Words — 35 found
1. to deify; to enshrine
- この
- きねんひ記念碑
- は
- そこく祖国
- に
- いのちをささ命を捧げた
- へいし兵士
- を
- まつ祭っている 。
2. to pray; to worship
祀る 【まつる】
1. to set (someone) up (in a high position); to kick upstairs
2. to hold sacred; to worship
3. to flatter
1. priest
1. rites; ritual
1. festival; rites; ritual
1. ritual; religious service; festival
1. (head) priest; head priest of the Ise Shrine
1. official who arranges festival and rites
1. equipment used in a ritual; ritual implement