
Wikipedia definition
1. History of rugby union matches between New Zealand and South AfricaThe All Blacks and the Springboks have been playing Test match rugby union since 1921 when the All Blacks beat the Springboks in Dunedin 13 – 5. There is considerable history behind the All Blacks-Springbok matches, much of it off the field. In 1981, there were protests in New Zealand over the Springboks coming to New Zealand due to the then South African government's policy of apartheid. Up until the start of the professional era, the Springboks had won 21 tests to the All Blacks 18.
Read “History of rugby union matches between New Zealand and South Africa” on English Wikipedia
Read “ニュージーランド対南アフリカ共和国のラグビーテストマッチ” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “History of rugby union matches between New Zealand and South Africa” on DBpedia


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