

Words — 76 found

Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), I-adjective (keiyoushi)
1. inseparable (esp. bond, relationship); inextricable; joined at the hip; integral; essential; cannot be broken (cut, separated); indissoluble
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1. innermost secrets (of an art or skill); mysteries; essence; heart
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1. essential oil; volatile oil
2. refined oil
Wikipedia definition
3. Essential oilAn essential oil is a concentrated hydrophobic liquid con... Read more
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ひっぼうさん 必須脂肪酸
1. essential fatty acid
Wikipedia definition
2. Essential fatty acidEssential fatty acids, or EFAs, are fatty acids that huma... Read more
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1. vital part (of the body); tender spot; weak point; vitals
  • きゅうしょ急所
  • のぞ除く
  • すべての
  • こうげき攻撃
  • みと認める
I'm allowing all attacks except on vital organs.
2. key point; essential point; crux (of a problem); heart (of a matter)
3. male crotch (as a target in fighting)Colloquial, See also 金的
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Noun, Suru verb, Intransitive verb
1. putting the cart before the horse; mistaking the means for the end; getting one's priorities backwardsYojijukugo (four character compound)
Other forms
本末顛倒 【ほんまつてんとう】本末顚倒 【ほんまつてんとう】
本末顛倒: Rarely-used kanji form. 本末顚倒: Rarely-used kanji form.
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1. four essential elements of existence (birth, ageing, illness and death)Buddhism
Noun or verb acting prenominally
2. four-phase; quadri-phaseMathematics
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1. main point; essential point; important thing
Noun, Noun or verb acting prenominally
2. necessity; need; requirement
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1. important point; essential part; vital point
2. important state matters
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Adverb (fukushi), Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
1. originally; primarily
  • この
  • ほんらい本来
  • フランスごフランス語
  • 書かれていた
This poem was originally written in French.
Adverb (fukushi), Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
2. essentially; intrinsically; naturally; by nature; in (and of) itself
  • きょうそう競争
  • ほんらい本来
  • わる悪い
  • もの
  • ではない
Competition is not by nature evil.
Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no', Noun
3. proper; rightful; legal; normal
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1. (main) point; gist; key points; essentials; substance; summary; outline; abstract
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1. necessities; necessary article; requisite; essentials
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Adverb (fukushi)
1. originally; essentially; naturally; by nature; really; actually
Adverb (fukushi)
2. in the first place; to begin with
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