

3 strokes
Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 1
JLPT level N5
131 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers


Stroke order

On reading compounds

  • 山 【サン】 Mt., Mount, temple
  • 山陰 【ヤマカゲ】 place in the shade of a mountain, shelter of the mountains, mountain recess
  • 治山 【チサン】 forest conservation, afforestation
  • 開山 【カイサン】 founding a temple (on a hill-top)
  • 山道 【ヤマミチ】 mountain road, mountain trail
  • 山海経 【センガイキョウ】 Classic of Mountains and Seas (classic Chinese text)
  • 雪山 【セツザン】 snowy mountain, permanently snow-covered mountain, Himalayas
  • 須弥山 【シュミセン】 Mount Sumeru (believed to be the centre of the Buddhist world)

Kun reading compounds

  • 山 【やま】 mountain, hill, mine (e.g. coal mine), heap, pile, crown (of a hat), thread (of a screw), tread (of a tire), protruding part of an object, high part, climax, peak, critical point, guess, speculation, gamble, criminal case, crime, mountain climbing, mountaineering, festival float (esp. one mounted with a decorative halberd), deck (of playing cards on table, face down, from which cards are drawn), stack, wall, wall tile, temple, temple grounds, wild
  • 山陰 【やまかげ】 place in the shade of a mountain, shelter of the mountains, mountain recess
  • 奥山 【おくやま】 remote mountain, mountain recesses
  • 青山 【せいざん】 lush mountain, green mountain, grave, burial place


Japanese names:
さ、 やの、 やん
Mandarin Chinese (pinyin):


  • montaña


  • montanha


  • montagne
38 A Guide To Reading and Writing Japanese (Florence Sakade)
58 A Guide To Reading and Writing Japanese 3rd edition (Henshall, Seeley and De Groot)
24 A Guide To Remembering Japanese Characters (Kenneth G. Henshall)
60 A New Dictionary of Kanji Usage
1407 Classic Nelson (Andrew Nelson)
21 Essential Kanji (P.G. O’Neill)
48 Japanese Kanji Flashcards (Max Hodges and Tomoko Okazaki)
89 Japanese Names (P.G. O’Neill)
2.11 Japanese for Busy People
34 Kanji and Kana (Spahn and Hadamitzky)
34 Kanji and Kana, 2nd Edition (Spahn and Hadamitzky)
100 Kanji in Context (Nishiguchi and Kono)
535 Kodansha Compact Kanji Guide
3658 Kodansha Kanji Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
1867 Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
2544 Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary, 2nd Edition (Jack Halpern)
775 Les Kanjis dans la tete (Yves Maniette)
7869 Morohashi
2940 New Japanese English Character Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
1439 New Nelson (John Haig)
768 Remembering The Kanji (James Heisig)
830 Remembering The Kanji, 6th edition (James Heisig)
148 The Kanji Way to Japanese Language Power (Dale Crowley)
17 Tuttle Kanji Cards (Alexander Kask)
1276 2001 Kanji
3o0.1 The Kanji Dictionary
3-2-1 SKIP code
4-3-2 SKIP code
2277.0 Four corner code
1-27-19 JIS X 0208-1997 kuten code
5c71 Unicode hex code

3 strokes
below, down, descend, give, low, inferior
Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 1
JLPT level N5
97 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers


Stroke order

On reading compounds

  • 下 【カ】 under (influence, control, conditions, etc. of), during (war, occupation, etc.)
  • 下位 【カイ】 low rank, lower position, subordinate position, lower order (e.g. byte)
  • 陛下 【ヘイカ】 Your Majesty, His Majesty, Her Majesty
  • 最下 【サイカ】 the lowest, the worst
  • 下 【ゲ】 lowness (of degree, value, etc.), inferiority, second volume (of two), third volume (of three)
  • 下山 【ゲザン】 descending a mountain, descent
  • 高下 【コウゲ】 rise and fall (e.g. prices), fluctuation, difference (rank, grade, quality, etc.), variation
  • 帯下 【タイゲ】 leukorrhoea, leucorrhoea, leukorrhea, leucorrhea, mucous discharge from female genitals

