

Words — 181 found

1. currency
Wikipedia definition
2. CurrencyIn economics, currency refers to a generally accepted med... Read more
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1. money; currency; coin
Wikipedia definition
2. MoneyMoney is any object or record that is generally accepted ... Read more
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Noun, Suru verb, Intransitive verb
1. (common) use (of a language, currency, etc.); current use; circulation; currency; validity (e.g. of a ticket)
Suru verb, Intransitive verb
2. to be accepted (e.g. of a way of thinking); to work (of an excuse, trick, etc.); to hold true (e.g. of a theory); to apply; to be valid; to pass (for); to do well; to get by
  • かれ
  • としのわり年の割に
  • わか若く
  • 見える
  • ので
  • だいがくせい大学生
  • として
  • つうよう通用
  • します
He looks so young for his age that he passes for a college student.
Noun, Suru verb, Intransitive verb
3. going in and out; entrance and exitSee also 通用口
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1. cash; ready money; money on hand; currency
Na-adjective (keiyodoshi)
2. mercenary; self-interested; calculating
Wikipedia definition
3. CashIn common language cash refers to money in the physical f... Read more
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1. currencySee also 通貨
Wikipedia definition
2. CurrensyShante Scott Franklin, April 4, 1981, better known by his... Read more
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1. foreign currency; foreign money; foreign exchange
  • どこ
  • がいか外貨
  • こうかん交換
  • する
  • ことができます
Where can I get my money exchanged?
2. foreign goods; imported goods
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1. currencyArchaic, used primarily on ancient Japanese coins
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こくつう 自国通貨建
1. home currency rate; denominated in local currency
  • じこくつうかだ自国通貨建て
  • かいがい海外
  • とうし投資
  • する
  • こと
  • いつも
  • りえき利益
  • 生む
  • とはかぎとは限らない
Investing abroad on your national currency basis will not always be profitable.
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1. coin
2. hard currencySee also 軟貨
Wikipedia definition
3. CoinA coin is a piece of hard material that is standardized i... Read more
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1. currency strap; banknote strap; currency band; money band
2. mailing wrapper (around a newspaper, etc.)
Wikipedia definition
3. Currency strapA currency strap, also known as currency band or bill str... Read more
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1. frequency; popularity; currency
Suru verb
2. to perform well; to be successful in an activity
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1. currency sign; currency symbolComputing
Wikipedia definition
2. Currency signA currency sign is a graphic symbol used as a shorthand f... Read more
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1. electronic currency; digital currency; e-currency
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はや 流行
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
1. to popularize; to popularise; to give currency to; to set a trendSee also 流行らす
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Sentences — 17 found

  • jreibun/6030/1
    • かめいこくない加盟国内
    • で流通している
    • たんいつ単一
    • つうか通貨
    • のことだ。
    The Euro is the single common currency in circulation in nations of the European Union. Jreibun
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