Words — 42 found
1. fate; destiny; lot
運命 【さだめ】
さだめ: Gikun (meaning as reading) or jukujikun (special kanji reading).
1. fate; destiny
- はや早く
- このよをさこの世を去った
- の
- も
- かのじょ彼女の
- いんねん因縁
- だ 。
2. connection; tie; bond; origin
3. pretext; justification
4. hetu and prataya (direct causes and indirect conditions, which underlie the actions of all things)Buddhism
因縁 【いんえん】
1. fate; destiny (esp. as a mysterious force that binds two people together)
- かね金
- の
- きれめ切れ目
- が
- えん縁
- の
- きれめ切れ目 。
2. relationship (e.g. between two people); bond; link; connection
- こせき戸籍
- じょう上
- の
- えん縁
- は
- き切れて
- も 、
- せきじつ昔日
- の
- きずな絆
- は
- そのまま
- だ 。
3. family ties; affinity
4. opportunity; chance (to meet someone and start a relationship)Only applies to えん
5. pratyaya (indirect conditions, as opposed to direct causes)Buddhism, Only applies to えん, See also 因
6. narrow open-air verandaOnly applies to えん, also written as 椽
縁 【えにし】、縁 【え】、縁 【えに】、江に 【えに】
江に: Ateji (phonetic) reading.
1. law; rule; regulation; provision; decision; appointment; arrangement; agreement
2. destiny; fate; karma
1. God's will; heaven's decree; mandate of Heaven; fate; karma; destiny
2. one's life; one's lifespan
1. promise; agreement; arrangement; one's word; contract; pact
- じぶん自分
- が
- やくそく約束
- した
- こと
- は
- ちゃんと
- じっこう実行
- する
- ように
- さいぜんをつ最善を尽くす
- べき
- だ 。
2. appointment; engagement; date
- ジム
- は
- えいが映画
- に
- い行く
- やくそく約束
- を
- した
- ガールフレンド
- に
- 待ちぼうけ
- を
- くわされ 、
- あめ雨
- の
- なか中
- を
- いちじかん一時間
- も
- ま待たされて
- あたま頭にきている 。
3. convention; rule
4. destiny; fate
1. destiny; will of Heaven; luck
1. one's nature; talents; destiny; mission; sphere of activity
Common word JLPT N3 Wanikani level 11 Play audio Show 11 collocations Links
- 命を懸ける - to put one's life on the line
- 命を張る - to put one's life on the line
- 命を保つ - to preserve life
- 命を奉じる - to obey orders
- 命を惜しむ - to hold one's life dear
- 命を捧げる - to give one's life (e.g. in battle)
- 命を捨てる - to give one's life
- 命を縮める - to shorten one's life
- 命を落とす - to lose one's life
- 命にかかわる - to be a matter of life or death
- 命の洗濯 - casting off the drudgery of everyday life and doing as one pleases
2. lifetime; lifespan
3. most important thing; foundation; core
4. paired tattoos of the "life" kanji on the upper arms of a man and woman (indicating unwavering love)Archaic
5. fate; destiny; karmaArchaic
1. several; a few; a number of
- あの
- き木
- の
- えだ枝
- に
- すう数
- わ羽
- の
- とり鳥
- が
- とまっている 。
2. number; quantity; amount
- ことし今年
- は
- しつぎょうしゃ失業者
- すう数
- が
- きろくてき記録的
- になる
- だろう 。
3. counting; calculation; figures; numbers
4. number; numeral; figure
5. numberGrammar
6. destiny; fate; outcome; course of events; trend
1. span of life; one's term of existence; one's time (alive); one's days
2. destiny; fate
1. one's predestined length of lifeBuddhism
2. destiny; fateOnly applies to ていめい
定命 【ていめい】