

Words — 51 found

Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)
1. about; concerning; as to; regardingUsually written using kana alone
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)
1. to; for; from the standpoint of; as far as ... is concernedUsually written using kana alone
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)
1. when it comes to; concerningUsually written using kana alone
  • ゆうじん友人
  • えら選ぶ
  • にあたっては
  • いくら
  • ちゅうい注意
  • して
  • しすぎる
  • こと
  • ない
You cannot be too careful in choosing your friends.
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I-adjective (keiyoushi)
1. dangerous; in danger; facing imminent dangerusu. as 危ういところ
  • あや危うい
  • ところ
  • たす助かった
I had a narrow escape.
I-adjective (keiyoushi)
2. precarious (situation); perilous (state, balance, etc.); in doubt; in jeopardy; uncertain; insecure; concerning; worrying
  • かれ
  • いま
  • にゅういん入院
  • ちゅう
  • いき生きられる
  • かどうか
  • あや危うい
  • じょうたい状態
He is now in the hospital and his life is in the balance.
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)
1. concerning; per; on account of
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Noun, Adverb (fukushi)
1. good; advantage; benefit; welfareUsually written using kana alone, See also 為に
  • あなた
  • ため
  • なら
  • よろこ喜んで
  • どんな
  • こと
  • でも
  • します
I am ready to do anything for you.
Noun, Adverb (fukushi)
2. sake; purpose; objective; aimUsually written using kana alone
  • 1月
  • 30
  • にち
  • 、31
  • にち
  • そうしき葬式
  • ため
  • やす休みます
I'm taking bereavement leave on Jan. 30 and 31.
Noun, Adverb (fukushi)
3. consequence; result; effectUsually written using kana alone
  • それ
  • おまえ
  • こえ
  • よく
  • 聞く
  • ため
It is in order to hear your voice well.
Noun, Adverb (fukushi)
4. affecting; regarding; concerningUsually written using kana alone
Other forms
爲 【ため】為め 【ため】
爲: Out-dated kanji or kanji usage. 為め: Irregular okurigana usage.
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)
1. when it comes to; concerning (an area of expertise)See also にかけて
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)
1. when it comes to ...; concerning; where ... are concernedUsually written using kana alone, See also 来る きたる
  • ぼく
  • スーザン
  • あやま謝ろう
  • でんわ電話
  • した
  • のに
  • かのじょ彼女
  • ときたら
  • いっぽうてき一方的に
  • でんわをき電話を切っ
  • ちゃった
  • んだ
I called Susan to apologize to her, but she hung up on me.
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)
1. about; on; regarding; concerningUsually written using kana alone
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)
2. per; for everyUsually written using kana alone
に就いて: Rarely-used kanji form.
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)
1. regarding ...; concerning ...; about ...; on ...; with respect to ...; in regard to ...
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1. otolaryngology; ear, nose, and throat department
  • かふん花粉
  • アレルギーがあるため、
  • じびか耳鼻科
  • かふんしょう花粉症
  • くすり
  • しょほう処方して
  • もらった。
I have a pollen allergy, so I visited an otolaryngologist to have pollinosis medication prescribed.
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)
1. till; to; over (a period); through (e.g. Monday through Thursday); about (approx. time or place); on
  • この
  • ため
  • こんや今夜
  • から
  • あした明日
  • にかけて
  • ぜんぱん全般に
  • くも曇り
  • あめ
  • てんき天気
  • でしょう
Because of this it will probably be generally cloudy and rainy weather over tonight and tomorrow.
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)
2. concerning (an area of expertise)
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)
3. swearing by (one's sword, God, etc.)
  • かみ
  • にかけて
  • しんじつ真実
  • かた語る
  • こと
  • ちか誓う
I swear by God that I will speak the truth.
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Adverb (fukushi)
1. consequently; as a result; in the end
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1. about; concerning; related to; -ishUsually written using kana alone
Other forms
絡み 【がらみ】
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)
1. to; for; from the standpoint of; as far as ... is concernedPolite (teineigo) language, Usually written using kana alone, See also にとって
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)
1. because of; on account of; due toUsually written using kana alone
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)
2. about; on; regarding; concerningUsually written using kana alone, See also について
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)
3. per; for everyUsually written using kana alone, See also について
  • その
  • しなもの品物
  • ダース
  • につき
  • ドル
  • 買う
I buy the goods at $3 a dozen.
Other forms
に就き 【につき】
に就き: Rarely-used kanji form.
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1. concerning Taiwan; concerning the Republic of China
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Na-adjective (keiyodoshi)
1. quantitative; concerning the quantity
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)
1. concerning ...; over ...; about ...; centering on ...Usually written using kana alone, See also めぐる
  • こうほしゃ候補者
  • たち
  • げんぜい減税
  • ほうあん法案
  • をめぐって
  • おうしゅう応酬
  • しました
Candidates traded blows over the proposed tax cut.
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Kanji — 3 found

14 strokes. JLPT N3. Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 4.
connection, barrier, gateway, involve, concerning
On: カン
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12 strokes. JLPT N1. Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 6.
concerning, settle, take position, depart, study, per
On: シュウ ジュ
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19 strokes.
connection, barrier, gateway, involve, concerning
On: カン
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Sentences — 30 found

  • jreibun/5987/1
    • とうてん当店
    • は、
    • とうぶん当分
    • あいだ
    • 午後
    • はちじ8時
    • 閉店とさせていただきます。ご不便をおかけしますが、なにとぞご理解
    • たまわ賜ります
    • ようよろしくお願い申し上げます。
    Owing to the declaration concerning the state of emergency, our store will be closed at 8:00 p.m. for the time being. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and ask for your understanding and cooperation. Jreibun
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Names — 1 found

りゅうきょうしんし 【柳橋新誌】
Unclassified name
1. Ryuukyou Shinshi (book by Narushima Ryuuhoku concerning the Yanigabashi pleasure quarters)