Words — 3398 found
1. pretty; lovely; beautiful; fair
- この
- いもむし芋虫
- が
- きれいな
- ちょう蝶
- になる
- のだ 。
2. clean; clear; pure; tidy; neatUsually written using kana alone
- このあたこの辺り
- は
- くうき空気
- が
- きれい
- だ
- よ 。
3. completely; entirelyUsually written using kana alone, as 〜に
奇麗 【きれい】、キレイ
1. kilometer; kilometreUsually written using kana alone, From French “kilomètre”
キロ米 【キロメートル】
粁: Rarely-used kanji form. キロ米: Ateji (phonetic) reading, Rarely-used kanji form.
1. to decide; to choose; to determine; to make up one's mind; to resolve; to set one's heart on; to settle; to arrange; to set; to appoint; to fix
2. to clinch (a victory); to decide (the outcome of a match)
3. to persist in doing; to go through with
4. to always do; to have made a habit ofas 決めている
5. to take for granted; to assume
6. to dress up; to dress to kill; to dress to the nines
7. to carry out successfully (a move in sports, a pose in dance, etc.); to succeed in doing
8. to immobilize with a double-arm lock (in sumo, judo, etc.)Martial arts, Sumo
9. to eat or drink something; to take illegal drugs
極める 【きめる】、キメる
1. to be decided; to be settled; to be fixed; to be arranged
- いつ
- はじ始める
- の
- か
- は
- まだ
- き決まっていない 。
2. to be unchanging; to be the same (as always); to be fixed; to be setas 決まっている or 決まった
3. to be a fixed rule; to be destined; to be a convention; to be a custom; to be common knowledgeas ...と決まっている
4. to be well executed (of a manoeuvre in a sport, game, etc.); to go well; to succeed; to connect (of a punch)
5. to look good (of clothing); to look sharp; to be stylish; to suit one; to be held in place (of a hairdo)
6. to be struck and held (of a pose in kabuki)
決る 【きまる】、極る 【きまる】、キマる
決る: Irregular okurigana usage.
1. surely; undoubtedly; almost certainly; most likely (e.g. 90 percent)Usually written using kana alone, Onomatopoeic or mimetic word
- でも
- よー 、
- オラ
- の
- おとうさん
- は
- よ良い
- き気
- しねー
- よ 、
- きっと 。
2. sternly; severelyUsually written using kana alone, Onomatopoeic or mimetic word, esp. キッと
3. having no slack; rigid; stiff; tightUsually written using kana alone, Onomatopoeic or mimetic word
4. suddenly; abruptly; instantlyUsually written using kana alone, Onomatopoeic or mimetic word, Archaic
急度 【きっと】、キッと
屹度: Ateji (phonetic) reading, Rarely-used kanji form. 急度: Ateji (phonetic) reading, Rarely-used kanji form.
1. wound; injury; cut; gash; bruise; scratch; scrape; scar
- かいすい海水
- が
- きず傷
- に
- しみて
- いた痛い
- よ 。
2. chip; crack; scratch; nick
- かれ彼の
- ひたい額
- の
- きず傷
- は
- めだ目立つ 。
- ここ
- に
- きず傷
- が
- ある
- ので
- やす安く
- して
- ください 。
4. stain (on one's reputation); disgrace; dishonor; dishonour
- クリス
- は
- とても
- むなしく
- おも思い 、
- たちなお立ち直れない
- ほどに 、
- こころ心
- に
- おお大きな
- きず傷
- を
- う受けました 。
疵 【きず】、瑕 【きず】、創 【きず】、キズ
1. kilogram; kilogrammeUsually written using kana alone, From French
瓩: Rarely-used kanji form.
1. fox (esp. the red fox, Vulpes vulpes)Usually written using kana alone
- りょうけん猟犬
- たち
- は
- キツネ
- の
- にお匂い
- の
- あと跡
- を
- たどった 。
2. fox (i.e. a sly person)Usually written using kana alone
5. Kitsune
狐 【けつね】、狐 【きつ】、キツネ
きつ: Out-dated or obsolete kana usage.
1. ChristUsually written using kana alone, From Portuguese “Cristo”
基督: Ateji (phonetic) reading, Rarely-used kanji form.
1. giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis)Usually written using kana alone
- わたし私
- は
- どうぶつえん動物園
- に
- い行く
- まで
- きりん
- を
- み見た
- ことがなかった 。
2. qilin (Chinese unicorn)
- おう王
- を
- え得た
- きりん麒麟
- も
- また
- じゅみょう寿命
- を
- も持たない
- いきもの生き物
- だ
- が 、
- この
- やまい病
- ばかり
- は
- ちゆ治癒
- の
- ほうほう方法
- が
- ない 。
3. horse that can ride 1000 ri in a dayArchaic, Only applies to 騏驎
騏驎 【きりん】、キリン
1. cucumber (Cucumis sativus)Usually written using kana alone
胡瓜 【きうり】、黄瓜 【きゅうり】、黄瓜 【きうり】、キュウリ、キウリ
黄瓜: Rarely-used kanji form. 黄瓜: Rarely-used kanji form.
1. catch; catching; obtaining (e.g. information); receiving (e.g. radio transmission or phone call)
2. catchBaseball
3. shop tout; puller-in
4. catching (in swimming and boating); catching the water
7. Catch
1. tough; hard; severe; demanding; harsh
- フーッ、
- この
- さかみち坂道
- は
- きつい
- よ 。
- でも
- かえ帰り
- は
- らく楽
- だ
- よ
- ね 。
2. determined; strong-minded; forceful; formidable; fierce
3. strong (e.g. sunlight, alcohol); severe; intense
- トム
- は
- あたま頭
- に
- きつい
- いっぱつ一発
- を
- う受けた 。
4. (too) tight; constricting; close
- ちょっと
- ウエスト
- が
- きつい
- ね 。
5. extreme; unusually strong