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Words — 84 found

1. uncleSee also 叔母 おば, 伯父 or 叔父 respectively can mean older or younger than one's parent
Other forms
伯父 【おじ】伯父 【はくふ】叔父 【しゅくふ】
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1. old man; misterUsually written using kana alone, Familiar language, vocative; used with suffix さん or 様
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1. grandfather
  • われわれ我々
  • そふ祖父
  • なまえ名前
  • むすこ息子
  • なづ名付けた
We named my son after my grandfather.
2. old manOnly applies to おおじ, See also
3. kyogen mask used for the role of an old manOnly applies to おおじ
4. Sofu
Other forms
祖父 【じじ】祖父 【じい】祖父 【おおじ】祖父 【おじ】祖父 【そぶ】
そぶ: Out-dated or obsolete kana usage.
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1. old manSee also 老媼
Other forms
老翁 【おじ】
おじ: Out-dated or obsolete kana usage.
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1. (another's) daughterPolite (teineigo) language, See also お嬢様
  • おじょうお嬢さん
  • しけん試験
  • ごうかく合格
  • なさった
  • そうです
Your daughter passed the examination, I hear.
2. young lady
  • かのじょ彼女
  • いささか
  • とりすました
  • りょうけ良家
  • おじょうお嬢さん
  • だった
She was a rather prim and proper young lady.
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じい 祖父
1. grandfatherUsually written using kana alone, usu. お祖父さん when written with kanji
  • おじいさん
  • すこ少し
  • みみがとお耳が遠い
  • んだ
My grandfather is a bit hard of hearing.
2. male senior-citizen; old manUsually written using kana alone, usu. お爺さん when written with kanji
  • おじいさん
  • その
  • にんぎょう人形
  • ピノキオ
  • なづ名づけました
The old man named the wooden doll Pinocchio.
Other forms
お爺さん 【おじいさん】
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Noun, Suru verb, Intransitive verb
1. bow; bowingPolite (teineigo) language, See also 辞儀
Wikipedia definition
2. BowingBowing (also called stooping) is the act of lowering the ... Read more
Other forms
御辞儀 【おじぎ】
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1. small island; islet
Other forms
小島 【しょうとう】小島 【おじま】
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1. uncleHonorific or respectful (sonkeigo) language, Familiar language, Usually written using kana alone, 伯父さん is older than one's parent and 叔父さん is younger
2. old man; misterFamiliar language, Usually written using kana alone, usu. 小父さん or おじさん; vocative
3. manybar goatfish (Parupeneus multifasciatus)Usually written using kana alone, usu. オジサン
Wikipedia definition
4. Parupeneus multifasciatusParupeneus multifasciatus is a Goatfish from the Pacific ... Read more
Other forms
叔父さん 【おじさん】小父さん 【おじさん】オジサンオジさん
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1. grandpa; granddadFamiliar language, Usually written using kana alone
  • わたし私の
  • おじいちゃん
  • だいく大工
  • です
My grandfather is a carpenter.
Other forms
お祖父ちゃん 【おじいちゃん】
お祖父ちゃん: Rarely-used kanji form.
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1. (another's) daughterPolite (teineigo) language
2. young lady (of pampered upbringing); woman who has never known hardship; naive woman
Other forms
お嬢さま 【おじょうさま】
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じゃ 邪魔
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)
1. please excuse the intrusion; I'm coming ingreeting used when entering someone's home
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1. (your) timePolite (teineigo) language, See also 時間, usu. in a request
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1. buck (male deer)See also 牝鹿
2. Oshika
Other forms
牡鹿 【おしか】牡鹿 【おか】雄鹿 【おじか】雄鹿 【おしか】雄鹿 【おか】
おか: Out-dated or obsolete kana usage. おか: Out-dated or obsolete kana usage.
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Noun, Na-adjective (keiyodoshi)
1. skill; skillful; dexterity
  • にほんご日本語
  • おじょうずお上手
  • です
Your Japanese is good.
Noun, Na-adjective (keiyodoshi)
2. flattery
  • つい
  • おたくお宅
  • バラ
  • 見とれて
  • しまってまして
  • ほんとう本当に
  • はな華やか
  • です
  • こと
  • 」「
  • まあ
  • おじょうずお上手
  • ねえ
  • それ
  • どうも
"I was just admiring your roses. They're absolutely gorgeous." "Oh, I'm flattered. Thank you."
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Godan verb with 'ku' ending, Intransitive verb
1. to become frightened; to get scared; to be seized with fear; to be intimidated; to lose one's nerve; to get cold feet; to chicken out; to have the wind up
Other forms
怖じ気づく 【おじけづく】怖気付く 【おじけづく】怖じ気付く 【おじけづく】
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Godan verb with 'ru' ending
1. to fall through; to come to nothing; to be ruined
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Yodan verb with 'ru' ending (archaic), Intransitive verb
1. to come; to go; to be (somewhere)Archaic, Honorific or respectful (sonkeigo) language, See also いらっしゃる
Yodan verb with 'ru' ending (archaic), Intransitive verb
2. to existArchaic, Polite (teineigo) language
  • まろ麿
  • 雅びな
  • いえ
  • 生まれ
  • おじゃる
I am descended from a graceful family.
Auxiliary verb, Yodan verb with 'ru' ending (archaic)
3. be; isArchaic, Polite (teineigo) language, See also であります, usu. after the particle で; forms a polite copula
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1. white-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla)Usually written using kana alone
Wikipedia definition
2. White-tailed EagleThe White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) — also call... Read more
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Kanji — 4 found

8 strokes. JLPT N3. Jōyō kanji, taught in junior high.
dreadful, be frightened, fearful
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10 strokes.
dreadful, be frightened, fearful
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18 strokes.
stag, buck, hart
Kun: おじか
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8 strokes.
cowardice, wince, flinch, hesitate, waver
On: キョウ コウ
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Sentences — 373 found

  • jreibun/695/2
    • いんが因果
    • ふく含められ
    • のいない
    • おじふうふ叔父夫婦
    • ようし養子
    • となり、
    • おじ叔父
    • の事業の
    • こうけいしゃ後継者
    • とし育てられることとなった。
    When I was very young, I was persuaded by my parents to be adopted by my childless uncle and his wife, and it was decided that I was to be raised as the successor to his business. Jreibun
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