Words — 35 found
1. to deceive; to cheat; to swindleUsually written using kana alone
- そんな
- て手
- で
- わたし私の
- め目
- を
- ごまかそう
- としても
- むだ無駄
- だ 。
2. to falsify; to misrepresent; to lie about; to tamper with; to fiddle; to doctor; to cookUsually written using kana alone
- かれ彼ら
- は
- ぜいきん税金
- を
- のが逃れる
- ために
- ちょう帳じり
- を
- ごまかした 。
3. to evade (a question, taxes, etc.); to dodge; to gloss over (a mistake, fault, etc.); to smooth over; to get one's way out of (a difficult situation); to explain awayUsually written using kana alone
- かれ彼
- は
- その
- こと
- を
- わら笑って
- ごまかした 。
4. to embezzle; to pocketUsually written using kana alone
誤摩化す 【ごまかす】、胡麻化す 【ごまかす】
誤魔化す: Ateji (phonetic) reading. 誤摩化す: Ateji (phonetic) reading, Rarely-used kanji form. 胡麻化す: Ateji (phonetic) reading, Rarely-used kanji form.
1. to trick; to cheat; to deceive; to swindle; to dupe
2. to coax; to wheedle; to soothe; to calm
欺す 【だます】、瞞す 【だます】
欺す: Rarely-used kanji form. 瞞す: Rarely-used kanji form.
1. to hang (something) on (something); to throw on (clothes)
- かのじょ彼女
- は
- うわぎ上着
- を
- ひ引っかける
- と
- そと外
- へ
- で出た 。
2. to hook; to catch; to trap; to ensnare
- セーター
- を
- あの
- くぎ釘
- に
- ひっかけちゃった 。
3. to cheat; to evade payment; to jump a bill
4. to drink (alcohol)
- かれ彼
- は
- わたし私たち
- に
- みず水
- を
- ひっかけた 。
6. to hit the ball off the end of the batBaseball
引っかける 【ひっかける】、引っ懸ける 【ひっかける】
1. to throw down; to bring down; to blow down; to fell; to knock down; to set (something) down on its side; to turn (something) on its side; to recline (e.g. a seat)
- シート
- よこ横
- に
- ある
- ノブ
- を
- まえ前
- に
- うご動かし 、
- シート
- を
- たお倒します 。
2. to kill; to defeat; to beatocc. written as 斃す, 殪す, 仆す
- その
- ボクサー
- は
- だい第 1
- ラウンド
- で
- あいて相手
- を
- たお倒す
- つもり
- だ
- と
- い言った 。
3. to overthrow; to trip up; to ruin
4. to leave unpaid; to cheat
5. to do completely; to do thoroughly; to do to the fullestafter the -masu stem of verb
1. to lie; to pretend; to feign; to falsify
- かれ彼
- は
- ねんれい年齢
- を
- いつわ偽った 。
2. to deceive; to trick
詐る 【いつわる】
詐る: Rarely-used kanji form.
1. secret trick; hidden method; trick of the trade; cheat (in a video game)
裏ワザ 【うらわざ】、ウラ技 【うらわざ】
1. to cheat (someone out of); to swindle; to wangle; to wheedle; to get
1. I doubt it (card game); cheat; bluff; bullshitCard games
2. I doubt that; no way; you're fibbingColloquial
1. to steal; to rob; to snatch; to pocket; to plunderUsually written using kana alone
2. to deceive; to trick; to cheatUsually written using kana alone
3. to graze (in passing); to skim; to brush against; to touch lightlyUsually written using kana alone
- わたし私
- は
- かれ彼
- の
- わき
- を
- かすめて
- はし走った 。
4. to appear and quickly disappear (a thought, a smile, etc.); to flit (through one's mind, across one's face)Usually written using kana alone
5. to do (something) while no one is lookingUsually written using kana alone, often as 目をかすめて
6. to hint at; to suggest; to insinuateUsually written using kana alone, Archaic
1. to play a trick on; to cheat; to deceive; to dupe
いっぱい食わす 【いっぱいくわす】
1. to feed (e.g. an animal on oats); to let eat; to serve (e.g. in a restaurant); to force to eatSee also 食わせる
2. to support (e.g. a family); to provide for; to keep
3. to inflict (damage); to deal (e.g. a blow); to administer
- ジム
- は
- えいが映画
- に
- い行く
- やくそく約束
- を
- した
- ガールフレンド
- に
- 待ちぼうけ
- を
- くわされ 、
- あめ雨
- の
- なか中
- を
- いちじかん一時間
- も
- ま待たされて
- あたま頭にきている 。
1. fake; sham; counterfeitOnly applies to 食わせ物
2. impostor; cheat; hypocrite
食わせ者 【くわせもの】
1. foul play; cheatingUsually written using kana alone
2. cunning person; sly fellow; cheatUsually written using kana alone
狡 【ずる】
狡: Rarely-used kanji form.
1. to cheat (in a romantic relationship)Idiomatic expression
2. to play it both ways; to sit on the fence; to two-timeIdiomatic expression
二股を掛ける 【ふたまたをかける】