

Words — 417 found

1. religious rule of a sect; precept of a sect
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1. head temple of a Buddhist sectBuddhism
2. headquarters (of an organization); head of operations; nerve center
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1. Ikkō sect (of Buddhism); Jōdo Shinshū; True Pure Land SchoolSee also 浄土真宗
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2. IkkōIkkō-shu (一向宗, ikkōshū) is usually viewed as a small, mil... Read more
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1. Shingon sectBuddhism
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2. Shingon BuddhismShingon Buddhism is one of the mainstream major schools o... Read more
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1. Kusha Sect
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2. Kusha-shū (Buddhism)was one of the 6 Japanese Buddhism schools, introduced to... Read more
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Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
1. founder of a religious sect
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1. head (chief, director) of a section or department
  • ソフトウエア
  • かいがい海外
  • えいぎょう営業
  • ぶちょう部長
  • しょうかい紹介
  • いただけません
Would you please put me in touch with the General Manager of Overseas Sales of AB Software Ltd?
2. head of a (school) club; head of a (school) teamSee also 倶楽部
  • あなた
  • じゅうぶん充分
  • かわい可愛い
  • おんなのこ女の子
  • はんちゅう範疇
  • はい入る
  • おも思います
  • ぶちょう部長
  • おめがね
  • には
  • よゆう余裕
  • かなって
  • しまう
  • でしょう
I think you fall well within 'cute girl'. You'd easily go and pass in his judgement.
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Noun, Suru verb, Intransitive verb
1. proportion
2. proportional representation section (of an election)Abbreviation, See also 比例選
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3. Proportionality (mathematics)In mathematics, two variable quantities are proportional ... Read more
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1. selling area; counter; section; department; sales floor
2. favorable time to sell; good time to sellSee also 売り時, See also 買い場
Other forms
売場 【うりば】
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Noun, Noun, used as a suffix
1. group; party; teamalso read ぱん as a suffix
Noun, Noun, used as a suffix
2. squad; sectionMilitary
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3. FireteamA fireteam is a small military unit of infantry. It is th... Read more
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Noun, Suru verb, Intransitive verb
1. crossing (a road, river, etc.); cutting through (e.g. of a river through a town); cutting across; intersecting (e.g. a railway track)
  • どうろ道路
  • おうだん横断
  • する
  • とき
  • 気を付け
  • なさい
Take care when you cross the street.
Noun, Suru verb, Intransitive verb
2. crossing (east-west); traversing; travelling across; flying across (e.g. the Pacific); sailing acrossSee also 縦断
  • かれ
  • ヨット
  • たいへいよう太平洋
  • おうだん横断
  • した
He crossed the Pacific Ocean in a sailboat.
Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
3. cutting horizontally; sectioning laterallySee also 縦断
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1. district; area; zone; quarter; section; region
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Noun, Noun, used as a suffix
1. lesson
  • わたし
  • いちじかん1時間
  • その
  • ぜんぶ全部
  • りかい理解
  • できない
I can't absorb all of the lesson in an hour.
Noun, Noun, used as a suffix
2. section (in an organization); division; department
  • その
  • とりしき取り仕切っている
Mr Williams carries that section.
3. counter for lessons and chapters (of a book)
  • から
  • はじ始めましょう
Let's start with Lesson Ten.
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Noun, Counter
1. step; stair; rung; (flight of) steps
  • かれ
  • かいだん
  • いちど一度に
  • さん
  • だん
  • ずつ
  • かけあがった
He jumped up the steps three at a time.
Noun, Counter
2. shelf; layer; tier
3. grade; level; class
Noun, Counter
4. dan (degree of advanced proficiency in martial arts, go, shogi, etc.); rank
5. paragraph; passage
Noun, Counter
6. column (of print)
Noun, Counter
7. act (in kabuki, joruri, etc.); section; scene
8. row of the multiplication table (e.g. five times table)
9. stage (in a process); phase; occasion; time; moment; situation
10. matter; occasionFormal or literary term, as ...の段
11. degree; extentas ...どころの段ではない, ...という段じゃない, etc.
12. counter for breaks in written language or speech
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1. area; zone; district; quarter; section; limits; boundary
  • ちゅうしゃきんし駐車禁止
  • くいき区域
  • くるま
  • 止めて
  • いけません
You must not park your car in a no parking zone.
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