Words — 93 found
1. to take down; to bring down; to lower (a hand, flag, shutter, etc.); to drop (an anchor, curtain, etc.); to let down (hair); to launch (a boat)
- にかい2階
- から
- トランク
- を
- 降ろして
- きて
- くれません
- か 。
2. to drop off (a passenger); to let off; to unload (goods, a truck, etc.); to offload; to dischargeesp. 降ろす
- あの
- しんごう信号
- の
- てまえ手前
- で
- 降ろして
- ください 。
3. to withdraw (money)
- ぎんこう銀行
- で 10
- まん万
- 下ろして
- ください 。
4. to use for the first time; to wear for the first time
5. to cut off; to fillet (fish); to grate (e.g. radish); to prune (branches)
6. to remove (someone from a position); to oust; to dropesp. 降ろす
7. to clear (the table); to remove (offerings from an altar); to pass down (e.g. old clothes); to hand down
9. to invoke (a spirit); to call down
降ろす 【おろす】、下す 【おろす】
下す: Irregular okurigana usage.
1. to tie; to bind; to fasten
2. to restrict (freedom); to tie down (with rules, regulations, etc.); to fetter
1. to take out; to produce; to pick out
- もうひともう一つ
- の
- おもしろ面白い
- エネルギーげんエネルギー源
- は 、
- ほうしゃのう放射能
- の
- はいき廃棄
- ぶっしつ物質
- から
- とりだ取り出せる
- ねつ熱
- である 。
2. to fetch; to retrieve
- てきごうりつ適合率
- とは
- とりだ取り出した
- きじ記事
- の
- うち 、
- どの
- ていど程度
- の
- きじ記事
- が
- けんさくじょうけん検索条件
- に
- あ合っている
- か
- を
- しめ示す
- しひょう指標
- です 。
取出す 【とりだす】、取りだす 【とりだす】、とり出す 【とりだす】
1. to draw (water); to ladle; to dip up; to scoop up; to pump
- かれ彼
- は
- いど井戸
- へ
- い行って
- みず水
- を
- くんで
- きた 。
3. to consider (feelings, the situation, etc.); to sympathize with; to intuit; to understand
4. to draw upon; to inherit
1. restraint; restriction; fetters; yoke; shackles
2. binding; confinement with ropeorig. meaning
1. bond (between people); (emotional) ties; bonds; relationship; connection; link
- その
- きょうだい兄弟
- の
- あいだ間
- には
- つよ強い
- きずな絆
- が
- ある 。
2. tether; fetters
3. Kizuna
絆 【きづな】、紲 【きずな】、紲 【きづな】
紲: Rarely-used kanji form. 紲: Rarely-used kanji form.
Common word Links
1. to bring (something); to take along; to fetch; to get
持って来る 【もってくる】
1. disposition; inclination; characteristic; idiosyncrasy; propensity
2. sexual disposition; fetishColloquial
1. attribute; property
2. attributeComputing
3. alignment (in a role-playing game)
4. element (of an enemy or attack); type (of dealt damage); affinityVideo games
5. (character) typeSlang, in manga, anime, etc.
6. fondness (for); fetishSlang
1. fetal movement; movements of the fetus; quickening
2. signs (of); indications; stirrings; emergence; (initial) rise (e.g. of a political movement)
1. just right; ideal; perfectly suitableUsually written using kana alone
- あき秋
- は
- どくしょ読書
- に
- もってこい
- の
- きせつ季節
- だ 。
2. fetch!; bring me ...
1. to read thoroughly; to read repeatedly
2. to read (extra meaning) into (something)
3. to take (future changes) into consideration
4. to load (data); to read; to fetch (e.g. a CPU instruction)Computing
- ページ
- が
- よみこ読み込まれたら
- こうしん更新
- じょうほう情報
- を
- ページ
- ない内
- に
- ながしこ流し込む prototype.js
読みこむ 【よみこむ】、読込む 【よみこむ】
1. shackles; fetters; irons; handcuffs; restraint; constraint
2. bonds (e.g. family); ties; binding relationship; binding relationships; encumbrance
械 【かせ】
械: Rarely-used kanji form.
1. to be bound (by feelings); to be fettered (by); to be overcome (by); to be moved (by); to be touched (by)Usually written using kana alone
1. fetus; foetus; embryo; baby in the womb; unborn baby
胎仔 【たいじ】
胎仔: Irregular kanji usage.
1. temple festival; fair; fete day; day related to a particular deity and thought to bring divine blessing to those who celebrate it