

Words — 230 found

Na-adjective (keiyodoshi)
1. antisocial; contrary to public order or morality; offensive; sociopathic; immoral; obscene; illegalSee also 社会 しゃかい
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Na-adjective (keiyodoshi)
1. diametrically opposed; antipodalMathematics
Other forms
対蹠的 【たいせきてき】
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1. Nagasunehiko; legendary clan leader who opposed Emperor Jimmu's unification of Japan and was subsequently killed by the deity NigihayahiLegend
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1. Sect Shintō; group of folk religious sects, as opposed to State Shintō and later Shrine Shintō
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1. landing in the face of the enemy; opposed landing
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1. Nigihayahi; deity who married Nagasunehiko's younger sister and subsequently killed him when he opposed Emperor JimmuShinto, Legend
Other forms
邇芸速日命 【にぎはやひのみこと】
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1. people who lived in Kyushu in ancient times, and who opposed the state of Yamato
Wikipedia definition
2. Hayato peopleThe Hayato, literal meaning falcon-man, were a people of ... Read more
Other forms
隼人 【はやと】隼人 【はいと】
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Suru verb - special class
1. to face (each other); to be facing
Suru verb - special class
2. to be directed toward (the future, etc.); to be in response to; to be related to
Suru verb - special class
3. to receive (a client, etc.)
Suru verb - special class
4. to compare with; to contrast with; to be in opposition with; to be opposed to
Suru verb - special class
5. to confront; to oppose; to compete with
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1. commoner; humble subjectFormal or literary term
2. private citizen who opposed the Tokugawa shogunate during the Bakumatsu periodHistorical term
3. grassy place; bushObsolete term
Other forms
草莽 【そうぼう】
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1. horizontal (as opposed to vertical); lying downSee also 横になる
  • ははおや母親
  • あかんぼう赤ん坊
  • ベッド
  • よこ
  • した
The mother laid her baby on the bed.
2. side-to-side (as opposed to front-to-back); width; breadthSee also 首を横に振る
  • みち
  • 濡れていた
  • ので
  • くるま
  • よこ
  • スリップ
  • した
  • ちがいない
As the road was wet, the car must have slipped sideways.
3. side (of a box, etc.)
  • いえ
  • よこ
  • つた
  • おお覆われていた
The side of the house was covered with ivy.
4. beside; aside; next to
  • あのひとあの人
  • よこ
  • ほくろ
  • ある
That person has a mole at the side of his eye.
5. unconnectedSee also 横から口を挟む
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1. form (as opposed to substance)
  • かれ
  • それ
  • しょうせつ小説
  • けいしき形式
  • あらわ表した
He expressed it in the form of fiction.
2. format; form; style; manner
  • ちょうしょく朝食
  • バイキング
  • けいしき形式
  • って
Breakfast is a smorgasbord.
3. formality; form
  • いっぱん一般に
  • わかもの若者
  • けいしき形式
  • きら嫌う
In general, young people dislike formality.
4. mode; formPhilosophy
5. form (bilinear, quadratic, etc.)Mathematics
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Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb
1. to put on a moderate amount of lean or firm weight; to gain healthy weight (e.g. from muscle); to become overweight as opposed to obese
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1. main building (as opposed to an annex, outbuilding, etc.)
  • べっかん別館
  • ほんかん本館
  • きたがわ北側
  • ある
The annex is on the north of the original building.
2. this library; this museum; this theatre; this hall; this building
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1. face; official stance; public position or attitude (as opposed to private thoughts)See also 本音
  • しょうすうみんぞく少数民族
  • こよう雇用
  • そくしん促進
  • せいさく政策
  • いって
  • たてまえ建前
  • すぎず
  • げんじょう現状
  • マイノリティー
  • しょく
  • 就ける
  • チャンス
  • など
  • ほとんどない
Although many pay lip service to the idea of affirmative action, in reality, very few minorities get hired.
2. ceremony for the erection of the framework of a houseOnly applies to 建前, Only applies to 建て前
Other forms
建て前 【たてまえ】立前 【たてまえ】立て前 【たてまえ】
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1. practice (as opposed to theory); actual practice
  • じっち実地
  • りろん理論
  • どうよう同様に
  • たいせつ大切
  • ある
  • われわれ
  • りろん理論
  • おも重んじ
  • じっち実地
  • かろ軽んずる
  • けいこう傾向
  • ある
Practice is as important as theory, but we are apt to value the latter and despise the former.
2. actual site; (at) the scene; (on) the spot
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Na-adjective (keiyodoshi)
1. substantial; real (as opposed to nominal)Antonym: 名目的 めいもくてき
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1. performance (as opposed to practice); going before an audience or on-air; take
  • せきど咳止め
  • シロップ
  • ほんばん本番
  • まえ
  • ひとくち一口
  • 飲まない
  • 落ち着かない
Cough syrup. If I don't drink a mouthful before going on stage I can't settle down!
2. game; match
3. high of the season; height (of summer, etc.); actual event (or celebration, etc.); real deal
4. penetrative vaginal sex (with a prostitute); unsimulated sex (in an adult movie)Vulgar expression or word
5. production environmentComputing, Abbreviation, See also 本番環境
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1. main street (as opposed to a side street); high streetSee also 裏通り
Other forms
表通 【おもてどおり】
表通: Irregular okurigana usage.
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Godan verb with 'su' ending, Intransitive verb
1. to face (each other); to be facingSee also 対する
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Intransitive verb
2. to be directed toward (the future, etc.); to be in response to; to be related to
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Intransitive verb
3. to receive (a client, etc.)
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Intransitive verb
4. to compare with; to contrast with; to be in opposition with; to be opposed to
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Intransitive verb
5. to confront; to oppose; to compete with
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1. clock to be placed on tables, bookshelves, etc. (as opposed to a watch)
Other forms
置時計 【おきどけい】
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Kanji — 3 found

12 strokes.
opposed, biased
On: ラツ
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9 strokes.
opposed, biased
Kun: もと.る
On: ラツ
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14 strokes.
correct, right, facing, opposed
On: タイ ツイ
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Sentences — 34 found

  • jreibun/675/3
    • が、利用者の少ないコミュニティーバスの廃止を検討していることがわかり、バスを利用している住民は反対している。
    The city is considering eliminating some community bus service routes due to the small number of users. However, residents who use the bus routes in question are opposed to the idea. Jreibun
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