

Words — 32 found

Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Intransitive verb
1. to be affected; to put on airs
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Transitive verb
2. to act like (something one isn't); to pretend to beas …を気取る
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Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Intransitive verb
1. to be harmful to; to hinder; to interfere with; to irritate
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Godan verb with 'mu' ending, Intransitive verb
1. to put on airs; to affect (e.g. importance); to look wise
  • かれ
  • えら偉そうに
  • すましこんでいる
He's putting on airs.
Other forms
すまし込む 【すましこむ】澄ましこむ 【すましこむ】
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Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
1. to invade; to raid; to violate (airspace, etc.); to intrude; to trespass
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
2. to infringe; to encroach
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
3. to harm; to afflict; to affectSee also 冒す おかす
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Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
1. to exert (influence); to exercise; to cause (e.g. damage); to do (e.g. harm); to bring about (e.g. benefits); to extend; to have an effect (on)
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Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Intransitive verb
1. to be involved (in); to get involved (in); to concern oneself (with); to take part (in); to interfere (in)
  • しんぶん新聞
  • によれば
  • かれ
  • その
  • いんぼう陰謀
  • かか関わっていた
According to the newspaper, he participated in the plot.
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Intransitive verb
2. to relate to (a matter); to pertain to; to concern; to have to do with
  • その
  • こきゃく顧客
  • くじょう苦情
  • びみょう微妙な
  • もんだい問題
  • かか関わる
  • もの
  • だった
The customer's complaint was about a sensitive issue.
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Intransitive verb
3. to (seriously) affect; to concern; to have a serious bearing (on)
  • これ
  • わがこう我が校
  • めいよ名誉
  • かかわる
  • もんだい問題
The problem affects the prestige of our school.
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Intransitive verb
4. to stick (to); to adhere (to); to be particular (about)Only applies to 拘る
Other forms
係わる 【かかわる】拘る 【かかわる】
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Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
1. to brave; to risk; to face; to venture
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
2. to harm; to afflict; to affectof a disease, chemical, etc.
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
3. to desecrate; to profane
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
4. to assume (someone else's surname); to take
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Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb
1. to respond; to answer; to meet (e.g. demands, expectations)occ. written as 報える
  • あなた
  • 御両親
  • きたい期待
  • こた応える
  • べき
You ought to live up to your parents' hopes.
Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb
2. to affect; to take a toll; to strike home; to have an effect on; to be hard on someone (e.g. heat, cold, work, illness, etc.); to be a strainSee also 堪える こたえる, occ. written as 徹える
  • それ
  • かれ
  • こた応え
  • だした
It is beginning to tell on him.
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Godan verb with 'u' ending, Transitive verb
1. to dress (oneself in); to attire oneself in; to adorn; to decorate
  • かのじょ彼女
  • じょゆう女優
  • ふう
  • よそお装っていた
She was dressed after the fashion of an actress.
Godan verb with 'u' ending, Transitive verb
2. to pretend; to feign; to affect; to disguise oneself as
  • ときどき時々
  • まわ周り
  • おき起きている
  • こと
  • むかんしん無関心
  • よそお装う
He sometimes affects indifference to what's happening around him.
Other forms
粧う 【よそおう】
粧う: Rarely-used kanji form.
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Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Transitive verb
1. to decorate; to ornament; to adorn
  • わたし私たち
  • じしん自身
  • へや部屋
  • かざ飾った
  • のです
We decorated the room ourselves.
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Transitive verb
2. to display; to exhibit; to put on show; to arrange
  • かれ彼の
  • かべ
  • かざ飾られていた
His pictures were hung on the wall.
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Transitive verb
3. to mark (e.g. the day with a victory); to adorn (e.g. the front page); to grace (e.g. the cover)
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Transitive verb
4. to affect (a manner); to keep up (appearances); to embellish; to dress up; to be showy; to be pretentious
Other forms
餝る 【かざる】錺る 【かざる】荘る 【かざる】
餝る: Out-dated kanji or kanji usage. 錺る: Out-dated kanji or kanji usage. 荘る: Out-dated kanji or kanji usage.
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えいきょうおよ 影響
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Godan verb with 'su' ending
1. to affect; to impact; to influence
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Godan verb with 'ku' ending, Intransitive verb
1. to influence; to affect
Other forms
差響く 【さしひびく】
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かっこう 格好
Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb
1. to affect a stylish air; to try to look good; to show offSee also かっこつける
Other forms
格好付ける 【かっこうつける】
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あくえいきょうおよ 悪影響
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Godan verb with 'su' ending
1. to affect adversely; to have a negative influence (on)See also 悪影響
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Godan verb with 'mu' ending, Transitive verb, Intransitive verb
1. to be worm-eaten; to be eaten by worms
Godan verb with 'mu' ending, Transitive verb, Intransitive verb
2. to affect adversely; to spoil; to ruin; to undermine; to gnaw at (one's heart, body, etc.); to eat into; to destroy
  • かれ彼の
  • めいよ名誉
  • どんよく貪欲
  • によって
  • むしばまれた
His honor was corroded by greed.
Other forms
虫食む 【むしばむ】
虫食む: Rarely-used kanji form.
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Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Intransitive verb
1. to be the work of; to be the result of; to be done bySee also 掛かる かかる
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Intransitive verb
2. to concern; to affect; to involve; to relate to
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Godan verb with 'su' ending
1. to affect a serene mood; to affect a serious demeanor; to act prudishly; to assume an air of superiority
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Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Intransitive verb
1. to hinder; to obstruct; to adversely affect
Other forms
さし障る 【さしさわる】
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Kanji — 6 found

13 strokes. JLPT N3. Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 4.
love, affection, favourite
On: アイ
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15 strokes. Jinmeiyō kanji.
pure sake, purity, affection
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19 strokes. Jinmeiyō kanji.
affection, love, patronage
On: チョウ
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14 strokes.
attachment, affection
On: ケン
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Sentences — 22 found

  • jreibun/753/2
    • ねんかん年間
    • へいきんきおん平均気温
    • 上がる
    • などすると、
    • さいばい栽培
    • てき適した
    • その
    • とち土地
    • さくもつ作物
    • が以前とは変わってくるということがある。
    Compared with the past, the effects of climate change, such as an increase in average annual temperature, can affect which crops are grown locally. Jreibun
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