaded onSee also 乗る のる
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Intransitive verb
2. to appear (in print); to be mentioned; to be recorded; to be reported; to be given
  • には
  • その
  • ニュース
  • 載っていない
The Asahi Shimbun did not carry that news.
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1. burden; load; responsibility
Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
2. bearing (a cost, responsibility, etc.); shouldering
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Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
1. lending (money, commodities, etc.); finance; loan
  • せきゆ石油
  • 2、3
  • リッター
  • ばかり
  • ゆうずう融通
  • して
  • もらえます
Can you spare me a few liters of petrol?
2. adaptability; versatility; flexibility; accommodation
Other forms
融通 【ゆうづう】融通 【ゆずう】
ゆずう: Out-dated or obsolete kana usage.
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Kanji — 16 found

16 strokes. JLPT N3. Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 4.
volume, product (x*y), acreage, contents, pile up, stack, load, amass
On: セキ
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13 strokes. JLPT N1. Jōyō kanji, taught in junior high.
bond, loan, debt
On: サイ
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10 strokes. JLPT N2. Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 3.
baggage, shoulder-pole load, bear (a burden), shoulder (a gun), load, cargo, freight
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12 strokes. JLPT N1. Jōyō kanji, taught in junior high.
board, load (a vehicle), ride
On: トウ
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Names — 10 found

Unclassified name
1. Hawaii Loa
マウナロアさん 【マウナロア山】
1. Mauna Loa (mountain)
Unclassified name
1. Loach; Roach; Roig
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