

Words — 482 found

1. seat
Wikipedia definition
2. SeatA seat is place to sit, often referring to the area one s... Read more
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Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Intransitive verb
1. to sit; to squat
  • すうにん数人
  • がくせい学生
  • ベンチ
  • すわ座り
  • ちゅうしょく昼食
  • 食べていた
Some students were sitting on the bench and having lunch.
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Intransitive verb
2. to assume (a position)
Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Intransitive verb
3. to hold steady; to hold stillesp. 据わる
Other forms
据わる 【すわる】坐る 【すわる】
坐る: Rarely-used kanji form.
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1. zabuton; flat floor cushion used when sitting or kneeling; usu. rectangular
Wikipedia definition
2. ZabutonA zabuton (座布団) is a Japanese cushion for sitting. The za... Read more
Other forms
座ぶとん 【ざぶとん】座蒲団 【ざぶとん】坐蒲団 【ざぶとん】
座蒲団: Rarely-used kanji form. 坐蒲団: Rarely-used kanji form.
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1. constellation
  • こだい古代
  • てんもんがくしゃ天文学者
  • せいざ星座
  • 見つけ
  • 名前をつけた
Ancient astronomers noticed constellations and gave them names.
2. astrological sign; star sign; zodiac sign
Wikipedia definition
3. ConstellationIn modern astronomy, a constellation is an internationall... Read more
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)
1. to be; to existPolite (teineigo) language, Usually written using kana alone, See also 御座る
Auxiliary verb
2. to be (doing)Polite (teineigo) language, Usually written using kana alone, after the ~て form of a verb; in highly formal contexts
Auxiliary verb
3. did; (have) donePolite (teineigo) language, Usually written using kana alone, Dated term, after the ~て form of a masu verb; as ましてございます
御座います: Rarely-used kanji form.
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Adverb (fukushi)
1. immediately; right away; on the spotSee also 即座
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1. Ginza (district in Tokyo)
  • ニューヨーク
  • ばん
  • がい
  • ぎんざ銀座
  • ひかく比較
  • される
New York's Fifth Avenue is comparable to Ginza.
Noun, used as a suffix
2. busy shopping district; bustling locationSee also 台風銀座
3. silver mint (Edo period)Historical term
Wikipedia definition
4. Ginzais a district of Chūō, Tokyo, located south of Yaesu and ... Read more
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1. seat; place
2. position; status
  • ついに
  • かのじょ彼女
  • けんりょく権力の
  • てにい手に入れた
Finally she attained a position of power.
3. gathering; party; company; atmosphere (of a gathering)
4. stand; pedestal; platform
5. trade guildHistorical term
6. attaches to the names of constellations
7. attaches to the names of theatres, cinemas and theatrical troupes
  • これ
  • しょうわ昭和
  • から
  • ぶたいちゅうけい舞台中継
  • です
This is a direct broadcast from the Showa theater.
Suffix, Counter
8. counter for theatres, deities, Buddhist images, tall mountains, and satokagura songsSee also 里神楽
Wikipedia definition
9. Za (guilds)The za were one of the primary types of trade guilds in f... Read more
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1. zazen (seated Zen meditation, usu. in a cross-legged position)Buddhism
Wikipedia definition
2. ZazenIn Zen Buddhism, zazen is a meditative discipline practit... Read more
Other forms
坐禅 【ざぜん】
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Noun, Suru verb, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
1. chief seat; seat of honor; seat of honour; head of the table
2. Jouza
Wikipedia definition
3. Kamizais the Japanese language term referring to the "top seat"... Read more
Other forms
上座 【じょうざ】
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Noun, Suru verb, Intransitive verb
1. leaving one's seat (before an event is over); excusing oneself (from a meeting, conversation, etc.)
Wikipedia definition
2. Naka no ShibaiNaka no Shibai (中の芝居, Central Theatre), also known as Nak... Read more
Other forms
中坐 【ちゅうざ】
中坐: Rarely-used kanji form.
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1. course (e.g. of lectures)
  • この
  • こうざ講座
  • おうきゅうてあて応急手当
  • きほんてき基本的な
  • ぎのう技能
  • おし教えます
This course teaches basic skills in first aid.
2. academic university unit (professor, lecturers, etc.)
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Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no', Noun
1. immediate; right there on the spot; impromptu; instant; instantaneous
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1. the whole company; the party; all those present; everyone in attendance
Noun, Suru verb
2. attendance (at a gathering); presence
3. banquet; dinner; party
4. troupe; (theatrical) company
  • あの
  • じょゆう女優
  • いちざ一座
  • いちまいかんばん一枚看板
That actress is the shining star of the company.
5. (one) statueSee also
6. top seat; head (of the table)Archaic
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Noun, Suru verb, Intransitive verb
1. seiza; kneeling with the tops of the feet flat on the floor, and sitting on the soles
Other forms
正坐 【せいざ】
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Godan verb with 'mu' ending, Intransitive verb
1. to (enter and) sit down; to plop oneself down; to plant oneself down
Godan verb with 'mu' ending, Intransitive verb
2. to sit down (and refuse to move); to sit in (in protest)
Other forms
坐り込む 【すわりこむ】
坐り込む: Rarely-used kanji form.
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Godan verb with 'ru' ending, Intransitive verb
1. to remain; to stay (somewhere)
Other forms
居坐る 【いすわる】居据わる 【いすわる】
居坐る: Rarely-used kanji form. 居据わる: Rarely-used kanji form.
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Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
1. (for) the time being; (for) the present; (for) the moment
  • とうざ当座
  • ところ
  • ぼく
  • おじ叔父
  • いえ
  • 泊めて
  • もらっている
  • しょうらい将来
  • ちい小さな
  • アパート
  • うつ移る
  • つもり
I am staying with my uncle for the time being, but later I will move to a small apartment.
Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
2. immediate; present; current
3. (for) some time (after)
4. checking account; current accountAbbreviation, See also 当座預金
  • この
  • こぎって小切手
  • ぎんこう銀行
  • とうざ当座
  • 入れ
  • なさい
Deposit this check in my checking account.
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Kanji — 1 found

10 strokes. JLPT N3. Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 6.
squat, seat, cushion, gathering, sit
Kun: すわ.る
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