

Words — 342 found

1. entertainment hall (for rakugo, manzai, magic, music, etc.); vaudeville theater (theatre); music hall
Other forms
寄席 【よせせき】寄せ席 【よせせき】
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1. town hall
  • まちやくば町役場
  • でいうと
  • しやくしょ市役所
  • に当たり、
  • まち
  • の行政を取り扱うとともに、
  • ぜい
  • に関する業務も
  • おこな行って
  • いる。
A town hall is the equivalent of a city hall in a city, it handles the public administration of the town as well as tax-related matters.
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1. ceremonial hall (e.g. wedding, funeral); hall for ceremonies; place of ceremony
  • しきじょう式場
  • じゅうすうかしょ十数か所
  • 見学し、最終的に海の見えるロマンチックなホテルの
  • しきじょう式場
  • を選んだ。
My older sister toured more than a dozen wedding venues and finally chose a ceremonial hall at a romantic hotel with a view of the ocean.
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1. reception hall (esp. for visiting state dignitaries); guest house
2. State Guest House (esp. Akasaka palace, also guest house in Kyoto)
3. Geihinkan
Wikipedia definition
4. Akasaka PalaceAkasaka Palace is a former imperial residence that functi... Read more
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1. dojo; hall used for martial arts training
2. manda (place of Buddhist practice or meditation, esp. the place under the bodhi tree where Buddha attained enlightenment)Buddhism, Abbreviation, See also 菩提道場
Wikipedia definition
3. DojoA dojo is a Japanese term which literally means "place of... Read more
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1. main building (as opposed to an annex, outbuilding, etc.)
  • べっかん別館
  • ほんかん本館
  • きたがわ北側
  • ある
The annex is on the north of the original building.
2. this library; this museum; this theatre; this hall; this building
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1. gallery; exhibition hall
  • びじゅつかん美術館
  • ひがし
  • ちんれつとう陳列棟
  • せいそう清掃
  • ため
  • へいさ閉鎖
  • されていた
The museum's eastern gallery was closed for cleaning.
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1. main hall (of a Buddhist temple); main temple
Wikipedia definition
2. Mahavira HallA Mahavira Hall or Hall of Mahavira (大雄寶殿, meaning "Hall ... Read more
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1. temple meditation hall or certain other temple structures
2. Soudou
Wikipedia definition
3. ZendoZendo or senbutsu-jō is a Japanese term translating rough... Read more
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1. one's habitual seat; regular hall; entertainment hall
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1. student union; student center; students' hall
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1. public hall; community center; community centre
2. Kouminkan
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1. city meeting hall; civic hall; community center
2. Shiminkaikan
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1. prefectural meeting hall; civic center; community hallSee also 市民会館 しみんかいかん
2. Kenminkaikan
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Godan verb - Iku/Yuku special class, Intransitive verb
1. to go; to move (towards); to head (towards); to leave (for)See also 来る
  • おかあお母さん
  • およ泳ぎ
  • 行って
  • いい
Can I go swimming, Mother?
Godan verb - Iku/Yuku special class, Intransitive verb
2. to move through; to travel across; to walk along (e.g. a road)
  • たんけんか探検家
  • さんちゅう山中
  • みちなきみち道なき道
  • 行った
The explorer pushed his way through the trackless mountain region.
Godan verb - Iku/Yuku special class, Intransitive verb
3. to go (well, badly, etc.); to proceed; to turn out; to get along
  • あなたの
  • おかげで
  • しごと仕事
  • うまく
  • 行きました
Thanks to you, the job went well.
Godan verb - Iku/Yuku special class, Intransitive verb
4. to do (in a particular way); to go (with; a choice); to tryoft. as で〜
Godan verb - Iku/Yuku special class, Intransitive verb
5. to pass (of time, seasons, etc.); to go by
Godan verb - Iku/Yuku special class, Intransitive verb
6. to stream; to flow
Godan verb - Iku/Yuku special class, Intransitive verb
7. to die; to pass awayusu. written as 逝く
Godan verb - Iku/Yuku special class, Intransitive verb
8. to reach (a stage, extent, age, etc.); to get to; to go (so far as ...)
Godan verb - Iku/Yuku special class, Intransitive verb
9. to reach (of information, instructions, wind, etc.); to arrive
Auxiliary verb, Godan verb - Iku/Yuku special class
10. to continue ...; to go on ...; to (progress) steadily; to gradually ...; to progressively ...Usually written using kana alone, after the -te form of a verb; い sometimes omitted in casual speech
  • その
  • おと
  • だんだん
  • ちい小さく
  • なって
  • いった
The sound grew fainter and fainter.
Godan verb - Iku/Yuku special class, Intransitive verb
11. to have an orgasm; to come; to cumUsually written using kana alone, Colloquial, oft. written as イク
Godan verb - Iku/Yuku special class, Intransitive verb
12. to trip; to get high; to have a drug-induced hallucinationUsually written using kana alone, Slang
Other forms
行く 【ゆく】往く 【いく】往く 【ゆく】
往く: Rarely-used kanji form. 往く: Rarely-used kanji form.
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