
Wikipedia definition
1. Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumorThe calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor, also known as a Pindborg tumor or CEOT, is an odontogenic tumor first recognized by the Danish pathologist Jens Jørgen Pindborg in 1955. It was previously described as an adenoid adamtoblastoma, unusual ameloblastoma and a cystic odontoma. Like other odontogenic neoplasms, it is thought to arise from the epithelial element of the enamel origin. It is a typically benign and slow growing, but invasive neoplasm.
Read “Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor” on English Wikipedia
Read “石灰化上皮性歯原性腫瘍” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor” on DBpedia


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