
せんてんせいちゅうすうせいはいほうていかんしょうこうぐん 先天性中枢性肺胞低換気症候群
1. congenital central hypoventilation syndrome; CCHSMedicine
Wikipedia definition
2. Ondine's curseOndine's curse, also called congenital central hypoventilation syndrome (CCHS) or primary alveolar hypoventilation, is a respiratory disorder that is fatal if untreated. Persons afflicted with Ondine's curse classically suffer from respiratory arrest during sleep. Persons who have CCHS have it at birth, or develop it due to severe neurological trauma/damage to the brainstem.
Read “Ondine's curse” on English Wikipedia
Read “先天性中枢性肺胞低換気症候群” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “Ondine's curse” on DBpedia


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