
  • 고양오피
  • OPD
  • 01
  • 닷컴
  • かっぱ Κ
  • {
  • 오피달리기
  • }
  • した
  • 고양오피
  • ひがし
  • 고양오피

Words — 6 found

1. below; down; under; younger (e.g. daughter)
  • ところで
  • その
  • おめー
  • おとうお父さん
  • どこ
  • いん
  • ?」「
  • おうてん横転
  • した
  • トラック
  • した
"By the way, where's your old man?" "Under that over-turned truck."
2. bottom
  • した
  • しょめい署名
  • して
  • ください
Sign at the bottom, please.
3. beneath; underneath
  • あめ
  • わたし私の
  • レインコート
  • した
  • まで
  • しみとおった
The rain penetrated my raincoat.
4. just after; right afteras 下から, 下より, etc.
Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
5. inferiority; one's inferior (i.e. one's junior)
  • わたし
  • ダンテ
  • ミルトン
  • した
  • 置く
I put Milton after Dante.
6. trade-inSee also 下取り
Noun, used as a prefix
7. preliminary; preparatorySee also 下準備
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Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Intransitive verb
1. to come down; to go down; to fall; to drop; to sink; to get lowerAntonym: 上がる
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Intransitive verb
2. to hang; to dangle
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Intransitive verb
3. to move back; to step back; to withdraw; to retire
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Intransitive verb
4. to deteriorate; to fall off; to be downgraded
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Intransitive verb
5. to get closer to the present day
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)
6. below; south ofas ~下ル or ~下; in the Kyoto address system
Other forms
下る 【さがる】
下る: Irregular okurigana usage.
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1. under (guidance, supervision, rules, the law, etc.)oft. as ...の下に or ...の下で
  • ほう
  • もと
  • すべての
  • ひと
  • びょうどう平等
All men are equal under the law.
2. under (a flag, the sun, etc.); beneath
3. with (e.g. one blow); on (the promise, condition, assumption, etc. that ...); in (e.g. the name of ...)as ...の下に
4. (someone's) side; (someone's) locationSee also , usu. written as 元
Other forms
許 【もと】
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1. lower reaches (of a river)Antonym: 上 かみ
2. bottom; lower part
3. lower half (of the body, esp. the privates); feces (faeces); urine; menses
4. end; far from the imperial palace (i.e. far from Kyoto, esp. of western Japan)
Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
5. dirty (e.g. dirty jokes, etc.)
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1. lowness (of degree, value, etc.); inferiority
2. second volume (of two); third volume (of three)See also , See also
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1. under (influence, control, conditions, etc. of); during (war, occupation, etc.)
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Kanji — 1 found

3 strokes. JLPT N5. Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 1.
below, down, descend, give, low, inferior
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Sentences — 2382 found

  • jreibun/3262/2
    • てんのうへいか天皇陛下
    • こうむ公務
    • で、
    • ひろしま広島
    • ながさき長崎
    • おとず訪れた
    His Majesty the Emperor visited Hiroshima and Nagasaki on official business. Jreibun
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Names — 6513 found

くだり 【下】
Family or surname
1. Kudari
げの 【下】
1. Geno
さがり 【下】
Family or surname
1. Sagari
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