Kun reading compounds

  • 下 【した】 below, down, under, younger (e.g. daughter), bottom, beneath, underneath, just after, right after, inferiority, one's inferior (i.e. one's junior), trade-in, preliminary, preparatory
  • 下請け 【したうけ】 subcontract, subcontractor (person or company)
  • 幕下 【まくした】 third highest division, wrestlers of the third highest division
  • 上下 【うえした】 top and bottom, up and down, high and low, above and below, upper and lower ends, upside-down
  • 下 【しも】 lower reaches (of a river), bottom, lower part, lower half (of the body, esp. the privates), feces (faeces), urine, menses, end, far from the imperial palace (i.e. far from Kyoto, esp. of western Japan), dirty (e.g. dirty jokes, etc.)
  • 下期 【しもき】 second half of the (fiscal) year
  • 風下 【かざしも】 leeward, lee, downwind
  • 裃 【かみしも】 samurai costume, old ceremonial costume, top and bottom, up and down, high and low, above and below, upper and lower ends
  • 下 【もと】 under (guidance, supervision, rules, the law, etc.), under (a flag, the sun, etc.), beneath, with (e.g. one blow), on (the promise, condition, assumption, etc. that ...), in (e.g. the name of ...), (someone's) side, (someone's) location
  • 山元 【やまもと】 foot of a mountain, base of a mountain, mine, colliery, owner of a mountain, operator of a mine
  • お膝元 【おひざもと】 beside a nobleman, close aid (of a nobleman, etc.), place where a high ranking person resides, one's own city (of a shogun, lord, etc.), Imperial capital, Imperial court, (shogun's) headquarters, place under one's direct control, one's own turf, one's own backyard
  • 下げる 【さげる】 to hang, to suspend, to wear (e.g. decoration), to lower, to reduce, to bring down, to demote, to move back, to pull back, to clear (plates), to remove (food, etc. from table or altar), to keep on playing after one has formed a scoring combination with captured cards
  • 下がる 【さがる】 to come down, to go down, to fall, to drop, to sink, to get lower, to hang, to dangle, to move back, to step back, to withdraw, to retire, to deteriorate, to fall off, to be downgraded, to get closer to the present day, below, south of
  • 下る 【くだる】 to descend, to go down, to come down, to be handed down (of an order, judgment, etc.), to pass (of time), to surrender, to capitulate, to be less than, to be inferior to, to have the runs, to have diarrhea, to pass (in stool), to be discharged from the body, to depreciate oneself, to be humble
  • 下り 【くだり】 down-train, train heading toward the ending point of its route, down-slope, downward going, downbound (esp. away from Tokyo), downstream, downhill
  • 下り坂 【くだりざか】 downhill, downward slope, descent, decline, waning, ebb, (going) downhill
  • 下す 【くだす】 to make a decision, to draw a conclusion, to give a judgement, to hand down a verdict, to pass a sentence, to give an order, to let go down, to lower, to do oneself, to do by oneself, to beat, to defeat, to have loose bowels, to have diarrhea, to pass (in stool), to discharge from the body, to do in one go, to do to the end without stopping
  • 下さる 【くださる】 to give, to confer, to bestow, to kindly do for one, to oblige, to favour, to favor
  • 下ろす 【おろす】 to take down, to bring down, to lower (a hand, flag, shutter, etc.), to drop (an anchor, curtain, etc.), to let down (hair), to launch (a boat), to drop off (a passenger), to let off, to unload (goods, a truck, etc.), to offload, to discharge, to withdraw (money), to use for the first time, to wear for the first time, to cut off, to fillet (fish), to grate (e.g. radish), to prune (branches), to remove (someone from a position), to oust, to drop, to clear (the table), to remove (offerings from an altar), to pass down (e.g. old clothes), to hand down, to expel from the body (e.g. worms), to abort (a fetus), to invoke (a spirit), to call down
  • 降りる 【おりる】 to descend (e.g. a mountain), to go down, to come down, to alight (e.g. from bus), to get off, to disembark, to dismount, to step down, to retire, to give up, to quit, to fold, to be granted, to be issued, to be given, to form (of frost, dew, mist, etc.), to be passed (from the body; e.g. of a roundworm)


Japanese names:
さか、 しと
Mandarin Chinese (pinyin):


