

Words — 2307 found

1. dining room; dining hall; cafeteria; canteen; messroom
  • わたし私達
  • いえ
  • しょくどう食堂
  • ふく含めて
  • へや部屋
  • あります
Our house has seven rooms including the dining room.
2. restaurant; eatery; snack bar; diner
  • わたし
  • かど
  • 曲がって
  • かいてん開店
  • そうそう早々
  • しょくどう食堂
  • 見つけた
I turned the corner and caught sight of a newly opened restaurant.
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3. Dining roomA dining room is a room for consuming food. In modern tim... Read more
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1. (hard) candy; toffeeFood, cooking
2. rice-sugar; sugar made from the starch of rice, potatoes, etc.Food, cooking
3. amber; yellowish-brownAbbreviation, See also 飴色
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4. YeotYeot is a variety of hangwa, or Korean traditional confec... Read more
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Noun
1. the most one can do; the best one can do; the best one can expectIdiomatic expression
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Noun or verb acting prenominally
1. which can exist solely due to the presence of; whose existence is determined entirely by; which owes everything to
  • いのち
  • あっての
  • ものだね物種
While there is life, there is hope.
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Noun, Suru verb, Intransitive verb
1. reaching a stopping place; settling down (before the next stage); getting to a point where one can rest; completing the first stage (of the work)
2. one paragraph
Other forms
一段落 【ひとだんらく】ひと段落 【ひとだんらく】
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Adverb (fukushi)
1. as you can see
  • ごらんご覧のように
  • わたし
  • まだ
  • いき生きている
  • それ
  • いちばん
  • だいじ大事な
  • こと
  • ちち
  • 言っている
As you can see, I'm still alive, and that's the main thing. My father, too, says that's what's most important.
Other forms
ご覧の様に 【ごらんのように】
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Adverb (fukushi)
1. to one's heart's content; as much as one wants; as hard as one can; with all one's strength; to the best of one's ability; to the utmost; with determination; hard; heavilySee also 思いっきり
  • かのじょ彼女
  • ぼく
  • みぎあし右足
  • おもいき思い切り
  • 蹴りつけた
She gave me a hard kick on my right leg.
2. resolution; decisiveness; determination; resignation
Other forms
思いきり 【おもいきり】
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1. moustache; mustache; beard; whiskers; sideburnsUsually written using kana alone, See also 口髭, See also 顎鬚, See also 頬髯, in careful usage 髭 for moustache, 鬚 for beard, 髯 for (cheek) whiskers
2. whiskers (on a cat, etc.); feelers (on an insect, etc.); (chin) tuftUsually written using kana alone
3. shadow (on a candlestick chart)Finance, Usually written using kana alone, usu. ヒゲ
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4. BeardA beard is the collection of hair that grows on the chin,... Read more
Other forms
鬚 【ひげ】髯 【ひげ】ヒゲ
鬚: Rarely-used kanji form. 髯: Rarely-used kanji form.
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Na-adjective (keiyodoshi), Noun
1. honest; frank; candid; straightforward
  • その
  • じじつ事実
  • かれ
  • しょうじき正直
  • しょうめい証明
  • している
The fact proves his honesty.
Adverb (fukushi)
2. honestly; frankly
  • しょうじき正直
  • 言って
  • わたし
  • クラシックおんがくクラシック音楽
  • 好き
  • じゃない
  • かたや
  • 、モリー
  • ほう
  • かんぜん完全に
  • はまっている
To tell the truth, I don't like classical music. On the other hand, Molly is really into it.
3. Shoujiki
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4. HonestyHonesty refers to a facet of moral character and denotes ... Read more
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1. compressed gas cylinder; aerosol spray canFrom German “Bombe”
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2. Gas cylinderA gas cylinder is a pressure vessel used to store gases a... Read more
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Adverb (fukushi), Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no', Noun
1. as much as one can; as much as possible
Other forms
出来る限り 【できるかぎり】
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I-adjective (keiyoushi)
1. more than one can eat
  • いちにち1日
  • たべきれない
  • ほど
  • リンゴ
  • ある
We have more apples than we could eat in a day.
Other forms
食べ切れない 【たべきれない】
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わたかぎ 見渡
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
1. as far as the eye can see
Other forms
見渡すかぎり 【みわたすかぎり】
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Adverb (fukushi)
1. with all one's strength; with might and main; as hard as one can
Other forms
力一杯 【ちからいっぱい】
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Noun, Noun, used as a suffix
1. state (of the US, Australia, India, Germany, etc.); province (e.g. of Canada); county (e.g. of the UK); region (e.g. of Italy); canton; oblast
  • なんぶ南部
  • しゅう
  • とうき冬期
  • りょこう旅行
  • する
  • いま
  • りょこう旅行
  • する
  • よりも
  • りょうきん料金
  • たか高く
  • なります
Traveling to the southern states during the winter will be costlier than it is now.
Noun, Noun, used as a suffix
2. continent
Noun, used as a suffix
3. province (of Japan)Historical term, See also
Noun, Noun, used as a suffix
4. province (of ancient China); prefecture; departmentHistorical term
5. dearArchaic, after a person's name
Wikipedia definition
6. Zhou (country subdivision)Zhou were historical political divisions of China. Formal... Read more
Other forms
洲 【しゅう】
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1. flow (of a fluid or gas); stream; current
2. flow (of people, things); passage (of time); tide; passing; (changing) trends; tendency
  • さん
  • おし教える
  • れきし歴史
  • なが流れ
  • さか逆らう
Tanaka's teaching goes against the stream of history.
3. course (of events); (step-by-step) procedure; process
  • こういう
  • なが流れ
  • になる
  • けっきょく結局
  • どんぐりのせいくらどんぐりの背比べ
  • になる
Once things start going this way, in the end they'll all be much of a muchness.
4. group of people who remain together after the end of an event
5. descent; ancestry; school
  • しゃかい社会
  • エコロジー
  • げんだい現代の
  • かんきょうほご環境保護
  • だい
  • なが流れ
  • である
  • という
  • かんてん観点
  • とく特に
  • きょうちょう強調
  • して
  • おき
  • たい
I would like to put special emphasis on the concept that social ecology is the second school of contemporary environmentalism.
6. forfeiture; foreclosureFinance
7. cancellationSee also お流れ, usu. as お流れ
8. drifting; wandering; roaming
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9. Flow
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1. diplomacy
2. selling (e.g. door-to-door); canvassing
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3. DiplomacyDiplomacy (from Latin diploma, meaning an official docume... Read more
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1. confectionery; sweets; candy; cakeSee also お菓子 おかし
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2. ConfectioneryConfectionery is the set of food items that are rich in s... Read more
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1. (navigable) canal; waterway
2. Unga
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3. CanalCanals are man-made channels for water. There are two typ... Read more
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Ichidan verb
1. can be discarded; can be cut down
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