

Words — 86 found

'taru' adjective, Adverb taking the 'to' particle, Na-adjective (keiyodoshi)
1. brutal (atmosphere, society, etc.); savage; fierce; violent; bloodthirsty; stark
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Noun, Suru verb, Intransitive verb
1. strenuous effort; hard struggle; working hard
Noun, Suru verb, Intransitive verb
2. hard fighting; fierce fighting
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Pre-noun adjectival (rentaishi)
1. savage; wild; unruly; fierce; roughSee also 荒ぶる神, See also 荒びる
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Intransitive verb
2. to behave roughly; to get wildColloquial
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Na-adjective (keiyodoshi), Noun
1. extremely gruesome; lurid; violent; bloody; fierce
Other forms
悽絶 【せいぜつ】
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1. each encampment
'taru' adjective, Adverb taking the 'to' particle
2. strong (wind); fierce
'taru' adjective, Adverb taking the 'to' particle
3. intermittent
Other forms
陣陣 【じんじん】
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Na-adjective (keiyodoshi), Noun
1. virile; tough; masculine; sharp (features, look, etc.); fierce; dauntless
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Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
1. fierce attack
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Noun, Suru verb, Intransitive verb
1. fierce fighting
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'taru' adjective, Adverb taking the 'to' particle
1. loud (criticism, protest, etc.); noisy; clamorous; boisterous; uproarious; fierceUsually written using kana alone
Other forms
囂囂 【ごうごう】轟々 【ごうごう】轟轟 【ごうごう】
轟々: Irregular kanji usage. 轟轟: Irregular kanji usage.
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Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no', Na-adjective (keiyodoshi)
1. fierce look; frightening look; tough look
Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no', Na-adjective (keiyodoshi)
2. aggressive attitude; coercive attitude; taking a hard line
  • こわもて強面
  • へん変な
  • セールス
  • だったら
  • すぐ
  • アタシ
  • 呼び
  • なさい
  • おいかえ追い返して
  • やる
  • から
If it's an aggressive strange salesman, then call me right away. I'll chase him off.
Other forms
強面 【こわおもて】怖面 【こわもて】怖面 【こわおもて】恐面 【こわもて】恐面 【こわおもて】コワモテコワオモテ
こわおもて: Out-dated or obsolete kana usage. こわおもて: Out-dated or obsolete kana usage. こわおもて: Out-dated or obsolete kana usage.
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Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no', Noun
1. immovable; motionless; firm; unwavering; unshakable; steadfast
2. Acala (Wisdom King); Fudō; fierce Buddhist deityBuddhism, Abbreviation, See also 不動明王
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1. Deva king (guardian god at a temple gate, holding a vajra); VajrapaniBuddhism, See also 金剛杵 こんごうしょ
Wikipedia definition
2. NioKongōrikishi (金剛力士) or Niō (仁王) are two wrath-filled and ... Read more
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1. Acala (Wisdom King); Acalanatha; Fudō Myōō (Myō-ō); fierce Buddhist deityBuddhism
2. Fudoumyouou
Wikipedia definition
3. AcalaAcala is one of fierce, angry-faced guardian deities of V... Read more
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1. Acala (Wisdom King); Āryācalanātha; Fudō; fierce Buddhist deityHonorific or respectful (sonkeigo) language, See also 不動明王
2. Fudouson
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1. fierce flames; raging flames
Other forms
猛焔 【もうえん】
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Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
1. to attach; to join; to connect; to add; to append; to affix; to stick; to glue; to fasten; to sew on; to apply (ointment); to put againstUsually written using kana alone
  • おまえ
  • うわぎ上着
  • わたし私の
  • かんじょう勘定
  • つけて
  • おきなさい
Put your coat on my account.
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
2. to furnish (a house with)Usually written using kana alone
  • じたく自宅
  • かいちく改築
  • する
  • さい
  • この
  • へや部屋
  • だけ
  • ぼうおんせつび防音設備
  • うちかぎ内鍵
  • 付けたんだ
When my home had an extension built I only had this room fitted with soundproofing and an internal lock.
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
3. to wear; to put onUsually written using kana alone
  • よろい
  • つけている
  • ひと
  • ころ転ぶ
  • おお大きな
  • おと
  • する
He who wears armor falls with a big crash!
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
4. to keep a diary; to make an entryUsually written using kana alone
  • かのじょ彼女
  • むかし
  • 日記を付けていた
  • いま
  • つけていない
She used to keep a diary, but she no longer does.
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
5. to appraise; to set (a price)Usually written using kana alone
  • あの
  • みせ
  • しょうひん商品
  • ねさ値下げ
  • して
  • ねだん値段
  • つけてある
They mark down goods at that shop.
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
6. to allot; to budget; to assignUsually written using kana alone
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
7. to bring alongsideUsually written using kana alone
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
8. to place (under guard or doctor)Usually written using kana alone
  • けいかん警官
  • その
  • おとこ
  • つけた
The policeman followed him.
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
9. to follow (someone); to shadow; to tail; to stalkUsually written using kana alone
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
10. to load; to give (courage to)Usually written using kana alone
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
11. to keep (an eye on)Usually written using kana alone
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
12. to establish (relations or understanding)Usually written using kana alone
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
13. to turn on (a light)Usually written using kana alone, See also 点ける
  • テレビ
  • つけた
  • とたんに
  • ヒューズ
  • とんだ
No sooner had Tom turned on the TV than the fuse blew.
Ichidan verb, Transitive verb
14. to produce flowers (of a plant); to produce fruitUsually written using kana alone
  • わたし私の
  • すこ少し
  • はな
  • つけた
  • ならなかった
My tree had a few blossoms but no fruit.
Suffix, Ichidan verb
15. to do intensely; to do fiercely; to do stronglyUsually written using kana alone, See also 怒鳴りつける, after -masu stem of verb
Suffix, Ichidan verb
16. to be used to (doing); to be accustomed toUsually written using kana alone, after -masu stem of verb
Other forms
着ける 【つける】附ける 【つける】
附ける: Rarely-used kanji form.
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