  • debajo
  • inferior
  • debajo de
  • parte inferior


  • baixo
  • abaixo
  • descende
  • inferior
  • sub
  • sob


  • au-dessous
  • descendre
  • bas
  • donner (vous me donnez)
  • inférieur
21 A Guide To Reading and Writing Japanese (Florence Sakade)
24 A Guide To Reading and Writing Japanese 3rd edition (Henshall, Seeley and De Groot)
7 A Guide To Remembering Japanese Characters (Kenneth G. Henshall)
72 A New Dictionary of Kanji Usage
9 Classic Nelson (Andrew Nelson)
30 Essential Kanji (P.G. O’Neill)
6 Japanese Kanji Flashcards (Max Hodges and Tomoko Okazaki)
46 Japanese Names (P.G. O’Neill)
2.1 Japanese for Busy People
31 Kanji and Kana (Spahn and Hadamitzky)
31 Kanji and Kana, 2nd Edition (Spahn and Hadamitzky)
32 Kanji in Context (Nishiguchi and Kono)
4 Kodansha Compact Kanji Guide
4186 Kodansha Kanji Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
2115 Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
2862 Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary, 2nd Edition (Jack Halpern)
50 Les Kanjis dans la tete (Yves Maniette)
14 Morohashi
3378 New Japanese English Character Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
9 New Nelson (John Haig)
50 Remembering The Kanji (James Heisig)
51 Remembering The Kanji, 6th edition (James Heisig)
75 The Kanji Way to Japanese Language Power (Dale Crowley)
13 Tuttle Kanji Cards (Alexander Kask)
3154 2001 Kanji
2m1.2 The Kanji Dictionary
4-3-1 SKIP code
1023.0 Four corner code
1-18-28 JIS X 0208-1997 kuten code
4e0b Unicode hex code

13 strokes
water 水 (氵, 氺)
source, origin
Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 6
JLPT level N1
738 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers


Stroke order

On reading compounds

  • 源 【ゲン】 source, origin
  • 源氏 【ゲンジ】 Genji (the character in the Genji Monogatari), the Minamoto family
  • 震源 【シンゲン】 hypocentre (of an earthquake), hypocenter, focus
  • 財源 【ザイゲン】 source of funds, resources, finances

Kun reading compounds

  • 源 【みなもと】 source (of a river), fountainhead, source, origin, root
  • 河の源 【かわのみなもと】 fountainhead


Japanese names:
はら、 みな、 もと
Mandarin Chinese (pinyin):


  • fuente
  • origen


  • fonte
  • origem


  • source
  • origine
864 A Guide To Reading and Writing Japanese 3rd edition (Henshall, Seeley and De Groot)
853 A Guide To Remembering Japanese Characters (Kenneth G. Henshall)
827 A New Dictionary of Kanji Usage
2656 Classic Nelson (Andrew Nelson)
893 Essential Kanji (P.G. O’Neill)
1486 Japanese Kanji Flashcards (Max Hodges and Tomoko Okazaki)
1863 Japanese Names (P.G. O’Neill)
580 Kanji and Kana (Spahn and Hadamitzky)
589 Kanji and Kana, 2nd Edition (Spahn and Hadamitzky)
854 Kanji in Context (Nishiguchi and Kono)
1231 Kodansha Compact Kanji Guide
806 Kodansha Kanji Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
470 Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
600 Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary, 2nd Edition (Jack Halpern)
144 Les Kanjis dans la tete (Yves Maniette)
17926 Morohashi
656 New Japanese English Character Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
3274 New Nelson (John Haig)
142 Remembering The Kanji (James Heisig)
153 Remembering The Kanji, 6th edition (James Heisig)
958 Tuttle Kanji Cards (Alexander Kask)
341 2001 Kanji
3a10.25 The Kanji Dictionary
1-3-10 SKIP code
3119.6 Four corner code
1-24-27 JIS X 0208-1997 kuten code
6e90 Unicode hex code

4 strokes
big, very
plump, thick, big around
Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 2
JLPT level N3
552 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers


Stroke order

On reading compounds

  • 大山 【タイザン】 great mountain, large mountain
  • 太鼓 【タイコ】 drum
  • 太太 【タイタイ】 wife
  • 馬太 【マタイ】 Matthew (the Apostle)
  • 大山 【タイザン】 great mountain, large mountain
  • 太鼓 【タイコ】 drum
  • 羽太 【ハタ】 sea basses, groupers
  • 赤羽太 【アカハタ】 blacktip grouper (species of fish, Epinephelus fasciatus)

