

Words — 507 found

1. eggs; egg; spawn; roeOnly applies to 卵
  • たまご
  • いち
  • ダース
  • づつ
  • つめ
  • なさい
Pack eggs in dozens.
2. (hen's) eggoft. 玉子 in cooking
  • たまご
  • かた硬く
  • ゆでて
  • ください
Boil the eggs hard.
3. (an expert) in the makingOnly applies to 卵
  • かれ
  • いしゃ医者
  • たまご
He's a future doctor.
4. beginning; origin; infancyOnly applies to 卵
Wikipedia definition
5. Egg (biology)In zoology, an egg is an organic vessel in which an embry... Read more
Other forms
玉子 【たまご】
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1. sprout; shoot; bud
2. germinal disk (in an egg)See also 胚盤
Wikipedia definition
3. ShootShoots are new plant growth, they can include stems, flow... Read more
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Noun, Noun, used as a suffix
1. child; kid; teenager; youngster; young (non-adult) person
  • その
  • ははおや母親
  • あま甘えた
The child played the baby to his mother.
Noun, Noun, used as a suffix
2. (one's) child; offspring
Noun, Noun, used as a suffix
3. young womanalso 娘
  • ふふっ
  • ・・・
  • その
  • にんげん人間
  • じゃない
  • ロボット
  • ア・ン・ド・ロ・イ・ド
Ha-ha ... She isn't human. She's a robot; A-n-d-r-o-i-d.
Noun, Noun, used as a suffix
4. young (animal)See also 仔 こ
  • くじら
  • ほにゅうどうぶつ哺乳動物
  • である
  • いいか言い換えれば
  • ちち
  • あた与える
A whale is a mammal; in other words it feeds milk to its young.
5. offshoot
6. interestSee also 元も子もない
7. new shareFinance, Abbreviation, See also 子株
8. player who is not a dealerCard games, Mahjong, See also
9. young geisha; young prostitutealso 姑
10. bird eggArchaic
Noun, used as a suffix
11. -er (often of young women)after a noun or -masu stem
  • かれ
  • きっすいの
  • ロンドン
  • です
He's a genuine Londoner.
Other forms
児 【こ】
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1. egoPhilosophy, See also 非我
2. selfPsychology
3. egoPsychoanalysis, See also 超自我, See also イド
Wikipedia definition
4. Id, ego and super-egoId, ego and super-ego are the three parts of the psychic ... Read more
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1. ball; sphere; globe; orb
2. bead (of sweat, dew, etc.); drop; droplet
  • かれ彼の
  • ひたい
  • には
  • たま
  • ような
  • あせ
  • 浮かんでいた
There were beads of sweat on his forehead.
3. ball (in sports)esp. 球
4. pile (of noodles, etc.)
5. bulletesp. 弾; also written as 弾丸
  • たま
  • かれ彼の
  • ほお
  • かすめた
The bullet grazed his cheek.
6. bulb (i.e. a light bulb)esp. 球
7. lens (of glasses, etc.)
8. bead (of an abacus)esp. 玉, 珠
9. ball (i.e. a testicle)Slang, Abbreviation, See also 金玉 きんたま, esp. 玉
10. gem; jewel (esp. spherical; sometimes used figuratively); pearlesp. 玉, 珠; also written as 璧
  • かんなん艱難
  • なんじ
  • たま
Adversity makes a man wise, not rich.
11. female entertainer (e.g. a geisha)
12. person (when commenting on their nature); characterDerogatory
  • こいつ
  • そんな
  • たま
  • じゃない
  • こと
  • なんて
  • とうのむかしとうの昔
  • 解っていた
  • から
That's because, you see, I've known he isn't that sort of person from a long time back.
13. item, funds or person used as part of a plot
Noun, Noun, used as a suffix
14. eggOnly applies to 玉, See also 玉子
Noun, used as a suffix, Counter
15. okonomiyakiFood, cooking, Only applies to 玉, See also お好み焼き
Noun, used as a suffix
16. coinusu. だま
  • ニッケル
  • セント
  • たま
  • です
A nickel is a five-cent coin.
Noun, used as a suffix
17. precious; beautiful; excellent
Other forms
球 【たま】珠 【たま】弾 【たま】
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Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
1. to release; to let go; to free; to set free; to let loose; to turn loose
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
2. to add (pieces of eggplant, potato, etc.) to water, broth, etc.
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Na-adjective (keiyodoshi), Noun
1. selfish; egoistUsually written using kana alone
  • あの
  • あま甘やかして
  • いけません
  • とても
  • わがまま
  • になります
You shouldn't indulge that child. It will make him very selfish.
Na-adjective (keiyodoshi), Noun
2. self-indulgent; wilful; willfulArchaic
Other forms
我が儘 【わがまま】我がまま 【わがまま】我侭 【わがまま】我が侭 【わがまま】
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Godan verb with 'mu' ending, Transitive verb
1. to give birth; to bear (child); to lay (eggs)
Godan verb with 'mu' ending, Transitive verb
2. to produce; to yield; to give rise to; to deliver
  • その
  • かしつけきん貸付金
  • 、8
  • りえき利益
  • 生む
The loan bears an 8% interest.
Other forms
産む 【うむ】
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1. conceit; vanity; pride; self-importance; egotism
Other forms
己惚れ 【うぬぼれ】己惚れ 【おのぼれ】
