

Words — 454 found

Noun, Noun, used as a suffix
1. periodGeology
2. Nihon Shoki (second oldest work of Japanese history, compiled in 720 CE); Nihongi; Chronicles of JapanAbbreviation, See also 日本書紀
3. Kii (former province located in present-day Wakayama and southern Mie prefectures)Abbreviation, Historical term
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4. System (stratigraphy)A system in the natural sciences and stratigraphy is an i... Read more
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Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
1. commemoration; celebration; remembrance; memory; honoring the memory of
  • きょう今日
  • しきてん式典
  • わがこうわが校
  • 100
  • しゅうねん周年
  • きねん記念
  • する
  • もの
  • です
Today's ceremony marks the 100th anniversary of our school.
2. memento; souvenir; keepsake
  • アメリカ
  • りょこう旅行
  • よい
  • きねん記念
  • になります
This will be a good souvenir of my trip around the United States.
Other forms
紀念 【きねん】
紀念: Rarely-used kanji form.
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1. order; observance; discipline
  • この
  • がっこう学校
  • きりつ規律
  • やや
  • ゆる緩やか
Discipline is rather mild at this school.
2. rules; law; regulations
  • せいと生徒
  • なか
  • には
  • きりつ規律
  • まも守る
  • たいへん大変な
  • もの
  • いる
Some pupils find it difficult to follow the rules.
Other forms
紀律 【きりつ】
紀律: Rarely-used kanji form.
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Noun, Adverb (fukushi)
1. pre-era; BC; BCE
Wikipedia definition
2. Ante Christum NatumAnte Christum Natum (Latin for Before Christ Born), usual... Read more
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1. era
2. CE (Common Era); AD (Anno Domini)
  • きげん紀元
  • 2020
  • とし
  • まで
  • には
  • この
  • じんこう人口
  • ばいぞう倍増
  • している
  • だろう
By the year 2020, the population of our city will have doubled.
Wikipedia definition
3. Epoch (reference date)In the fields of chronology and periodization, an epoch i... Read more
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1. traveller's journal; traveler's journal; travelogue
Wikipedia definition
2. Travel literatureTravel literature is travel writing aspiring to literary ... Read more
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1. Kisei Main Line (Wakayama-Mie railway)Service
Wikipedia definition
2. Kisei Main Line|} The Kisei Main Line is a railway line that runs along ... Read more
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しゅうてつどうかぶしきがいしゃ 紀州鉄道株式会社
1. Kishu RailwayOrganization name
2. Kishu Railway
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1. Kii (former province located in present-day Wakayama and southern Mie prefectures)Historical term
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しゅう 紀州
1. Citrus kinokuni (species of mandarin orange)
Other forms
紀州蜜柑 【きしゅうみかん】キシュウミカン
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1. bulletin; memoirs
  • さくねんど昨年度
  • おこな行った
  • 調査の結果を、大学の
  • けんきゅうきよう研究紀要
  • に発表することにした。
I have decided to publish the results of the survey conducted last year in the university’s research bulletin.
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1. travel writing; travel piece; traveller's journal; traveler's journal
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1. Empire Day (February 11th; national holiday held from 1872 to 1948)Historical term, See also 建国記念の日
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1. annals-biographies form (of historical writing)
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ほんまつたい 紀事本末体
1. topical-annalistic style (of historical writing)
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1. calendar era; year numbering system used by a calendar
Wikipedia definition
2. Calendar eraA calendar era is the year numbering system used by a cal... Read more
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1. Kishu (Japanese dog breed)
Wikipedia definition
2. KishuThe Kishu, sometimes called Kishu Ken or Kishu Inu, is a ... Read more
Other forms
紀州犬 【きしゅういぬ】
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Kanji — 1 found

9 strokes. JLPT N1. Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 5.
chronicle, account, narrative, history, annals, geologic period
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Sentences — 113 found

  • jreibun/2430/1
    • さくねんど昨年度
    • おこな行った
    • 調査の結果を、大学の
    • けんきゅうきよう研究紀要
    • に発表することにした。
    I have decided to publish the results of the survey conducted last year in the university’s research bulletin. Jreibun
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Names — 1088 found

おさむ 【紀】
Given name, gender not specified
1. Osamu
かなめ 【紀】
Female given name
1. Kaname
き 【紀】
Family or surname
1. Ki
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