Words — 29 found
1. rice cake shop keeper; rice cake store (shop)
1. rice gruel with mochiFood, cooking
2. azuki bean gruel eaten around the 15th day of the first monthFood, cooking
餅粥 【もちがゆ】
1. sticky rice wrapped in deep-fried tofu
1. throwing of mochi to an assembled crowd, esp. during the framework-raising ceremony of a new buildingSee also 餅まき
1. money to see one over the New Year period
1. Heian-period pastry made of duck or goose eggs mixed with vegetables boiled and wrapped in mochi which is then cut into squares
餅餤 【へいだん】、餅餤 【へいたん】、餅腅 【べいだん】、餅腅 【へいだん】、餅腅 【へいたん】
餅腅: Out-dated kanji or kanji usage. 餅腅: Out-dated kanji or kanji usage. 餅腅: Out-dated kanji or kanji usage.
1. throwing of mochi to an assembled crowd, esp. during the framework-raising ceremony of a new buildingSee also 棟上げ式 むねあげしき