己惚れ: Rarely-used kanji form. おのぼれ: Out-dated or obsolete kana usage. 己惚れ: Rarely-used kanji form.
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Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
1. to bind; to file
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
2. to finish (a dish) by pouring beaten egg into the brothFood, cooking, Usually written using kana alone
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
3. to sew up; to stitch togetherDated term
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1. subjectivity; subject (philosophical); ego
2. one's personal opinion; one's own idea
  • いろいろ
  • かんが考えて
  • みる
  • わたし私の
  • しゅかん主観
  • です
  • プレゼント
  • どれだけ
  • きも気持ち
  • こめられている
  • かち価値
  • かわって
  • くる
  • のだ
  • おも思います
All things considered, and it's just my opinion but, I think that the value of a present changes depending on how much thought is put into it.
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1. sushi; range of dishes made with vinegared rice combined with fish, vegetables, egg, etc.Food, cooking
Wikipedia definition
2. Sushi, makizushi, temaki. ]] Sushi (すし, 寿司, 鮨, 鮓, 寿斗, 寿し, 壽司) ... Read more
Other forms
鮨 【すし】鮓 【すし】
寿司: Ateji (phonetic) reading. 鮓: Rarely-used kanji form.
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1. egoism; egotism; selfishnessYojijukugo (four character compound)
Wikipedia definition
2. SelfishnessSelfishness is placing concern with oneself or one's own ... Read more
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1. intellectual; educated personAbbreviation, See also 知識人
2. intelligentsiaAbbreviation, See also インテリゲンチャ
Wikipedia definition
3. IntelligentsiaFor the coffee shop company, see Intelligentsia Coffee & ... Read more
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1. hen's egg
Wikipedia definition
2. Egg (food)Eggs are laid by females of many different species, inclu... Read more
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1. eyeball
  • 目玉
  • くりぬくり抜かれて
  • 王座
  • ついた
There's a king on a throne with his eyes torn out.
2. special feature; centerpiece; showpiece; drawcardAbbreviation, See also 目玉番組 めだまばんぐみ
3. special program; loss leaderAbbreviation, See also 目玉商品 めだましょうひん
4. sunny-side up fried eggAbbreviation, See also 目玉焼き めだまやき
5. Medama
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Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb, Intransitive verb
1. egg-laying; spawning
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Godan verb with 'ku' ending, Transitive verb
1. to poke (repeatedly, lightly); to nudgeUsually written using kana alone
  • やぶ
  • つついて
  • ヘビ
  • 出す
It's not good to wake a sleeping snake.
Godan verb with 'ku' ending, Transitive verb
2. to peck at (one's food); to pick at
  • きつつき
  • なが長く
  • とが尖った
  • くちばし
  • みき
  • つついて
  • なか
  • いる
  • むし
  • 食べます
Woodpeckers peck tree trunks with their long pointed beaks and eat insects found there.
Godan verb with 'ku' ending, Transitive verb
3. to peck at (someone's faults, etc.)
Godan verb with 'ku' ending, Transitive verb
4. to egg on; to put up to
Other forms
突付く 【つつく】突つく 【つつく】
突付く: Irregular kanji usage. 突つく: Irregular okurigana usage.
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Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
1. oval shape; egg shape
Other forms
卵形 【たまごがた】卵型 【たまごがた】
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1. EgyptUsually written using kana alone
埃及: Ateji (phonetic) reading, Rarely-used kanji form.
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Kanji — 12 found

7 strokes. JLPT N1. Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 6.
ego, I, selfish, our, oneself
Kun: われ わ.が- わが-
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7 strokes. JLPT N2. Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 6.
egg, ovum, spawn, roe
Kun: たまご
On: ラン
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8 strokes. JLPT N1. Jinmeiyō kanji.
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11 strokes.
barbarian, egg
On: タン
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Sentences — 1 found

  • 74336
      MPEG-4 AVC
    • ろくが録画
    • じつりょく実力
    • テスト
    • つか使いやすさ
    • もとより
    • がしつ画質
    • おんしつ音質
    • じつりょく実力
    • たか高い
    MPEG-4 AVC recording practical test: It was always easy to use, now the picture and sound quality is high too. Tatoeba
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Names — 390 found

Unclassified name
1. Eg; Egg
エガがわ 【エガ川】
1. Ega (Spain) (river)
えが 【恵我】
Family or surname
1. Ega
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