Kun reading compounds

  • 太い 【ふとい】 fat, thick, deep (of a voice), thick, sonorous, daring, shameless, brazen, audacious
  • 太藺 【ふとい】 softstem bulrush (Scirpus tabernaemontani)
  • 太る 【ふとる】 to put on weight, to gain weight, to grow fat, to get stout


Japanese names:
おお、 たか、 ひろ
Mandarin Chinese (pinyin):


  • grande
  • gordo
  • grueso
  • engordar


  • gordo
  • grande
  • espesso


  • gras
  • dodu
  • gros
269 A Guide To Reading and Writing Japanese (Florence Sakade)
181 A Guide To Reading and Writing Japanese 3rd edition (Henshall, Seeley and De Groot)
164 A Guide To Remembering Japanese Characters (Kenneth G. Henshall)
343 A New Dictionary of Kanji Usage
1172 Classic Nelson (Andrew Nelson)
508 Essential Kanji (P.G. O’Neill)
151 Japanese Kanji Flashcards (Max Hodges and Tomoko Okazaki)
105 Japanese Names (P.G. O’Neill)
629 Kanji and Kana (Spahn and Hadamitzky)
639 Kanji and Kana, 2nd Edition (Spahn and Hadamitzky)
124 Kanji in Context (Nishiguchi and Kono)
409 Kodansha Compact Kanji Guide
2673 Kodansha Kanji Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
1360 Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
1846 Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary, 2nd Edition (Jack Halpern)
121 Les Kanjis dans la tete (Yves Maniette)
5834 Morohashi
2152 New Japanese English Character Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
1137 New Nelson (John Haig)
120 Remembering The Kanji (James Heisig)
126 Remembering The Kanji, 6th edition (James Heisig)
257 The Kanji Way to Japanese Language Power (Dale Crowley)
98 Tuttle Kanji Cards (Alexander Kask)
1463 2001 Kanji
0a4.18 The Kanji Dictionary
2-3-1 SKIP code
4-4-4 SKIP code
4003.0 Four corner code
1-34-32 JIS X 0208-1997 kuten code
592a Unicode hex code

9 strokes (also 8)
town (阝 right) 邑 (阝)
son, counter for sons
Jōyō kanji, taught in junior high
JLPT level N1
569 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers


Stroke order

On reading compounds

  • 郎 【ロウ】 nth son, lang, official title in ancient China, man, young man, my husband, my lover, nth child (male and female)
  • 郎君 【ロウクン】 young man, boy, son (of one's master, employer, etc.), husband, (male) lover, dear, darling
  • 新郎 【シンロウ】 bridegroom
  • 女郎 【ジョロウ】 prostitute (esp. Edo period)


Japanese names:
いら、 お、 とう、 もん、 ろ、 ろお
Mandarin Chinese (pinyin):
lang2, lang4


  • hombre
  • hijo
  • sirviente


  • filho
  • sufixo para contagem de filhos


  • fils (enfant)
  • compteur de fils
1936 A Guide To Remembering Japanese Characters (Kenneth G. Henshall)
237 A New Dictionary of Kanji Usage
4762 Classic Nelson (Andrew Nelson)
955 Essential Kanji (P.G. O’Neill)
1827 Japanese Kanji Flashcards (Max Hodges and Tomoko Okazaki)
1145 Japanese Names (P.G. O’Neill)
980 Kanji and Kana (Spahn and Hadamitzky)
1014 Kanji and Kana, 2nd Edition (Spahn and Hadamitzky)
546 Kanji in Context (Nishiguchi and Kono)
757 Kodansha Compact Kanji Guide
1641 Kodansha Kanji Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
867 Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
1184 Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary, 2nd Edition (Jack Halpern)
1868 Les Kanjis dans la tete (Yves Maniette)
39405P Morohashi
1289 New Japanese English Character Dictionary (Jack Halpern)
6138 New Nelson (John Haig)
1851 Remembering The Kanji (James Heisig)
1995 Remembering The Kanji, 6th edition (James Heisig)
264 The Kanji Way to Japanese Language Power (Dale Crowley)
1300 Tuttle Kanji Cards (Alexander Kask)
844 2001 Kanji
2d6.5 The Kanji Dictionary
1-6-3 SKIP code
1-6-2 SKIP code
3772.7 Four corner code
1-47-26 JIS X 0208-1997 kuten code
90ce Unicode hex code