

Words — 4 found

Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
1. family circle; one's circle (of friends, co-workers, etc.); one's fellows; in-group
  • その
  • うわき浮気
  • うちわ内輪
  • ひみつ秘密
That love affair is a family secret.
Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
2. private matters; internal affairs
Na-adjective (keiyodoshi), Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no', Noun
3. conservative (e.g. estimate); moderate
4. pigeon toe (walking); in-toeingSee also 外輪 そとわ
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Noun
1. member of one's in-group (e.g. family member, colleague)
Other forms
うちの者 【うちのもの】
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1. this; this oneUsually written using kana alone, See also それ, See also あれ, See also どれ, indicating an item near the speaker, the action of the speaker, or the current topic
  • これ
  • おもしろ面白い
  • ほん
This is an interesting book.
2. this personUsually written using kana alone, usu. indicating someone in one's in-group
  • これ
  • あに
  • です
  • かっこいい
  • です
This is my brother. Handsome, isn't he?
3. now; this point (in time)Usually written using kana alone, as これから, これまで, etc.
  • わたし
  • これ
  • から
  • えいご英語
  • いっしょうけんめい一生懸命
  • べんきょう勉強します
I will study English hard from now on.
4. hereDated term, Usually written using kana alone
Adverb (fukushi)
5. used to stress the subject of a sentenceFormal or literary term, Usually written using kana alone
6. I; meArchaic
Other forms
是 【これ】是れ 【これ】之 【これ】之れ 【これ】維 【これ】惟 【これ】此 【これ】
此れ: Rarely-used kanji form. 是: Rarely-used kanji form. 是れ: Rarely-used kanji form. 之: Rarely-used kanji form. 之れ: Rarely-used kanji form. 維: Rarely-used kanji form. 惟: Rarely-used kanji form. 此: Irregular okurigana usage, Rarely-used kanji form.
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Noun, Adverb (fukushi)
1. inside; within
  • エイズ
  • わたし
  • いき生きている
  • うち
  • なお治る
  • こと
  • ねが願っている
I have a dream that AIDS will be cured in my lifetime.
Noun, Adverb (fukushi)
2. while (e.g. one is young); during; within (e.g. a day); in the course ofUsually written using kana alone
  • あの
  • しょうねん少年
  • みせ
  • から
  • みせ
  • ある歩いている
  • うち
  • ぬす盗み
  • くせ
  • でて
  • しまった
The young boy got sticky fingers when he walked into stores.
Noun, Adverb (fukushi)
3. among; amongst; (out) of; betweenUsually written using kana alone, as 〜のうち
  • わたし私の
  • むすこ息子
  • ふたり二人
  • うち
  • ひとり一人
  • きょうし教師
  • もうひとりもう一人
  • いしゃ医者
  • です
One of my sons is a teacher, and the other is a doctor.
4. in (secret, chaos, poverty, etc.); amidst; with (e.g. success)Usually written using kana alone, also 裡, 裏; as 〜のうちに after a noun representing a state or condition
  • うち
  • はたら働いて
  • たい
  • ウッド
  • さん
  • たず尋ねました
"Would you like to work for me, Tony?" asked Mr Wood.
5. within oneself; one's feelings; inner thoughts
6. we; our company; our organizationUsually written using kana alone, Only applies to 内, Antonym: そと, Antonym: よそ
  • うちの
  • いちばん一番
  • うでき腕利きの
  • こうしょう交渉
  • しゃ
  • いつも
  • ごういん強引に
  • ゆうり有利な
  • とりひ取り引き
  • する
Our best negotiators always drive a hard bargain.
7. one's home; one's familyUsually written using kana alone, Only applies to 内, See also 家 うち, also 家
8. my spouse; my husband; my wifeOnly applies to 内
9. signed on behalf of (husband's name) by his wifeOnly applies to 内, in a letter after the husband's name
10. I; meUsually written using kana alone, Kansai dialect, Only applies to 内, primarily used by women and children
11. imperial palace groundsArchaic, Only applies to 内
12. emperorArchaic, Only applies to 内
Other forms
中 【うち】
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