Words — 99 found
1. possession; occupation; occupancy
1. occupying; having (an area) all to oneself
2. military occupation; possession; capture; seizure
1. belonging; ascription; attribution; imputation; possession; jurisdiction
2. reversion; return; restoration
1. having; holding; possessing; owning; using; holder; owner; user
- ようつう腰痛
- も持ち
- です 。
2. wear; durability; lifealso written as 保ち
- このしゅこの種の
- ようふく洋服
- じ地
- は
- も持ち
- が
- よくない
- だろう 。
3. charge; expense
4. draw (in go, poetry contest, etc.); tieFormal or literary term
1. possession; ownership
1. to take into one's possession; to receive; to accept; to collect; to claim
- わたし私
- は
- くじょう苦情
- を
- い言った
- が 、
- みせ店
- で
- は
- この
- セーター
- を
- ひきと引き取る
- の
- を
- こば拒んだ 。
2. to take into one's care (e.g. person, pet); to take custody of; to adopt
- かれ彼
- は
- せんさいこじ戦災孤児
- を
- ひきとって
- ようじょ養女
- として
- そだ育てています 。
3. to leave; to go away; to withdraw; to get out
1. possession (by a spirit, demon, etc.)
2. dependence (on)Formal or literary term
1. possessing (what is required); having; fulfilling (conditions); satisfying (requisites); being endowed with