Words — 175 found
1. fruit; nut
- おとこのこ男の子
- たち
- が 、
- わたし私の
- かきのき柿の木
- になっている
- じゅく熟した
- み実
- を
- ぜんぶ全部
- もちさ持ち去って
- しまった 。
2. seed
3. (in broth) pieces of meat, vegetable, etc.
4. content; substance
子 【み】
子: Rarely-used kanji form.
1. nut
Common word JLPT N3 Wanikani level 36 Play audio Show 6 collocations Links
- バカが移る - to catch 'the stupid' (e.g. from talking to stupid people, watching mindless TV, etc.)
- 馬鹿を見る - to feel like an idiot
- 馬鹿にする - to make fun of
- バカにならない - something not insignificant
- 馬鹿の一つ覚え - He that knows little often repeats it
- バカの壁 - phenomenon that perfect reasoning fail if an idiot cannot understand
1. idiot; moron; foolUsually written using kana alone
- こんな
- あれもよう荒れ模様
- の
- ひ日
- に
- がいしゅつ外出
- する
- なんて
- きみ君
- は
- ばか馬鹿
- だ
- よ 。
2. stupid; foolish; dull; absurd; ridiculousUsually written using kana alone
- なんという
- ばか馬鹿な
- こと
- だろう 。
3. trivial; insignificant; disappointingUsually written using kana alone
4. malfunctioning; defective; losing sensationUsually written using kana alone
5. incredibly; unusually; exceptionallyUsually written using kana alone, Slang
6. fervent enthusiast; nut; person singularly obsessed with somethingUsually written using kana alone, Slang, usu. in compounds
7. Mactra chinensis (species of trough shell)Abbreviation, Usually written using kana alone, See also 馬鹿貝
莫迦 【ばか】、バカ
馬鹿: Ateji (phonetic) reading. 莫迦: Ateji (phonetic) reading, Rarely-used kanji form.
雌ねじ 【めすねじ】、雌ネジ 【めねじ】、雌ネジ 【めすねじ】、雌螺子 【めねじ】、雌螺子 【めすねじ】、女ねじ 【めねじ】、女ねじ 【めすねじ】、メネジ、メスネジ
雌螺子: Rarely-used kanji form. 雌螺子: Rarely-used kanji form. 女ねじ: Rarely-used kanji form. 女ねじ: Rarely-used kanji form.
1. nut (on the head of a shamisen, supporting the second and third strings)
2. Kamikoma
上駒 【かみこま】
1. madness; insanity
2. irregularity; deviation; being out of order
- かれ彼
- の
- め目
- に
- くる狂い
- は
- ない 。
3. fanaticism; fanatic; enthusiast; nutusu. pronounced ぐるい as a suffix
1. jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis); goat nut; deer nut
1. Japanese wing nut (Pterocarya rhoifolia)Usually written using kana alone
1. mania; enthusiasm; maniac; enthusiast; nutSlang
1. hard problem; person hard to please; hard nut to crack
1. being enthusiastic about; being wild about; being absorbed in; being engrossed in; being devoted to