

Words — 278 found

1. market; fair
Wikipedia definition
2. Cities of JapanA city is a local administrative unit in Japan. Cities ar... Read more
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1. citizen (of a country); citizenry
  • その
  • あたら新しい
  • ほうりつ法律
  • しみん市民
  • から
  • じゆう自由
  • うば奪った
The new law has deprived the citizens of their liberty.
2. citizen (of a city); resident; inhabitant; townspeople
  • わたし
  • 千葉
  • しみん市民
  • です
  • とうきょう東京
  • つと勤めています
I am a citizen of Chiba, but work in Tokyo.
3. bourgeoisie; middle class
Wikipedia definition
4. CitizenshipCitizenship is the state of being a citizen of a particul... Read more
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Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
1. urban areas; the streets; town; city
2. Shigai
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1. (town) market; (street) market; marketplace
  • だれ誰か
  • たと例えば
  • ひつじ
  • とか
  • うま
  • いちば市場
  • 出ている
  • もの
  • ひと等しい
  • かち価値
  • ある
  • かんが考える
  • もの
  • こうかん交換
  • する
  • ことができことが出来た
  • である
Somebody could exchange a sheep or a horse, for example, for anything in the marketplace that they considered to be of equal value.
Wikipedia definition
2. MarketA market is one of many varieties of systems, institution... Read more
Other forms
市庭 【いちば】
市庭: Rarely-used kanji form.
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1. town area; urban area; metropolitan area; built-up area
2. Shigaichi
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1. market (financial, stock, domestic, etc.); marketplace; exchange
2. (street) marketSee also 市場 いちば, usu. read いちば
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Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
1. in the city; within the cityAntonym: 市外
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1. municipal office; council; city hall
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1. citizenship; civic rights; civil rights
2. widespread acceptance; social recognition; common use
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Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
1. outside the city; suburbsAntonym: 市内
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Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
1. putting on the market; putting on sale; making commercially available
  • これら
  • しはん市販
  • されている
  • もっと最も
  • じょうとう上等の
  • かばん
These are the best bags on the market.
Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
2. commercial; off-the-shelf; store-bought; over-the-counter
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Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
1. municipal; citySee also 私立 しりつ, いちりつ spoken to avoid confusion with 私立
Other forms
市立 【いちりつ】
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Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
1. municipal government
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Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
1. (under) municipal management (transport, housing, etc.); city facility managementSee also 市営住宅 しえいじゅうたく
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1. in the city
2. in the community
Other forms
市中 【いちなか】
いちなか: Out-dated or obsolete kana usage.
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Kanji — 1 found

5 strokes. JLPT N3. Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 2.
market, city, town
Kun: いち
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Sentences — 690 found

  • jreibun/3207/2
    • じゅうにじ12時
    • から
    • じゅうさんじ13時
    • の昼休みの
    • じかんたい時間帯
    • は、職員が
    • 日ごと
    • こうたい交代
    • まどぐちたいおう窓口対応
    • おこな行って
    • いる。
    During the lunch break from 12:00 hrs to 13:00 hrs at city hall, staff members take turns tending the counter on a daily basis. Jreibun
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Names — 1035 found

いち 【市】
Female given name, Family or surname
1. Ichi
いちさき 【市】
Family or surname
1. Ichisaki
いちざき 【市】
Family or surname
1. Ichizaki
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